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Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 5.9.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
6-10 Lying Windshield Wipers (option to ad weight)
5 Inch Worm + Yoga Push-Ups
8 Prone Blackburns
A 1) 3 x 6-10 each leg Rear Foot Elevated Single Leg Contralateral Dumbbell/Kettelbell Deadlift
3 seconds down.
A2) 3 x 3 each :10 Overhead/March Hold + 5 Presses
1 rep = 10 second Overhead Hold/March, then 5 Presses. Do 3 each arm for 3 sets.
3 Rounds with 2:00 Rest:
1:00 1-Arm Hang Snatch
1:00 Burpees
1:00 1-Arm Suitcase Deadlift
1:00 Sit-Ups
Switch arms as needed but try to stay as close to even as possible.
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Fit 55+ Gym-less WOD 5.8.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds (at a deliberate pace):
8e Bird Dogs
8e Single Leg Hip Bridges
8e Single Arm High Pulls
4-5 Sets (each):
6-8 Alternating Leg Tall Kneel to Standing
12-15 Push-Ups
Use your arms for balance or place your hands on your thigh or a chair for support on the Tall Kneel to Standing as needed. Or, hold a weight at your chest to make them more challenging. The Push-Ups should be one unbroken set. Modify to the knees or, even better, perform Hand Elevated Push-Ups as needed. Alternately, if you can perform 12-15 Push-Ups easily, scale up to Feet Elevated!
3 Rounds:
3 minutes of continuous effort at a fast pace…
20 Backpack Swings
15 Squats
10 Seated Knee Tucks
Rest 1:00 between rounds. Beginning each round with the Swings and aim to score the same or close to the same on each round.
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Our CrossFit Kids at Fight Gone Bad 2016. We hope you’re all having whatever kind of day you need to have today!
Today: Free Morning Meditation at 8am
Join Coach Fox Tuesday and Friday mornings at 8am for free 30 minute classes as we begin our day together with a small dose of mindfulness. Each session begins with descriptions of the specific techniques we’ll use that day, some breath work followed by a brief mindfulness meditation, and ends with a few minutes for questions and comments. These sessions offer something to experienced meditators and first timers alike, and no previous experience at all is required. If you’ve been “contemplative curious,” this can be a great place to start. If you’re a seasoned sitter, use it as a nice bump to your existing practice.
We’re also offering 7am and 12pm virtual Locked & Loaded classes today. Go HERE to see our full weekend schedule.
Question of the Day
What’s something you don’t understand about today’s youth culture?
Why Top Athletes Nap So Much Outside
Why COVID-19 Hits Some People and Places Differently Blue Zones
Managed only 2.5 rounds of the work this morning (got through all of the RDLs but only 2 rounds of the upper body work, which was SHOCKINGLY hard).
The WOD I just took at a sustainable pace. I’m settling into the fact that I’m not really a fire-breather unless I’m physically around other people (and often not even then), and that’s OK. I’m going to give myself a gold star for having made it to 7 AM class (and 10 AM on Saturdays) with just about perfect consistency during quarantine.
Meditation: WOW, 15 minutes feels like an eternity! My mind really likes to drift toward “thing I forgot to add to my grocery list” a lot. Followed Fox’s advice and just gently guided myself back to focus on breathing each time. One thing I found that helped was to think of my breath as tracing a figure 8 shape (down to lower back, then fill the belly, then the upper back, finally the chest).
Thanks Jody for sharing about how journaling has helped you!
LOVE this process you came to 🙂
QOD – All of it?