Warm up and work up to a challenging load for 50′. Use farmer handles, kettlebells, or dumbbells. Total load should be heavier, maybe significantly, than your 1RM deadlift.
Post loads to comments.
Week 4 of 6
4-5 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
100 Single-Unders or 50 Alternating Foot Steps (not Double-Unders)
:40 Wall Sit March (steady and controlled)
:20e Single-Arm Forearm/Ring Plank
5e Kettlebell Windmills/Bottoms Up Windmills
Post work to comments.
CFSBKer Clay Ross’s band Ranky Tanky just won a GRAMMY for Best Regional Roots Music Album. Congrats, Clay! Let’s show him some love in the comments.
This Sunday: Wim Hof Fundamentals Workshop Returns to CFSBK
Put yourself in the expert hands of a certified Wim Hof Method Instructor to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breathing Technique, Cold Exposure, and Commitment. Find out how you can utilize oxygen and cold exposure to optimize body & mind, and learn about the underlying physiology. The Wim Hof Fundamentals workshop returns to CFSBK this Sunday, February 2nd!
Date, Time, and Pricing
Sunday, February 2nd from 3:00pm to 7:00pm
Price: $125
There are still some spots left! Head over to the event page for more info.
2020 Fitness Trends US News
Teachers Turned Coaches Morning Chalk Up
Showing love at Clay! Great guitar player and singer. And Ranky Tanky! Big ups and well deserved! (also awesome rendition of You Gotta Move they do).