Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.22.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
5 each Elbow-to-Instep w/Rotation
8 Prone Lift Offs
10 Alternating 90/90 Hip Rotations
1-Arm Front Squat:
3 x 6-12 each
4 seconds down, 3 seconds up. Increase volume from last week by 1 or 2 reps per set/per arm.
EMOM 16 Minutes (4 Rounds):
A) 16 Alternating Bodyweight Lunges
B) 6-10 each 1-Arm High Pulls
C) :30 Hollow Hold
D) :40 Max Air Squats
Option to add Goblet Dumbbell/Kettlebell to Lunges or Air Squats.
Post work to comments.
Fit 55+ Gym-less WOD 4.22.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds at a Deliberate Pace:
8-12 Sit-Ups
:20e Side Plank
6 Boot Straps
4-5 Sets of Each:
8-12e Single Arm Pull Overs
8-12e Side Step-Ups
If you don’t have a stable place to perform Step-Ups, sub Lateral Lunges instead.
12 Minutes Continuous Effort:
12 Pillow Case Body Rows
6 Tall Kneeling to Standing, Alternating Legs (use a support as needed)
6 Crawl Steps Forward + 6 Crawl Steps Backward
Goal is to work at a sustainable pace throughout.
Post work to comments.
You would not believe how many 80s themed photos we have in our archive. (Or, if you’ve ever taken part in Fight Gone Bad, maybe you would!) Join us this Friday night at 7pm for 80s TRIVIA NIGHT on Zoom. Spots are filling up fast, so check out yesterday’s post to learn more and sign up
Upcoming Virtual Classes at CFSBK
New York State On Pause rolls on, but so do we! Join us in the realm of VIRTUAL REALITY and get moving:
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8+)
6pm Locked & Loaded
7am Yoga for Athletes
6pm Mat Pilates
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
7am Locked & Loaded
8am Morning Mindfulness (free and open to all!)
12pm Locked & Loaded
Check out the Virtual Class Info page to learn how you can join in! Please note that Brittnastics programming is on pause this week and will return next week with a new cycle. Check tomorrow’s blog post for some info from Coach Brittany on that.
Question of the Day
What is your most used emoji of late?
Why You Should Walk More The Ready State
The Salmon Sisters Want to Teach You How to Cook Fish Outside
My god, squats after Monday nearly killed me. Used the three lb sledge hammer Norah’s been using for preteens class and even that was extremly hard. Subbed wall sits for squats because knees were wonky.
QOTD: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I wanna be…your SLEDGEHAMMER
Why don’t you call my name?
I’ve been using 🥃 a lot lately. Can mean “I’ll drink to that,” “I need a drink,” or “hey hubby, I picked up some bourbon on my lunch hour, can’t wait to try it!”
7 AM-in’
I did 7s with the 40# DB but I have a feeling my squats might not have been perfectly to depth at the end of the sets. God it is SO HARD to keep that DB racked for that long.
WOD with 40# goblet lunges and 20# high pulls x 10/side. Super fun! Coach Whitney + Whitney Houston playlist FTW.
In order of use on my phone
Which I think sums things up quite well
Noooooooon class!
1-Arm Front Squat:
Did this with my trusty 17.5 adding two more to each side than last week.
B) 1-Arm High Pulls
Used a 5lb metal plate and 8ea on each side for the first two rounds and finished with 10ea on each side for the last two.
Cathy!!! That wasn’t me, I didn’t leave the building at all yesterday and really wish that pink haired head had been mine! Wehh
In order of most used.
Noon Class with David and Nick! Dynamic Duo for sure.
Squats with 20#KB – 10 each side with that tempo was HARD
WOD: 20# for high pulls for 8 reps
I forgot to do the air squats in round 3 so did 2 back to back lunges…one as curtsy and one regular
QOTD:😳🙄👏 which I think says a lot about me…
Yup. Seems pretty accurate for me too.
Is that a tiny Prince emoji? Where have you been all my life?!