3-5 Progressive Sets of:
8-12e Dumbbell Bent Over Row (on bench)
1:00 Weighted Plank
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Week 1 of 2
Beginning with a light weight, work up to a challenging load on the following complex:
5 Single Arm Kettlebell Swings
5 Single Arm Kettlebell Cleans
5 Kettlebell Rack Ipsilateral Reverse Lunges
5 Single Arm Kettlebell Swings (opposite arm)
5 Single Arm Kettlebell Cleans
5 Kettlebell Rack Ipsilateral Reverse Lunges
10 Kettlebell Goblet Squats
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
All 50 reps are to be completed without putting the bell on the floor. Gold standard is 24kg for women and 32kg or men.
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The New Year at CFSBK
As you awake from your holiday food coma, you may be looking toward 2020. We’re here to help you get stronger, eat better, and set intentions for the new year. Here’s what’s happening:
- Want to get a lot stronger in 2020? The Starting Strength program is an opportunity to spend 8 weeks with Coach Jeremy honing your technique and increasing your capacity at the most fundamental strength movements: Back Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press and Deadlift. Registration for upcoming cycles opened this week, and they’re sure to sell out. Go HERE to sign up!
- Join Sasha Slocombe and CFSBK Coach Chris Fox from 7pm – 8:30pm on Sunday, January 12th and start off 2020 with intention. By developing a connection between the body and breath, you’ll be able to come back to the breath when difficult times arise whether in yoga, CrossFit, or life. Intention setting is more than making resolutions, more than wishing and hoping for things to change. What do you actually need to do to get there? What can you realistically do today that moves you closer to where you want to be? You’ll set an intention for action as you move forward into the coming year and beyond. Head over to the event page to learn more.
- This workshop coincides with the start of the 2020 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, our annual 10-week challenge meant as a collective kickstart toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the new year. For more info, check out yesterday’s post!
Weekend Schedule Changes
Saturday’s 8am Strong Fit and Sunday’s 11am Active Recovery classes are cancelled.
Why a Higher VO2max Isn’t Always Better Outside
Combating the Winter Blues? Start with Vitamin D BarBend
Warning: hard metcon masquerading as NFT work!
I am terrible at KB cleans but resisted the temptation to skip group class in favor of Short Circuit. 8 AM was fun!
Got to 50# x8 on the Kroc rows for 2 sets, 25# on the planks, and 20kg on the KB complex. Owwwie, I knew my arms would be bruised after this but I didn’t realize my shoulders would be too. It’s my own fault for not moving my elbows fast enough 😛
I done did this at 5:30 with Brittany and it was fun.
55# rows with a little pause action at the top. Up to 45# planks.
Built to the 88# KB which was not as fun.