Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.1.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
1:00 Bottom of Squat Hold (unweighted to start, add goblet if you can)
16 Alternating Plank Shoulder Taps
20 Alternating Lateral Step Overs (implement optional)
A1) 3 x 6-12 Pause Goblet Squats
3 second pause at the bottom of each rep.
A2) 3 x 6-12 Each Arm Standing Biceps Hammer Curls
4 Rounds:
16 Alternating Goblet Lunges
8 Each Tall Plank 1-Arm Rows
16 Gate Swings
Post work to comments.
Fit 55+ Gym-less WOD 4.1.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10 Alternating Deep Lunge with Rotations
20 Alternating Tall Plank Toes Taps
30 Alternating Russian Twists (weight or no weight)
4-5 Sets of Each:
6-12e Split Squats (use support or elevate rear foot as appropriate)
6-12 Pillow Case Body Rows – make sure these are secure 🙂
6-12 Wall Slides – press back of hand and forearm into wall as you slide
5 Rounds, Hard Effort:
30 Jumping Jacks
15 Squats
5 No Push Up Burpee Sprawls (modify to hands to couch as needed)
Rest 1:00 between rounds.
Post work to comments.
Coaches Katie and Keith wigging out for yesterday’s virtual Locked & Loaded class
New Classes and Virtual Class Registration
Beginning today CFSBK will be asking all participants of our virtual Zoom classes to pre-register via Zen Planner for each class. This means that members will need to have an active CFSBK membership (recurring or punch card) or will need to purchase a membership in order to attend. Membership options, instructions on how to RSVP, and our most up-to-date class schedule are outlined HERE. We thank you for your patience in these first 2 weeks of transitioning to virtual classes and hope that you can continue to support us with your membership!
To go along with these changes, we’re also offering a bunch of new virtual classes this week, including tonight’s 6pm Locked & Loaded class. Here’s our schedule for the rest of the week:
Wednesday, 4/1
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8+)
6pm Locked & Loaded (NEW!)
Thursday, 4/2
7am Yoga for Athletes
6pm Mat Pilates
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
Friday, 4/3
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
6pm Locked & Loaded (NEW!)
Saturday, 4/4
10am Locked & Loaded
12pm Brittnastics (NEW!)
Sunday, 4/5
10am Active Recovery
You can always find info on how to register as well as our most up-to-date class schedule on our new Virtual Class Info page. We can’t wait to see you online!
Question of the Day
Many days in a row have you worn the same clothing?
Some Good News with John Krasinski YouTube (video)
What Scientists Know About Immunity to Novel Coronavirus Smithsonian
I assume we’re not counting outerwear in this QOD so the answer is 2 days. I usually wear a different pair of pants every day but for quarantine I’m going to 2.
Squats: sets of 10 at 40#
Curls: sets of 12 at 15#
WOD: 6:36 with 25# and bent over rows instead of plank rows. My DB is a bit too tall for good ROM in the plank. Coaches suggested I do an elevated plank. If I did that with any piece of furniture in my home office it would collapse. Clearly I need some grownup furniture instead of the particle-board-and-duct-tape ensemble I have now 😛
QOD – A long 8 days.
I’ve been alternating between a gray sweatsuit and a white one…. For 3 weeks. 😂
Fun 7am class with Whit and Brett!
Strength: 3×8 paused goblet squats 20#
3×12 curls with 10# kb
WOD: about 7 mins with 16kg kb on the lunges and 20# elevated kb rows. The gate swings were a welcome change from jumping jacks and mountain climbers 🙂
QOTD: We do laundry once a week, so generally no more than 7 days
Id love to see the answers if the question was actually “How many days in a row have you not showered?” haha
My short answer is I try to wear something different in the AM and something different at night! But I’ve def done 2 days in a row!
lol also 8 long days for me
I had a misconception that if a shirt doesnt have sleeves it can’t really get dirty because there was no armpit contact. So I wore my ECW shirt at some point or all day for the first 3-4 days or so until it started to smell and I no longer felt like a self respecting human. But no lessons learned as I switched to another shirt and restarted the process.
The best thing about lockdown is DO on the blog. Remember in the wayback machine when he was like “once I took a bath in seltzer water and it was weird”?
aha: https://crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com/workout-of-the-day/2012/12/11/20121211rest-day-html.html/comment-page-1/
I applaud you for digging that up, Stella!!!
Great session with Whitney and Brett today. Finished the WOD in ~8 minutes. I am not used to getting that sweaty in the confines of my own home.
Clarifying question about pre-registration: Is the idea that we are letting you know in advance how many people will be in a given class (and maybe start capping them if they are too big)? Or is it to sign in and “pay” for the session? Or both?
Also: Gate swings are the new thrusters.
Hi Matt,
Yes, we’re asking for people to use their memberships (i.e. pay) for the classes attended. This helps keep us operational! BUT if anyone is facing financial hardships, they should contact me directly at info@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com and we’ll sort something out.
12pm with Nick and Brittany
Strength: 3×8 goblet squats 35#kb, 3×12 hammer curls 8#db with a slow tempo
WOD: around 7 minutes with 18# lunges, 8# rows. Gate swings are fun!
QOTD: same pair of sweats for 2-3 days, and change my shirt everyday.
12PM with Nick and Brittany
It was fun and Lisa gave me some tips on head shaving which is one of my projects per the “live” QOTD 😊
QOTD: max 2 days for pants. 2-3 on tops that touch my body. I generally have an extra layer bc I’m cold so that could be the same until the end of time
3×12 goblet squats with 20#DB
3×10 hammer curls with a 10#KB (I’m unclear where this implement came from)
With 20# for lunges and rows
Gate swings were fun at first but turned on me quickly…
PS- I seem to be one of very few people entering workout results on Beyond the Whiteboard so I’m killing it. On the leaderboard every day 😂
Congrats on making the leaderboard Michelle! 😆
Can’t wait to see your shaved head!
First time posting (hopefully I do this right). Finally getting into a good routine of home workouts. 12 goblet squats & 12 hammer curls on each arm with the12.5 weight I found in my parents basement. WOD took me about 11 minutes, but it was great to get a workout in outdoors in the backyard.
QOTD: no repeat clothing days yet, I’m providing services via telehealth & I think my clients would notice haha
Blog Post PR!
12PM with Nick and Brittany. My legs were numb by the time class was done. Oof, but a good oof.
QOTD: I have 4 sets of clothes that I’m working with as laundry is outside the building. Outside, inside pre-shower, workout, inside post-shower. Most of my things are minimally worn and I shower daily, if I get suspicious about the cleanliness then its time to swap it out. I had taken a year off to travel ages ago and am having fond memories doing this structure.
Current status:
Outside tights – are at 12 days
Outside tshirt – 5 days
Inside tights – 8 days
Inside tshirt – 3 days
Workout tights – 5 days
Workout tshirt – 1 day
After shower tights – 8 days
After shower tshirt – 3 days
Pajamas – 3 days
Undies – fresh daily
I have not been very good about working out (which is actually v. unlike me), but today I finally made the 6PM with Keith and Lauren and I’m really glad I did. The class was great! I really am going to try and make it at least a couple days a week. Thanks, CFSBK for being awesome.
Hey girl! Miss your face! (Especially because it’s Wednesday, but what are days any more?)
Ahhhhh you too!!!