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Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.21.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
10 Alternating Plank Walk Ups
6 Boot Straps
10 Alternating Plank Leg Lifts with 1 sec hold at top
A1) 3 x 6-12 each 1-Arm Push Press
A2) 3 x 10-20 American Kettlebell Swings
8 Rounds:
1 Minute AMRAP…
10 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 each arm Shoulder-to-Overhead
Rest 1 minute between rounds.
High, but repeatable intensity. Shoot for equal rounds or slightly better as you go.
Post work to comments.
Road Warriors Whiteboard Explanation 4.21.20
Mobility/Warm Up
2-3 Rounds:
10 Walking lunges with Torso Rotation
10 Plank to Down Dog with Alternating Toe Touch
10 Deadbugs
3 Mile Run
- Easy pace. Nasal breathing only.
- Be smart about your surroundings! Try to run during off peak times and try to avoid very crowded areas!
Cool Down
3-5 Minute Walk
Accumulate at least 10 minutes of: Down Dog Calf March, Pigeon pose, Butterfly Stretch, Standing Forward Fold.
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How it’s gonna be when we all get the OK to come back to the gym (from Fight Gone Bad 2016)
This Friday: Trivia Night!
In an effort to keep our community connected, make some new friends and hang with old ones, we are hosting a TRIVIA NIGHT! This Friday, April 24 at 7pm we will run a friendly game of 80s trivia on Zoom.
The game will entail 4-5 rounds and involve all of your senses: Sounds! Music! Visuals! Best of all, you get to participate in a TEAM of five people, so don’t worry about your level of 80s trivia knowledge. The idea is to have fun while also raising funds! There is no cost to join, but participants are encouraged to give a small donation to Michelle Z.‘s organization Operation Feed, which supports healthcare workers in Brooklyn. See last week’s blog posts about Michelle’s organization to learn more. We’re planning on this event going anywhere from 60-90 minutes.
PLEASE RSVP BY THIS THURSDAY, APRIL 23 at 5PM. Let us know how many people in your household will be joining (i.e. “just me” or “me and my roommate”) so we can get evenly matched teams. Note: This is 80s trivia, so we encourage you to dress the part!
We will be limiting the number of people for this edition of Trivia Night so sign up ASAP. Reserve your spot HERE!
Question of the Day
What’s something you’ve been doing to chill out during quarantine?
Pandemic Posters Through the Years The Atlantic
Why We Need “Sociable Distancing” Blue Zones
Where can I find Nidhi’s cooking classes?
Here ya go Greenie!
7AM with the Foxes and 8AM meditation was a real treat today. I may need to do early Tuesdays more often…
The QOTD was what is something we’ve done to chill out during quarantine. I said long walks with the family and the dog but my longer answer is Catan! I don’t generally play but the rest of my family plays after dinner almost every night and I take a moment to myself to watch a show I like or read or just lay around. It is a great game 🙂
Strength: 20# 4×10 on push press and 35# 4×15 on swings
WOD: 35# for DL and 20# for shoulder to OH
1+6 on the first round then 1+10 for rounds2-6
1+11 and 1+17 (because I felt lame)
8 AM mindfulness followed by locked and loaded.
Presses 12x with 30#, swings 20x with 40#.
EOMOM: swapped DB snatches for shoulder to overhead, just cuz.
each round was 1+13 to 1+15.
In for Trivia, suggesting county of origin as a way to make teams.
I’m in for trivia too!
LOL I’ll take that as a compliment
as intended.
Foxy 7 AM!
4 sets, I guess because these movements have no tempo I was able to squeeze in an extra set rather than wondering “where did the time go?!”
Push presses: 40# x 8/each
American swings (thank goodness the ceilings are high enough): 35# x 15
Basically we all chased Ashima in the AMRAPs and she always got away. At least I got consistently better or stayed the same every round. I feel like next time we have a for-time piece (rather than an AMRAP), we should each say how many Ashimas it took us.
12pm! Its been so hard for me to get used to working out in the afternoon, the floors where I live are epic loud creaky wood and even though I’m awake around 5 I can’t succumb to the lure of a 7am WOD.. trying to be a kind neighbor.
(╯ಠ_ಠ)╯︵ ┳━┳
17.5DB and 20lb KB, the KB was left in the free take me section of my building lobby!, for Strength/WOD. I’ve never done American KB swings before, has always been Russian. I think I’ve always been nervous to do so but apparently I’ve gotten over it. For now. WOD was 1+8 for first round and then a steady 1+10 the rest. I lose time placing the equipment on the floor gently. Its annoying.
**Cathy – thanks hon for the booze reco! <3<3<3
JB I saw someone pink hair walking up my block today in North Slope and I shouted JB!!! enough times to startle my neighbor. If it was you walking, it was me screaming. Miss you love. xoxo
OMG yay! Thanks everyone…. trivia woohoo! #operationfeed