Every 6:00 for 6 Sets…
In 3 Minutes:
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
8 Burpees
Row Max Calories in remaining time (until the 3:00 mark)
Aim to work at a sustainable pace across all 5 rounds. This means getting to the rower at the same time and scoring the same calories each round. Score calories for each round.
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Week 4 of 6
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Finishing out a CrossFit Kids class with a hand eye coordination challenge where the kiddos need to successfully throw and catch a bean bag with their left and right hands for 6 reps before moving farther back
Yoga for Athletes Cancelled Today
Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled. Want to try something other than group class this weekend? Don’t forget that we offer 11am Active Recovery today, as well as 11am Active Recovery and 12pm Pilates tomorrow.
The Push to Get More Girls on Bikes Outside
Disability Is No Deterrent Morning Chalk Up
Greetings! JB here, blog posting on behalf of Stellam who has a jerk cold and is a burrito in blankets, and who likes to see the posts we have on here. Hi Stella! Hope you’re feeling better! Again please forgive as its been years since I’ve posted a workout recap so here we go.
10am Short Circuit! I loved seeing all my SC and CF homies today, all those sweet punims getting the exercise hammer dropped on them because fitness.
SC was good but I kind of bagged it a little as I wore the wrong sports bra subbing some less dynamic movements. What! Comfort is key, my friends. We warmed up with what I swear were some Parkour moves and then went to some strength stuff like heavy single arm DB push press with mega slow on the down, same deal but with KB’s and squats, minute long side planks which I love, and these V ring row things. The WOD was a nice bit of hell where we mountain climbed, ran (rowed), burpeeeed (step outs/ins with the pushup), KB swung, Russian twisted, and these squat leap feet touchy things that were evil to the sweet tune of all the rounds within a set time. DO kicked us off and Brittany finished and it was fun times while being mired in a pool of exercise anger.
My goal is to come to class tomorrow but I think I might have to attempt some grocery shopping. I had to take a big sip of wine after writing that. I dread the grocery right now. Happy Saturday! xox