Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD 5.9.20
Warm Up
10 Minutes for Quality:
10 Alternating Forward Goblet Lunges (walking if you have space)
:20 each KB/DB Side Plank
20 Quadruped Shoulder Taps
16 Alt. Russian Twists
4 Rounds of :40 Work, :20 Rest
Goblet Squat+Russian KB Swing
Forearm Plank
:20 Forward :20 Lateral Feet Together Hops
Hollow Hold
1-Arm Tall Plank Row (switch every 5 reps)
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Brittnastics 5.9.20
Warm Up/Movement Work
3 Rounds:
1:00 Straddle Wall Sit
8 Alternating Toe Taps
8 Alternating 90/90 to Straddle
Adductor PAILs & RAILs
Perform after warm up today. In class we will try a different variation.
3 Rounds:
6 Compression Sit-Up to Pancake
6 Straddle Ups + 6 In/Out Circles in Straddle
Adding a rep this week, you can add 1-3 reps or move slower. 🙂
5 x 1.1 Straddle Press Wall Assisted
Rest :20 between reps, :60 b/w sets. Options for modification include: kicking up to Handstand and performing the eccentric, straddle hops, spot assisted work (if you have a spotter at home).
For Quality Conditioning and Play!
4 Rounds:
8-10 Towel/Slider Straddle Ups
4 Candlestick to Seated Straddle w/ elevation
4 Pike Jumps + 4 Straddle Jumps + 4 Tuck Jumps
8-10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Post work to comments.
Daniel R. under the yoke at Strong Fit right around this weekend in 2018 | Photo by Thomas H.
Weekend Classes
Get your socially distanced fitness on with us this weekend! We have a few classes to choose from. Here’s our schedule:
10am Locked & Loaded
12pm Brittnastics
10am Active Recovery
Click over to the Virtual Class Info page to join us.
Question of the Day
What’s your favorite fried food?
Knees Out in the Deadlift Starting Strength
Does the Fitness Industry Have an Alcohol Problem? The Temper
10AM LnL. Goblet Squat + Russian Swing is a fun combo once you get the rhythm down.
QOTD: Korean wings. But I’ve been experimenting with at-home deep frying in my dutch oven (buttermilk fried chicken, fish and chips, korean wings) and this skill development is really the only quarantine self-improvement I’ve done so far
Awww, I miss Strong Fit!
10 AM class was pretty chill. Or at least, I took it chill.
QOD: It’s a close call between 1) churros; 2) Korean fried chicken; 3) Hill Country fried chicken.