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Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 5.5.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
16 Alternating Crossbody Toe Touches
10 Inchworm T Rotations
:30 each 1 Arm Overhead Hold/March/40m-ish Carry
1-Arm Clean and Jerk:
4 x 4-8 each
20 Minutes for Quality:
40m/:30 1 arm Farmer Carry/March/Hold
10 V Ups or Tuck Ups + :15 Hollow Hold (at the end of set)
6-10 each 1 arm Pause Suitcase Deadlifts (pause half way up for 1 sec.)
6-10 Alternating Kettlebell/Dumbbell Leg Lifts
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Road Warriors Cycle 2, Week 2, Day 1 Whiteboard Explanation
Warm Up
Ankle Mobility
5 each side: Forward Reach, Lateral, Curtsey
3 Rounds:
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Forearm Planks with Alternating Reach
10 Glute Bridge Marches
5 Inchworms
20 Minutes:
Move at a continuous pace through the following…
400m Run
20 Reverse lunges
10 Burpees
- Goal is steady pace while maintaining nasal breathing.
- Wear gloves or bring a small towel for burpees or sub 15 tuck jumps.
Accumulate 10 minutes: Standing Cross Legged Forward Fold, Couch Stretch, Down Dog
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Locked & Loaded Programming Update
Here’s Coach Keith with an update on our ongoing Locked & Loaded programming. Here he explains what you can expect each day of the week in the month ahead. If you’ve been following L&L and/or attending our virtual classes you’ll definitely want to watch!
Question of the Day
What TV show can you watch over and over again?
Meditation Is an Athlete’s Secret Weapon Outside
Should You Get an Antibody Test? The Atlantic
QOD: RuPaul’s Drag Race, duh. Also Great British Bake-Off (I refuse to call it Baking Show; for those who don’t know, it is called that in the US because Pillsbury has a trademark on the phrase “bake-off”). A reality show where people are actually nice to each other and then there’s amazing-looking cake at the end! What’s not to love?
Workout: 5 sets of 5 each with the 40#, I kinda felt guilty for doing only 5 per set so I snuck another set in there.
20-minute piece: I started this with the 65# DB, but could manage that for only 2 rounds (OMG GRIP!!!!) and I couldn’t march with it at all (so bulky!). After that I switched to 40# overhead hold march and more deadlifts per set.
Mindfulness was great, especially since I had time to stick around for a bit more of the post-class discussion, which was really rich and deep today. Thank you, fellow mindful folks, for being awesome. <3
The office. Ive watched it more times than I care to admit. Ive also watched all the deleted scenes. Ive never actually watched more than an episode of the british version though. Adventure time and Parks and Rec are also easy to watch over and over.
Glad you stuck around, Stella! The community banter is really is the best, and some would say most important, part.
QOD – None? I’ve never re-watched a TV series. Maybe I’d rewatch the X-Files. I can waste some serious time when I fee like it, but for some reason can’t imagine giving that much time to rewatching a TV show. I’ll rewatch movies – Good Will Hunting a bunch, The Matrix, the first two Alien movies, the entire Rocky franchise, okay that’s enough from me.