A) Deadlift:
Heavy 5 @2111
Warm up to a single heavy 5 at tempo, slightly heavier than week 1 if able. This should be done with no misses and perfect form. The goal is to build success at moving heavy weights with near perfect form, so this should not be a true 5RM.
B) Barbell Row (Pendlay Row):
2 x 9-12
Add a few lbs to last week (or use about 30% of today’s heavy deadlift). Prioritize good movement over load.
Glen Pendlay explains the Pendlay Row: Notice that the barbel starts on the floor for each rep in these. There’s some momentum and speed off the floor yet Max’s back remains neutral and his torso remains near horizontal. If you can get into this position then perform them like this!
Barbell Row Demo: If lack of flexibility (most likely in the hamstrings) prevents you from maintaining a neutral spine with a horizontal torso and very little knee bend, then perform them like in this video. Note that the torso is still near horizontal and not “ratcheting up” with each rep. Due to grip fatigue you may have to use a lighter load for this variation.
Post loads to comments.
Week 4 of 6
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12…
Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings Left
Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings Right
Kettlebell Box Step-Ups
Choose a kettlebell load and a box height that allow you to keep moving. Scale the Swings to Snatches if you’re proficient at the movement. Use the same load for the Step Overs, you may hold the bell anyhow (except for on the thigh) as long as you come to full extension with both feet on top of the box.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
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This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Our in-house massage therapist Leah D. spent last weekend competing in the USA Powerlifting competition at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, OH. On Monday, she told us how it all went down.
2. In case you missed it, we recently posted a statement outlining the measures we’re taking to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and offered some advice to members.
3. Coach David is quoted in this Wall Street Journal article on ice cross downhill athlete Amanda Trunzo’s CrossFit training. Give it a read!
4. Put yourself in the expert hands of certified Wim Hof Method Instructor Michael Christoforo to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breathing Technique, Cold Exposure, and Commitment. This time CFSBK members get 20% of the seminar. Head over to Wednesday’s post to learn more and sign up!
5. Mark your calendars and get pumped. The 2020 East Coast Gambit goes down on Saturday, June 13th! Hosted right here at CFSBK, the Gambit is a premier, single day, functional fitness competition. Head over to the East Coast Gambit website to take a look at our new teaser video.
6. Tomorrow’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled.
How to Prevent Loneliness in a Time of Social Distancing Scientific American
What You Need to Know About the Coronavirus The Atlantic
Sorry, I do NOT have a puzzle in the USA Today…today. It’s NEXT Friday, March 20.
I have a mild cold (at least, I’m telling myself that’s what it is) so I’m staying out of the gym for at least the next several days 🙁 stay safe everyone!
Thanks for being proactive, Stella!
Feel better and write some kick ass crosswords with the time off 🙂
Feel better soon Stella! Thank you for being your wonderful self and staying home to get well. I hope you’re watching Blind Love on Netflix, sipping a hot toddy and taking lots of naps.
SOOO since Stella isn’t going to post her work-out recap I’m going to until she’s back. I know she loves to see activity in the comments but it’s been years since I did one of these.. umm.. so.. I did 10am class. The warmup was nice. I like when we have extra booty work as my booty and attached booty muscles don’t like to fire and I need more booty. It was my first exposure this cycle to Friday DL’s and I probably could have gone another 10lbs over what I did do for the heavy 5 but the bar moved smooth so overall I was happy with it. The WOD was terrible fun. Thank you Lynsey for letting me step over and back on the box! Its hilarious how uncoordinated I am with certain moves and trying to step over and around on the damn thing is the bane of my existence. A few of us sat on the floor and yammered while wiping down all the barbell collars after class, it was a nice way to pass the time while cooling down. SBK community, activate!
I <3 you JB
Right back atcha, friend <3