Speed Box Squats:
50% x 3 x 10 @21X1
Rest :45-1:00 between sets.
Percentage recommendations are based off of a recent 1RM, or a few pounds heavier than last week. These should be LIGHT and FAST on the way up. Note the tempo includes a 2 second descent and 1 second pause at the box. This is meant to help prevent you from crashing onto the box and/or relaxing on the box. The intent is to find the box under control and maintain tension there before exploding up.
JTS Speed Squat Video (Though Chad isn’t using a box in these squats, they’re a great example of moving through perfect positions with amazing speed.)
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Week 2 of 6
4-5 Rounds or 20 Minutes for Quality:
200m Row
1-2 Rope Climbs or 3-4e (top hand) Rope Body Rows
12e Single-Arm Overhead Walking Lunges
:30 Banded Tall Plank (band over low back and under hands)
:45-1:00 Rest
Modify the load and/or height on the box step overs so you can grab ’em and go. The intent is to move continuously through the circuit.
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Coach Brittany talking about Pull-Up mechanics at our recent Gymnastics Kipping Workshop | Photo by Thomas H.
Yoga for Athletes with Guest Instructor Coach Fox
Coach Whit is out of town for the next couple of weeks, but never fear. Saturday’s 10am Yoga for Athletes will be led by Coach Fox on Saturday, February 29th and Saturday, March 7th.
Can’t make it to Yoga for Athletes but still want to try something other than group class this weekend? Don’t forget that we offer 11am Active Recovery on Saturdays and 11am Active Recovery and 12pm Pilates on Sundays!
Farewell to 5:30pm Short Circuit on Tuesdays and Thursdays
It is with heavy heart that we have decided to take the 5:30pm Tuesday and Thursday Short Circuit classes off of our schedule. Unfortunately, the time was a little too early to get enough traction, and there are scheduling conflicts that won’t allow us to push it to later in the evening. Today will be our final 5:30pm Short Circuit class. If this affects your membership or makes you unable to attend alternative classes, please contact us at info [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com so we can find you a solution. Thanks so much for your support of the program and we hope to see you at other times and days
Environmentalism, Frugality, and Minimalism Frugalwoods
5 Functional Exercises to Improve Warmups, Movement, and Overall Fitness BarBend