Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD 4.11.20
Warm Up
2 Rounds:
20 Seconds of…
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Straight Leg Swings
2 Rounds:
10 each Fire Hydrants
5 Inch Worm Yoga Push-Ups
20 Minute AMRAP:
30 Goblet Squats
1:00 Forearm Plank
30 Hand-to-Hand 1-arm Kettlebell Swings
1:00 Hollow Hold
30 alt. Goblet Lunges
:30 each 1-Arm Overhead March/Hold/40m Carry
30 Kettlebell Deadlifts
1:00 Wall Sit
Holds can be broken up into sets to accumulate prescribed time before moving on to next movement. Swings can be 15/15 per hand as needed.
Post work to comments.
Brittnastics WOD 4.11.20
Warm Up
Burpee Efficiency:
5 Slow Squat Thrusts (focus on replacing feet with hands & vice versa)
5 Fast Squat Thrusts (snapping hips)
5 Burpees (focus on speed but control through upper body & snapping hips)
5 Burpees (athlete variations)
Watch the video link for that to make sense!
5 Minute Playtime:
Modified Headstand Knee Lifts
Headstand Rocks
Headstand Balance Transfers (try these if you did the other last week!)
Choose a variation(s) work on it for 5 minutes. Have fun!
Kipping Drills:
5 x 2-3 Headstand to Head on Floor Plank
5 x 2-3 Headstand to Tall Plank
5 x 2-3 Lying Kipping Drill
Choose one of the above, or do all three. Take your time, play around, and enjoy figuring out a different movement pattern. Perfect practice makes perfect. Next week we will progress these!
Handstand Kick-Up to Wall Practice:
3 x 3 Handstand Kick-Up Progression to Hands on Floor
3 x 10 ft of Half Kick-Up Practice
3 x 3 Handstand Kick-Up to Wall
Handstand Push-Up Work
5 x 2-3 at 2111 Tempo
Note the new tempo (not 3111) this week; increase difficulty up from last week!
Core Work
Accumulate a 3 Minute Hollow Hold
Every time you break perform 5 Burpees.
Post work to comments.
CFSBKer, artist, and ER doctor Saul M. on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis
Weekend Schedule
You’re stuck at home, and never has it been clearer that time is a meaningless human construct… but it’s the weekend and we’re still offering a bunch of opportunities to get your sweat on! Here’s what we have:
10am Locked & Loaded
12pm Brittnastics (NEW!)
10am Active Recovery
Go over to the Virtual Class Info page to find out how you can join the fun!
Question of the Day
What is one thing in your apartment that you would like to get rid of?
Keep the Parks Open The Atlantic
Inside the Great Kettlebell Shortage of 2020 GQ
joncoffey says
First Virtual Class. I’ve been (literally) sleeping on these–big mistake
QOTD: The food I keep freezing “for later”
2 rounds with my trusty 18kg loaner
Stella says
Thank you Saul for everything you’re doing!
Get rid of: My couch (I’ve wanted a new one for years) and also the sound of my neighbor’s guitar playing.
Inspired by this week’s RuPaul’s Drag Race episode, I did this WOD to an ’80s Madonna playlist. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. “Causing a Commotion” may be one of the 10 best workout songs of all time.
2+19 squats with a 35# KB and OH holds with a 30# DB, I just wasn’t feeling having the KB lean on my wrist. Now that I’ve weighed my KB and realize it was 35 and not 40, I’m mad at myself for not at least trying to swing it one-handed. It just felt so much heavier than that when I first picked it up!
Allie N. says
First online class for me today too! It was so much better than working out alone!
Got through 2 rounds on my roof patio! It was so lovely to see everyone.
My school still has spring break, so I’m planning on dropping in on some 12pm classes. I have a class to teach during that time— and the 7am is just too early these days. How did I used to wake up at 5 and work out at 6am!!????It’s beyond comprehension at this point.
Anyway! Great to see everyone and fun class led by Whit & Brett!
mcdan says
2 rounds plus :45 of plank. First workout back since the world got small. Happy to be moving.
One thing to get rid: this stray electrical outlet half way up a wall that didn’t get moved during a renovation.
Charles Smith says
QOTD: My kids’ too small sports equipment.
2 rounds + 10 squats with a 40# bell. dreaded it a little bit, but just kept moving.