Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.10.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
5 each Windmills (unweighted to start)
:20 each Side Plank
6-10 Push-Ups w/1 second pause at bottom and top
1-Arm Suitcase Deadlift:
3 x 6-12 each arm
Press and Windmill:
3 x 4-8 each arm
6 Minute AMRAP:
8 each 1-arm Hang Clean
6 each 1-arm Push Press
8 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes, then…
6 Minute AMRAP:
16 Russian Swings
6 each 1-arm Push Jerk
12 Sit-Ups
Post work to comments.
55+FIT Gym-less WOD 4.10.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10e Standing Leg Swings
20 Alternating Tall Plank Knee-to-Elbows
:30 Reverse Bridge Plank
4-5 Sets of Each:
6-12e Single Arm Suitcase Deadlifts
6-12 Thumbs Up Shoulder Raises
6-12 Overhead Presses
Perform the shoulder raises and presses one arm at a time as needed.
20 Minutes, Continuous Effort:
20 Jug Swings
10e Single Arm Rows
10 Tall Plank to Low Plank (alternate arms)
Aim to move continuously for 20 minutes, resting minimally between exercises.
Post work to comments.
Today: Morning Meditation at 8am
We’ve been offering a free Tuesday Morning Meditation with Coach Fox for a couple weeks, and now you can look forward to another Morning Meditation on Fridays at 8am!
Join us for these free 30 minute classes as we begin our day together with a small dose of mindfulness. Each session begins with descriptions of the specific techniques we’ll use that day, some breath work followed by a brief mindfulness meditation, and ends with a few minutes for questions and comments. These sessions offer something to experienced meditators and first timers alike, and no previous experience at all is required. If you’ve been “contemplative curious,” this can be a great place to start. If you’re a seasoned sitter, use it as a nice bump to your existing practice.
Meditation is for anyone, anywhere, though there are a few common recommendations that can help make for a more enjoyable experience.
Find a comfortable position. This can be seated on the floor, on a cushion, in a chair, lying down, and even standing. If you need to lean against a wall or the back of a couch then do so without feeling like it’s wrong. There’s no one perfect “mediators posture”. Whatever allows you to be comfortable and alert is what’s best for that day. This link from Insight Meditation Center on the topic offers some helpful guidance.
- Log in and set up a few minutes early to get comfortable.
- Have a layer handy to put on in case you become cold.
- If possible, set up somewhere where you won’t be disturbed for the length of class.
- If you do become disturbed by a pet/kid/spouse/roomie/
neighbor/garbage truck/etc. smile.
We’re also offering 7am and 12pm virtual Locked & Loaded classes today. Go HERE to see our full weekend schedule.
Question of the Day
If you owned a yacht, what would you name it?
How to Think about COVID-19 like an M.D. Scientific American
Escape Into These Fantastical, Imaginary Maps Atlas Obscura
Stella says
Learned a lesson today…CHECK YOUR WEIGHTS the night before. At least, check your weights if you have adjustable weights and a spouse who likes to work out at night. I assumed the KB was loaded to 30# and when I started swinging it…it wasn’t. I weighed it after the workout. 50#! (He had replaced the spacers with plates.) Duh…
My yacht would be called the Lexicon, obviously.
Strength work: 65# x 8 on suitcase DL, 25# x 5 on windmills.
WOD: 3+8 with 25# DB, 3+31 with 50# KB swing and 25# DB push jerks. (The second I swung that KB I knew jerking it was not going to happen!)
Fox says
QOD – My yacht would be called the SS Minnow. And I would obviously be called Gilligan.
Charles Smith says
QOTD: Trust the Process.
Only took me 17 watches of the video to figure out the windmill press!
40#x12 DL’s, 20#x5 on the windmills.
30# on the jerks/presses/cleans, 40# for swings.
3 rnd += 4 burpees, 4 rounds exactly.
Michelle K says
Strength- 25# suitcase DL & 12.5# press & windmill. First half of the WOD- 3 rounds + 16 cleans with 12.5# & second half- 3 rounds + 20 reps.
QOTD: my yacht would be the Mr. Beaumont (for all my friends lovers out there)
Michelle Brindley says maiden name is King so I was Michelle K for 35 years. Every time I see your posts I think “Oh, did I do this already?” 😂
Michelle K says
& everytime I write it tries to autocorrect it to Michelle L. My phone wants to give me a new identity haha
Gladys Kravitz says
Gratitude Olympics for CFSBK continuance.
Mine was ‘Grand Larceny’ – especially because I found out I hadn’t paid for April so essentially I was stealing services until I was caught. Had I not been feeling so guilty I would have said “Yahtzee”.
So here’s a tip for Mac users (more for the over 40’s probably) during the WOD. Instead of writing down the WOD take a screen shot. Which is command -shift 4. I am sure PC’s have a similar key stroke. A little cross shows up and you can select the WOD and then display it as you’re doing it.
If you do this for the WOD yo have to get out of full screen so you can open up the screenshot next to the Zoom window.
Have a calm day!
Michelle Brindley says
Disco inferno with Keith and Kate today….although my husband was also rowing and listening to very angry music at the same time so the effect wasn’t the same here 🙂
QOTD: Southern Comfort
35#KB on deadlifts 3×12
20# on windmills 3×5
3rounds plus 14 cleans with 20#DB
3 rounds plus 16 swings with 35# KB
Mike I. says
Awesome 7am class – thanks Fox’s! Four rounds and change for both, using a lighter kettlebell for my balky shoulder.
Also, based on Jess’ desire too find a pun for her yacht name, this one came to me after class and I’ll change my answer to: Sir Mix-A-Yacht. Underneath it would say: I like big boats and I cannot lie.
I didn’t say it would be a good pun; my only intention here was to help Jess.
Stella says
Punderdome has a WINNER