WOD 11.7.19
3 Rounds
In 5 Minutes:
12e Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings
24 Alternating Leg Goblet Reverse Lunges
8 Kipping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Max Calories Rowed In Remaining Time
Rest 5 minutes between sets.
Choose your own kettlebell load. Complete each round of today’s work at a pace that you could maintain for 20+ minutes. Pace as needed in order to have similar splits for each movement and set, and a similar score for each row. The first round should feel “too easy,” the second and third ones just right. The Pull-Ups may be completed in as many as 4-5 quick sets: modify to Chin-over-Bar, volume to as few as half, or to Ring Rows as needed.
Post work to comments.
Week 4 of 4
Sunday Pilates Returns This Week!
Our Sunday 12pm Pilates class returns this week with new instructor Frank Howell! The Pilates Method can be great “accessory work” for a CrossFitter, not only because it improves flexibility and strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, but mainly because it can help you figure out how to use these muscles properly. We’ll go over neutral pelvis, engaging the transversus abdominis (say WHAT?), stabilizing the rib cage, and finding good shoulder girdle positioning. If any of this sounds intriguing to you, drop on in! You can use your punchcard or any recurring membership for Pilates.
A recent Athlete of the Month, Frank has been a member of CFSBK since 2013 (ish), and he is quick to share that his favorite CrossFit movement is the Double-Under (right? total weirdo!) and his preferred lift would be the Power Clean. These days you’ll find him at evening group classes during the week, late morning classes on the weekend, and Sunday Active Recovery as often as he can make it.
Frank has been doing Pilates since 2002 and initially got started as a way to focus on general fitness. Over time, Pilates became a key part of how he combats the impact of a career spent sitting at a desk, hunched over a computer keyboard. But in addition to Pilates being the antidote to modern life in NYC, he is a firm believer that Pilates helps athletes do movements they love to do. He has seen Pilates improve his running results (marathoner, no biggie…) and absolutely has seen it impact his efforts at CFSBK. Frank received his teaching certification from Core Pilates NYC.
Frank currently teaches Pilates in Manhattan at The Pilates Local (which, fun fact, is owned by the founder of CFSBK’s Pilates program Kristin Hoesl) and is excited to start teaching at CFSBK! He looks at this place as a community that he belongs to and cares about, and is pumped about being able to contribute to that community in this very specific way. He is also a HUGE fan of the previous two CFSBK Pilates instructors and continues chasing them around the city to take their classes. He is totes excited to be taking the Pilates torch forward and can’t wait for class on Sunday!
News and Notes
- Our 6th Annual Art Show will be Saturday, December 14th, and we need to know by Saturday, December 7th whether you want to participate. Go HERE for more info.
- Join us tomorrow for our fifth and final Friday Night Lights event of the Open!
The Right Kind of Exercise May Boost Memory and Lower Dementia Risk NY Times
Sasha Nievas Does 20.4 in 11:08 Morning Chalk Up
Yaaaaay Fraaaaaaank!
Congrats Frank!!!!
Yeah Frank!
Frank is a pretty great human…looking forward to taking his class!