A1) Seated Arnold Press:
3 x 12-15 @4121 tempo
A2) Back Squat:
3 x 12-15 @4121 tempo
Coaches Notes:
Increase the weight from last week. Use a load that’s light enough to allow you to perform the prescribed reps at the prescribed tempo.
Rest around :30 between movements and 1:00 between sets.
Post loads to comments.
Week 4 of 6
4 Rounds for Time:
20 DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
20 Alternating Renegade Rows
20 Sit-Ups
Coaches Notes:
Today’s Renegade Rows are the version without a push-up. Choose a challenging load for the lunges and rows that you could perform unbroken, at least for the first round. Check the notes & photos below regarding DB Front Racks.
Theadora with a proper DB Front Rack. The dumbbells are in contact with the shoulders, elbows in front and the dumbbells are supported by the hands with palms facing up. There can be some variations to this, with the back head of the dumbbell off to the side of the shoulder instead of right on top, but in either case, there is an intentional front rack supported by the arms.
This version of the DB Front Rack was popularized when Dumbbells became a staple of the Open. In the context of the Open, this rack certainly makes holding on to the dumbbells much easier as they’re essentially draped over your shoulders as opposed to being supported by the arms. As a strategy for competition, when its within the rules this is fine, but for your day-to-day training, we recommend always using a proper Front Rack to maximize the benefits gained in shoulder stability, strength and stamina from not doing things the easy way.
Dan Bailey does a horrendus Dumbbell workout CrossFit
This was one really hard metcon followed by another!
Stayed at same weights as last week (15/105) but upped reps from 12 to 14 per set.
WOD 9:29 with 22.5# DBs. Thank heaven it’s only one set of DBs so I had an excuse not to use 35s on the lunges.
PS major thank you to whichever of Nick and Lauren changed the song to “This Is Radio Clash” about 2/3 of the way through the WOD. Just the boost I needed!