Zoom has instituted mandatory password protection of all usage on their platform to prevent trolling. For all classes except CrossFit Kids, you’ll be using the same Zoom room link you’ve been using and the following password: CFSBK.
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.7.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
5 each 1 arm TGU Bridge Press
10 Boot Straps
6-10 Lying Windshield Wipers
A1) 3 x 6-10 each Tall Kneeling 1-arm Press
A2) 3 x 8-12 each Staggered Stance Contralateral Romanian Deadlift
6 Rounds:
1 Minute AMRAP…
6 Burpees
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Rest 1 minute
High, but repeatable intensity. Shoot for equal rounds or slightly better as you go.
Post work to comments.
Road Warriors White Board Explanation 4.6.20
Mobility/Warm Up
2-3 Rounds:
5 Cat/Cow
5e Shin Box Flow
5e Alternating Squat Thoracic Rotation
10e Tall Plank with Alternating Knee-to-Elbow
1 Mile Easy Run
1 Mile Run at Rempo (faster than first mile)
1 Mile Easy Run
- Same total distance (3miles) as last week. Try to stick to nasal breathing for at least 1st and 3rd mile.
- Be smart about your surroundings! Try to run during off peak times and try to avoid very crowded areas!
Cool Down
2 Minutes each side of each of the following: Samson Stretch, Standing Cross Legged Forward Fold, Standing Figure Four
Sasha S. looking safe and strong. Be sure to tag us in your home workout posts on Instagram!
Today: Free Morning Mindfulness
Join Coach Fox today at 8am for Morning Mindfulness. This class is totally free and open to all! It can be accessed via the usual Zoom room and the password CFSBK. Here’s our full schedule for the day:
7am Locked & Loaded
8am Morning Mindfulness (free and open to all!)
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
6pm Locked & Loaded (NEW!)
Question of the Day
Would you rather be in quarantine or always surrounded by the people who annoy you the most?
Using Shelter-in-Place to Foster Better Family-Food Habits NY Times
2020: The Year Push-Ups Were First Invented Breaking Muscle
Another great remote work-out from Brett. And in the spirit of The Foxes and finding gratitude daily, grateful today for exercise sweat rather than fever sweat. Also since Norah’s not on the blog I’ll give the shout out to Lynsey for the pillow slams which were definitely Norah’s favorite part of the teen work-out.
QUOTD: 10000% quarantine. I’ve been social distancing long before it was cool.
I’m so glad you’re feeling better!
Can we please have some questions where the two alternatives are hard to choose between because they’re both GOOD? 😛
Nevertheless, and I can’t believe I’m saying it because I’m such an introvert, but I’d go with surrounded by people I dislike. I think I could find something to like about at least one of them, and besides, bars would exist and I could have a mint julep while ignoring the worst people.
Presses: sets of 8 w/30#
RDLs: sets of 12 w/40#, I should’ve gone with the 65.
WOD: got same score or increased by 1 rep every round. Worst 1+3, best 1+7, I can’t even wrap my head around the people who were getting 2+ rounds!
Future QOD suggestion: Pick a celebrity you’d like to be quarantined with. I’d pick Leslie Jones because like me she is a RuPaul’s Drag Race and Project Runway superfan, and she likes to shout hilarious commentary at the television.
QOTD: Quarantine
Playlist of the day: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3Db1lkC04hvDSnpPsUeXxW?si=5T1L9I4kRCC93v07o6Zq0g
Trusty 40# KB
Presses: sets of 10 except one set of 12 because I don’t read or listen closely. Caught myself starting a couple of these in a lunge instead of kneeling
RDLs: Sets of 12
WOD: assumed these were cumulative rounds; 8 + 2 roughly same pace throughout
Hey everyone,
We are going to do another Equipment pick-up window tomorrow (Wednesday) from 12-1pm. CFSBK members can grab one DB or KB for free, we are also offering a $75 rental fee for a rowing machine. The rowing machines can be easily broken down into two parts for easy transport in a vehicle.
The doors will be propped open and other than the equipment that you take you won’t need to touch anything other than what you’re taking.
We are not currently offering barbells for loan. Thanks yall
I could probably be in quarentine for a year and be more or less fine. Im someone who does very well alone 🙂
Noon with Keith and Katie (and Zeuss) which is always a good time!
Presses: sets of 10 w/20#
RDLs: sets of 12 w/35#
WOD: 1+5 on rounds 1-5 and then eeked out a 6th burpee on the last round just so I could say I did…I really like KB swings so I was sad I couldn’t get to more without burpees first 🙂
QOTD: I’m shocked at how OK I am with quarantine. I generally like people but I’m going to choose my quaranteam over annoying people today!
aaaaaand Rowers are gone.