Dumbbell Lat Pullover / Landmine Rotation Superset
A1) Dumbbell Lat Pullovers:
2 x1 4-16 @ 4121
A2) Landmine Rotations:
2 x 14-16 @ 4121
Rest :30 between movements, 1:00 between sets.
Post loads to comments
Week 2 of 6
3 Rounds for Time:
15 Hang Power Cleans 155/105
12 Front Squats
9 Push Jerks
Post time and Rx to comments.
Today: Starting Strength Total at CFSBK
Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle today starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
News and Notes
- Tomorrow’s 4:30pm Crossfit Preteens class is cancelled.
- We’ll be running on a modified schedule this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for Thanksgiving. Check out the Schedule page to find out what’s happening!
How One Woman Is Using CrossFit to Break Barriers in the Middle East Morning Chalk Up
The Keto Diet’s Most Controversial Champion The Atlantic
Going to blog my workout!!! Just like old times:
Friday AM: all of the benchmarks
A) Jackie
1000m row
50 thrusters – 45#
30 pull ups
***rest walk 10min***
150 WB or 75 burpee
****rest walk 10 min***
power clean and jerk – 75#
pull ups
Jackie: 8:02
Pain free! 90% effort. Rowed around a 2:08 avg pace and then all 50 thrusters unbroken. It was legit fine. Just a mental push. Except I failed my first thruster!!! LOL! My body was like why U squatting Y u do this to me. No pain. Just body confusion. lost tension and fell on my bum while i was still in the front rack. Very very funny moment. 45# thrusters R HARD.
Pt II: 40 devils press w/ 35# ea hand in 6:09, wanted to just be super careful since i did jackie. did i wanted to practice them in case they were in qual since i already feel good about my burpees. hope that was ok!! It was GREAT! figured out how to cycle these better on the descent. AKA elbow bend, dont keep arms long and swing them down. SO much less taxing!
Power clean and jerk Fran @ 75#: 5:23, FUN.
14/7 on both pull-ups and PC & J, 9/6 for both, unbroken on 9s.
Friday PM:
Power Clean
10 TnG reps in the least amount of sets – @77.5% -note time taken to complete and how many sets
5 TnG! completed in 1:05. accidentally did this session second i dont know how i got confused about this but whatever! More in the tank and i know i need to get under it. im so ridiculous with the starfish sometimes.
Saturday: team practice at Queens!
just sort of dusting off the cobwebs with the worm and getting a gauge on where we’re all at for the qual coming up. SO SOON! I’m excited and feeling pretty mentally ready to compete. Dec 6-16th for the WZA QUALLLLL trying to get my ticket back to miami! Played around with versions of 2 of the filthy 150 team workouts
4 rds:
20 worm push press
10 synchro burpee over worm
4 rope climbs (2 per MM/FF partner)
i think we did 8:17?
WORKOUT 2: MF pairs working at a time
80 synchro DB snatch (50/35)
60 synchro HSPU
60 synchro toes to bar
80 synchro DB snatch
……..then our teammate decided that was too easy so she yelled ASSAULT BIKE right when we were finishing and we had to split 100/80 cals per MM FF partner and it was disgusting and rude.
Fun to get a little bit of training in with friends. Hopefully we make it! Results pending
For anyone headed to Starting Strength total today, essay in the Times about Zen & the Art of Weightlifting:
see you there.
-Richard G.