Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Warm Up
2 Rounds:
20 seconds each of..
Jumping Jacks
Gate Swings
Single Leg Toe Touches
2 Rounds:
10 each Fire Hydrants
5 Inch Worm Yoga Push-Ups
:40 Work :20 Rest for 5 Rounds:
A) Goblet Squats
B) Forearm Plank
C) Reverse Lunges
D) Suitcase Deadlifts (switch at :20)
E) Hollow Hold
Post work to comments.
Thanks to everyone who participated in last night’s 80s Trivia event!
Weekend Schedule
Please note that Brittnastics is on break this week, and a new cycle will resume next week. We still have two great virtual options to choose from: Locked & Loaded today a 10am and Active Recovery tomorrow at 10am.
Check out the Virtual Class Info page to learn how you can join in!
Question of the Day
What’s something new you’ve learned about yourself while social distancing?
Nobodies Buried at Hart Island Pioneer Works
3 Ab Challenges You Might Not Be Able to Complete at First Attempt BarBend