CFSBK Gym-less WOD 3.16.20 Explanation
Warm Up
4 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
5 Plank + Shoulder Tap + Down Dog
10 Hollow Body Dead Bugs
30 Single-Unders or Lateral Hops
5 Rounds, Fast Pace:
10 Burpees (or No-Push-Up Burpees)
400m Run (or 2:00)
Walk/Rest 2:00 between rounds
Guided Walking Meditation
Post work to comments.
Warm Up
3 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10e Direction Wide Stance Hip Circles
10 Wide Stance Forward Bend to Backward Bend
10e Single Leg Hip Bridges
20 Alternating Shoulder Taps
4-5 Alternating Sets of Each:
10 Push-Ups (or Elevated Push-Ups)
10 Odd Object Cleans
20 Minutes Alternating Running with Jogs/Walks.
Guided Walking Meditation
Post work to comments.
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CFSBK Closed Until March 29th
In light of the ongoing concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the difficult decision to close down the gym for the next 2 weeks, from today (March 16th) through March 29th. This was not an easy decision for us, nor do we know what the future holds, but the time to put the public health above our economic interests is now. While we have been doing or best to diligently clean and sanitize all equipment and surfaces, we feel that gym closure is the most effective way to reduce the risk to our community at large. All classes, specialty programs, and Open Gym will be suspended for the next 2 weeks. At that time, we’ll reassess the situation to determine the appropriate next steps.
We are happy to place any memberships on hold and extend expiration dates on any class cards or training packs as needed. For those that can continue with membership dues, please know that your continued payments help to support our staff during this time of closure.
We are so grateful to you for your support, kindness, and understanding in these difficult times, and we hope you know that we’re not going anywhere. We will be thinking creatively to keep you all engaged and connected to the CFSBK community and your fitness goals. We encourage everyone to do the home workouts that we will continue to post here each day and to post their workout results, thoughts, or really anything to the comments. We will be providing daily updates on Instagram, so please follow us there as well for the latest on this evolving situation.
Thanks, all. We love you.
Can I Boost My Immune System? NY Times
Strength Makes Life Better Starting Strength
Anyone interested in organizing workouts at one of the local parks? Would be willing to chip in to have our coaches there.
7:30 AM gymless WOD with 20 lunge jumps/round instead of burpees. There’s a bit of broken glass outside my apartment building but even if not I’d have been squeamish about putting my hands on the sidewalk.
I am very sweaty!
Pro tip: Measure the length of your block before you go out, duh. I did 550m my first round because I just went from corner to corner like we do at the gym, but what do you know? Not every long block in Brooklyn is the same length. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
(smart people watch Fox’s WODsplanation BEFORE the workout and realize, “hey, here are some ways I can figure out the distance”)
Been a long time since my last comment but will provide some ACCOUNTABILITY if I am posting.
First–thank you David and team for doing the right thing for the community.
Second–great video explainer from Fox.
Third–Substituted 2 minutes of single unders because I am soft and did not want to go run in the cold. Starting to think more CrossFit gyms SHOULD have mirrors because jumping rope in front of a full length mirror is enough to shatter whatever illusions I had about my current approach to nutrition.
Back to training after a few weeks!! Thanks David and Chris for your approach to covid19 – I agree 100% with the decisions you’ve made, and really appreciate the apartment programming.
9:30am solo class
Subbed running for 500m row
2:50 min-ish per round, so 24min total
Hello CFSBK!
Warm up at home
Metcon- 5 rounds outside at the parks by prospect expressway. 10 no push up burpees, 2 minute jog, 2 minute walk.
Guided walking meditation perfect for my walk home.
Next up is a live streaming yoga class!
Thanks for today’s gym-less wod! Feels good to be outside in the sun.
Hi Daniel! I didn’t mean to post this here! Fairly new to the blog. 😂 Say hi to Thaisa
I’m Charles and I recommend City of Thieves by David Benioff.
WOD on the edge of Harmony playground (mats!) with roughly 400m. Rounds completed in roughly 2:25.
added some waiter squats to the warmup and a bunch of CARS.
also did the walking meditation, which I loved.
OMG yes can we have QOTD on the blog again?
Huge thank you to David and the rest of the CFSBK crew for organizing here.
Performed in Prospect Park using Runkeeper set to alert every .25 miles, didn’t time burpees.
Ranged from 4:13 to 6:11 mile pace – 4:13 feels like flying 🙂
I think it actually is flying, girl
Thank you CFSB for posting workouts for 55+ program. Today Sue Wong Cohen and myself did our WOD at our individual homes. I must say I was very warmed up from the warm up and ready to do the strength and conditioning class. Of course, there is nothing like a group of us 55+ working out together however, it was good to know that Sue was there in her home working out at the same time. I love partner work! Certainly will miss you all. I’m very appreciate to be part of this community
Love you guys, and am so happy to see some reports on today’s programming coming in…keep the comments going today and in the days to come!
And keep checking in for more fun and productive ways to stay active and engaged throughout this experience.
Take care of yourselves and each other!
Much like Jon — hoping that posting will keep me accountable. I’ve been delaying returning to the gym after CRASH-Bs (which I actually miss!), but now is as good a time as ever.
Took Daniel’s suggestion of subbing 500m row instead of running.
2:41; 2:44; 2:47; 2:43; 2:29
I’m so very grateful that CFSBK is doing this. Thank you!
My modified WOD consisted of deciding I should go adopt a kettlebell, and that it was the perfect chance to try out the bike I haven’t ridden in 2+ years. A few miles and a lot of stairs later, I’m the proud foster of a 20kg kettlebell, know my bike works, and discovered some new noises to make while hauling my iron roommate up to my apartment. I’d do it again in a second, but this time I wouldn’t wear jeans like a total rookie.
Thanks a ton to the CFSBK family for the quick thinking and generosity– see y’all online!
I am so fortunate to have a little gym in my apartment building, so I made use of it today. It was hard to keep myself motivated through all 5 rounds without the fun banter & complaints (ahem, Joey) of my fellow nooners but I made it. I also added some dumbbell goblet squats in lieu of back squats.
Thank you guys so much for providing this programming. My CSFBK workouts have become invaluable to my mental health in past year as I’ve struggled with some difficult times. I had my first breakdown last night when I saw that the gym was closing, but I enjoyed today and now I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s workout.
Also shoutout to Frank, whose noon pilates class yesterday made those dead bugs really challenging for me today.
6am Gymless subbing 20 Speed Skater Lunges for Burpees and ran stairs for 2mins as the 400m sub. I liked the warm up for 55+ and used that for my cool down.
Thank you so much for the programming! <3
This was a fun one! Stole a page from Charles and used Harmony Playground after getting really dirty doing burpees on the grass in the park. 0.25 mile runs were nice and was able to stay in a tight-ish loop in the park so didn’t get too far away.
Other workout today was biking home with a 30lb dumbell in my bag which I so very deeply regret
Thank you so much for posting these workouts CFSBK. Did this at the end of the day today…ahem…day 3 of homeschooling my 4 kids. I think it restored my sanity enough to face tomorrow! Looking forward to these as a bit of normalcy in our lives.
Wishing I had bought one of those ergs after CRASH-Bs though. We have a 50 lb kb and 8 lb dbs so I’m good right?😬