A) Deadlift:
Heavy 3 @2111
Warm up to a single heavy set of 3 reps at tempo, slightly heavier than last week. This should be done with no misses and perfect form. The goal is to build success at moving heavy weights with near perfect form, so this should not be a true 3RM.
B) Barbell Row (Pendlay Row):
2 x 9-12
Add a few lbs to last week (or use about 35% of today’s heavy 3 deadlift). Prioritize good movement over load.
Glen Pendlay explains the Pendlay Row: Notice that the barbel starts on the floor for each rep in these. There’s some momentum and speed off the floor yet Max’s back remains neutral and his torso remains near horizontal. If you can get into this position then perform them like this!
Barbell Row Demo: If lack of flexibility (most likely in the hamstrings) prevents you from maintaining a neutral spine with a horizontal torso and very little knee bend, then perform them like in this video. Note that the torso is still near horizontal and not “ratcheting up” with each rep. Due to grip fatigue you may have to use a lighter load for this variation.
Post loads to comments.
Week 2 of 6
For Time:
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50/35
Burpee-Box Jump Overs 24/20
Post time and Rx to comments.
CRASH-Beasts doing their final training session in Harvard’s Newell Boathouse last year
Sunday: CFSBK at CRASH-Bs
For the 11th year in a row, the CrossFit South Brooklyn Indoor Rowing Team is mounting a CRASH-Bs campaign! Held in Boston each year, CRASH-Bs is the premier indoor rowing championship.
Coach Nick will lead a crew of CRASH-Beasts to the 2020 CRASH-B Sprints this Sunday, March 1st, 2020 at Boston University’s Agganis Arena. For the last 14 weeks, Coach Nick has guided the team through a program based on his training regimen when he was competing at the Olympic level.
Here are the intrepid CRASH-Beasts who break the erg chain this weekend:
Jess Bailey
Asha Banker
Bob Barnshaw
Matt Boynton
Jon Bresler
Michelle Brindley
Chas Carey
Doug Clouse
Tammy Duncan
Tom Farley
Ray Forde
Michael Glynn
Richard Greenspan
Mike Iaia
Colette Komm
David Levine
Bridget McBride
Mike McCarthy
Joe Mefford
Amy Muckerman
Lynn Muckerman
Jim Murphy
Erica Nofi
Steven Norton
Robyn O’Brien
Lesley O’Seep
Nate O’Seep
Torie Pascoe
Karina Totah
Clint Trenkelbach
Jim Williams
Kick some ass, CRASH-Beasts. Let’s show our team some love in the comments.
Wodapalooza from a Blind Athlete’s Perspective Morning Chalk Up
Effective Communication in Coaching Starting Strength
I’ve seen many super fierce early morning Crash B’s killing it weekly and am so proud of anyone doing this! Its really hard, I did it once and its a lot of whoa, and all participating are amazing. Go make those ERG’s cry! xox JB
Thanks for always being such a warm welcome every 6 AM! Will try to represent!