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Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.13.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
10 Alternating Lateral Lunges
5 Bent Over YTW (weightless)
6 each Reverse Samson Lunges w/ 1 sec pause/stretch at bottom
Rear Foot Elevated Goblet Split Squat:
4 x 6-10 each
Chair or couch are great options for elevated the back foot. A height anywhere from 8-16 inches is perfect, but lower is good as well. Can also be done on flat ground wit out the elevated back foot.
20 Minutes at Low Intensity:
6-10 each 1-arm High Pulls
5 Goblet Squat + Reverse Lunge
5 each way Tall Kneeling Halo
:20 each Standing Straight Leg Hold
Post work to comments.
55+FIT Gym-less WOD 4.13.20
Warm Up
4 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10e Wide Stance Hip Circles
20 Alternating Alternating Toe Touches
10 Bent Over Shoulder “Y”s (no weight)
10 Alternating Bent Over Thoracic Rotations
4-5 Sets of Each:
8 Feet Elevated Hip Bridges (holding at the top for :02 and lower down for :04)
8e SA Jug/Tote Presses (holding at the top for :02 and lower down for :04)
Every 3 Minutes for 5 Rounds:
10 Jug/Tote Swings
20 Alternating Shoulder Taps
10 Jug/Tote Swings
Rest until the next 3:00 interval.
Work at a fast pace. Work begins at 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, and 12:00.
Saul M.’s daughter participating in the 7pm cheer for essential workers. On Saturday we posted a photo of Saul in the ER. Today we’re honored to bring you his thoughts on the COVID-19 crisis. Read on!
A Dispatch from Saul M.
Hello CFSBK family. Saul Melman here. I live in South Park Slope with my partner and our 6 year old daughter. I work as an ER doctor and as a visual artist.
Walking around my neighborhood, there is the eerie anxious calm with social distancing, mask wearing, business closures, and, of course, spending more time inside our apartment. From this perspective, which I imagine many of you share, it appears the danger level of COVID-19 is low. However, this vantage point does not reveal the true havoc that COVID-19 continues to wreak.
In the ER, people with mild to moderate symptoms suggestive with COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath) get tested and sent home with self-care/quarantine instructions. (Testing is readily available in most ER’s and the test results return in a couple of days.) However, since so many people are infected, many people get admitted to the hospital for a variety of complications.
Although older folks and people with chronic illnesses that affect their ability to fight infection/inflammation are most at risk, we are also seeing young, healthy people who are seriously ill. Importantly, we are also seeing patients test negative for COVID-19 who are sick and have clear signs of COVID-19 infection on their chest CAT scans. Some patients visit the ER for reasons unrelated to COVID-19, but turn out to be COVID-19 positive if testing is needed. So, at this point, we assume everyone has COVID-19 and we protect ourselves with frequent hand washing and PPE (personal protective equipment).
The ER where I work is located Chelsea, but I’ve also worked on the “hot” front lines in Queens, where the general population has fewer resources/access to health care and the ability to social distance is less of an option. COVID-19 is ravaging those communities and the hospital personnel who care for them.
When I’m not working in ER, our family assumes everyone has COVID-19 and we act accordingly. Please take precautions seriously and keep your guard up. Most likely this matter is not going to resolve any time soon.
In this post, I’m including the discharge information, in English and Spanish, that our hospital system provides to patients who we test for COVID-19 in the ER and send home to await their results.
The medical community’s understanding of COVID-19 and how to treat it continues to evolve. I highly recommend @cdcgov as a great, up-to-date resource for information regarding Covid-19, home self-care, how to take precautions and when to seek medical attention.
On a lighter note, the 7PM cheer for front line health care providers is always a highlight of my day. I enjoy the analog community connection and I can ensure you that front line health care providers really appreciate the support. The FDNY visits our ER every evening, which is always a treat, and our family enthusiastically participates by ringing bells. It’s important to remember the cheers are for everyone on the front lines including the receptionists, clerks and the environmental service workers who all work in the COVID-19 contaminated environment.
