Contralateral Romanian Deadlift / Push Press Superset
A1) Contralateral Single Leg Single Arm Romanian Deadlift
3 x 6-8 @ 4111
Focus first on balance and stability through the foot, lower leg, and hip. Use dumbbells or kettlebells to add load as able.
A2) Barbell Push Press:
3 x 6-8 @ 41X1
The bar should not be crashing back to the rack position. Start light enough to use the prescribed tempo and to build in load over six weeks.
Sumo Deadlift
3 x 6-8 @4111
Use a double overhand grip and control the tempo, using a switch grip only if you need it. Hook grip is preferred. Start light enough to use the prescribed tempo and to build in load over six weeks. Here’s a useful demo video.
Post loads to comments.
Week 1 of 6
4 Sets:
8-15 Unbroken Push-Ups (elevated or knees as needed)
15-20 Band Triceps Pressdowns
No rest between movements. Rest 1:00 between sets. Stop each set a two reps shy of failure.
Post work to comments.
This Sunday, September 8th is the last day to register for Fight Gone Bad 2019. This year we’re raising money to benefit the Sunrise Movement, a coalition of young people who aim to stop climate change and create millions of jobs in the process. We can’t think of a more urgent mission! Go HERE to join the fight
Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 8/2/19 – S 10/13/19 (6 weeks)
Goals: This cycle will run a similar template to the one we just finished. For conditioning, expect to see regular aerobic work in both steady state and interval formats as well as higher intensity short and medium length mixed-modal pieces. Strength training will again employ unilateral work and Carries alongside Squats, Presses, Deadlifts, and Olympic lifts. Each week will include some dedicated class time to practice a higher skill gymnastics movements.
Tempo training numbers can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a simple explanation of what those numbers mean when you see a tempo prescribed to a movement. Read this comprehensive article on tempo training for further explanation.
- First number = Time on the eccentric/lowering phase >
- Second number = Time at finish or end of the movement >
- Third number = Time on the concentric/ascending phase >
- Fourth number = Time at the start or beginning of the movement.
So when you see something like this:
Front Squat:
3 x 6-8 @ 4211
You read it as:
3 sets of 6-8 reps of Front Squats, where each rep is lowered for 4 seconds, held at the bottom for 2 seconds, lifted in 1 second, and held at the top for a second.
Monday: Lower Body Unilateral Hinge / Push Press Superset + Sumo Deadlift
Weeks 1-3
A1) Contralateral Single Leg Single Arm Romanian Deadlift:
3 x 6-8 @ 4111
Focus first on balance and stability through the foot, lower leg, and hip. Use dumbbells or kettlebells to add load as able.
A2) Barbell Push Press:
3 x 6-8 @ 41X1.
The bar should not be crashing back to the rack position. Start light enough to use the prescribed tempo and to build in load over 6 weeks.
B) Sumo Deadlift:
3 x 6-8 @ 4111
Use a double overhand grip and control the tempo, using a switch grip only if you need it. Hook grip is preferred. Start light enough to use the prescribed tempo and to build in load over 6 weeks.
Weeks 4-6
A1) Rear Foot Elevated Single Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts:
3 x 6-8 @ 4111
Start light enough to use the prescribed tempo and to build in load over the next 3 weeks.
A2) Barbell Push Press:
3 x 3-5 @ 41X1
Still able to use the prescribed tempo and to build in load over the next 3 weeks.
B) Sumo Deadlift:
3 x 3-5 @ 4111
Still able to use the prescribed tempo and to build in load over the next 3 weeks.
Tuesday: Snatch + Aerobic Recovery Metcon
Weeks 1-6: Varied exposures
Aerobic Recovery Metcons: If you wear a heart rate monitoring device then aim to say below about 150 bpm. Otherwise, you should be able to breathe through your nose the entire time and/or hold a conversational pace.
Wednesday: Carry + Metcon
Weeks 1-3
Single-Arm Farmer Carry:
5-7 Sets x 10 Seconds
Rest 1:30 – 2:00 between sets. Start with a load you can carry for 10 seconds without putting down and progress week to week from there with the goal of building in weight each week.
Weeks 4-6
Farmer Carry:
5-7 Sets x 10 Seconds
Rest 1:30 – 2:00 between sets. Start with a load you can carry for 10 seconds without putting down and progress week to week from there with the goal of building in weight each week.
Thursday: Power Clean + Metcon
Weeks 1-6: Varied exposures
Friday: Front Squat + Aerobic Interval Metcon
Weeks 1-2: 3 x 6-8 @ 4211
Weeks 3-4: 3 x 3-5 @ 4211
Week 5: Heavy 3 @ 40X1 (no pause at the bottom)
Week 6: 1-1-1 @ 20X1 (no pause at the bottom)
Aerobic Intervals: Not high intensity intervals. The work on these is done at a slightly higher intensity/faster pace than you would be able to maintain during a straight aerobic session like the 30 minute pieces we did last cycle and are doing again on Fridays this cycle. Each interval should be repeatable after the rest period and should look and, importantly, feel the same. This may take some trial and error, so have fun with it!
Saturday: Monster Metcon
Partner workouts!
Sunday: Strict Upper Body Pulling + Metcon
Weeks 1-3: Pull Up “Cluster” Sets (4 x 5/3/2)
Rest :20-:30 between sets and 2:00 between “clusters.” Use a load or level of assistance (modifying to challenging Ring Rows as needed) that allows you to perform at least 6+ quality reps.
Weeks 4-6: Done as “Rest-Pause” Sets
Week 4: 40 reps
Week 5: 45 reps
Week 6: 50 reps
Using the same load or level of difficulty as in Week 3, perform the prescribed reps as quickly and in as few sets as possible. Generally this involves doing multiple challenging but submaximal effort sets. The key is to push just shy of muscular failure and not beyond it.
Today’s Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule today for Labor Day. Here’s what’s happening:
8am CrossFit
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
11am CrossFit
12pm CrossFit
8am to 1pm Open Gym-only Membership
Everything else is cancelled!
23 Surgeries Later, This Teen Gets to WOD with Her Mom Morning Chalk Up
How to Get in Shape for Hiking Outside
Hi to all the people who reached out this weekend about my friend’s partner’s bike shop in Bed Stuy that is worker owned and operated… their site and IG are up:
They should be open the week of the 9th!
Since I’m here I can post my last intense training day before Iron Maidens next Saturday (go!!! It is fun!!)
SQ: 230×2, 215×2
B: 107.5×2, 105 2×2
DL: 290×2