For those interested in an accurate, graphic description of the continuing menace and suffering caused by COVID-19 , I recommended the excellent New York Times article/video, “Life and Death in the ‘Hot Zone’” by journalist Nick Kristof and video journalist Michael Kirby Smith.
For those who want to donate money to support others in need and/or to the fight, I recommend @bklynfoundation and/or @lubadrozd, a dedicated Brooklyn artist who is fabricating high quality face shields for the those of us on the front lines. Luba has a Go Fund Me page. I’m wearing one of Luba’s excellent shields in the photo posted Saturday.
Lastly, I recently completed a new art commission that relates to my practice as both an artist and doctor. You can find a link to that project in the bio of my Instagram.
Take care, everyone!
Question of the Day
What’s one thing you are secretly pleased that you don’t have to do now that you are social distancing?
What Immunity to COVID-19 Really Means Scientific American
A User’s Guide to Face Masks NY Times
Thanks for the great workout WB network.
In the midst of a pandemic Saul had the presence of mind
to write to his sweat hog cohorts.
Saul, Love and health to you and your family.
Thank you for your work and your art.
YES! Dayenu. Thank you so much, Saul, for your art and science.
Thank you Saul for everything you do! I had wondered about the 7 PM cheering — does it actually reach the front lines? Good to know that it does!
7 AM work with a bunch of different implements. Kinda wish I’d made myself pick up the 65# instead of the 40# for the RFESS. Standing on one leg is hard!
QOD: I miss most things about normal life — even my commute, because I didn’t realize how much I depended on that to read books. But I do NOT miss meal prep. I’m still cooking a lot, but now I don’t have to plan for ten exactly sized portions of meat, what veggies scale up easily for ten servings, putting it all in containers, blah blah blah. Now for lunch it’s just “hey, what leftovers do we have? Cool!”
L&L 7:56am Self-directed WOD
QOTD: Meal prep. Yay fresh(er) food
Encountered a strange right hip experience during Samson stretches and, out of an abundance of caution skipped reverse-anything today including the strength work 🙁
WOD: again skipping the reverse lunge but otherwise un-modified. Forearms really burn out on those halos by the end, huh?
Jess and I did strict “Cindy” today. We’re fortunate to have support beams we can do pull ups on. Scored 16 rounds which I was both surprised and pleased with! Listened to Dolly Parton radio, which obviously added motivation.
QOD – waking up at 4:30am 🙄
Not bad for a silver fox like yourself! I bet you’ve got 18 in you
Right on Saul! Your work is much appreciated. Please take of yourself!
@Fox: 16 rounds with strict pull-ups? Dude, you’re a beast.
Yeah seriously that’s like one-man Fox Pull-up Club right there!
Lol – I was only mildly if pleasantly surprised earlier, but now that I understand how impressive my feat of fitness was I’ll have to alert the masses 😉
Saul! Much love to you and your family, thank you for what you do <3
QOTD: Nothing, I'm lame. Its been kind of great to have time to do kitchen experiments that I never have been able to. I made CRUMPETS ya'll. Its been a nice therapy and I've gained some pretty sweet cookie muscle.
12pm! I love class with LnL.
5lb weight for the High Pulls
17.5 db for Goblet Squat + Reverse Lunge
5lb weight for the tall Kneeling Halo
I made it through 4 rounds, took me a minute to dial in the goblet squat/reverse lunge with feet adjustments and such. Doing all this barefoot has thrown me off but am not mad at all, my balance is better using my grippy toes.
Saul! Can’t wait to share a rack with you again! Amazing work.
Thank you, Saul for all that you do. You are missed and much appreciated.
Noon with L&L
QOTD: There are a few things but I’m not sad that I don’t have to do anymore PTA fundraising meetings this year.
split squat 4×10 with 20#
5 rounds plus the high pulls and squat/reverse lunge for a 6th time 🙂
20# on high pulls and reverse lunges
10# on halos