Rear Foot Elevated Dumbbell Split Squat
3 x 8e
Use a “faster up-slower down” tempo. Heavier than last week. Here’s a useful video!
Front Squat
Heavy 3
Use a “faster up-slower down” tempo. One work set. NOT a 3RM. Go by feel and leave 1-2 reps in the tank.
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Week 6 of 6
Cash Out
Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extensions
Rest 1:00 between sets.
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JOIN THE REVOLUTION. The deadline to register for Fight Gone bad is approaching. You don’t wanna miss this one!
5 Reasons to Sign Up for Fight Gone Bad 2019
Fight Gone Bad, one of our biggest and funnest community events of the year goes down on October 5th. The deadline to register—Sunday, September 8th—is fast approaching. You may be asking yourself, “Why should I do this big crazy workout?” Here’s why!
1. FUNDRAISING: Last year, we raised nearly $18,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation, a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grant-making, and community service. And over the last 10 years, CFSBK has raised over $600,000 to benefit local communities. This year, we’ll be partnering the Sunrise Movement, a coalition of young people who aim to stop climate change and create millions of jobs in the process, in hopes of making a difference in the wider world beyond Brooklyn.
2. TEAMS: Once our registration deadline ends on the 1st, we’ll create teams consisting of 6 athletes. This is a great chance to get to know your fellow CFSBKers better and make some new gym buds. Maybe you go to 6:30pm class and have always wondered what those crazy 6am’ers are really like. Now’s your chance! Check out last year’s team photos.
3. COSTUMES: With Fight Gone Bad happening so close to Halloween, we encourage teams to come up with a fun team name and dress the part! Last year we found out what it looks like when characters from Alice in Wonderland, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the Cirque du Soleil look like doing CrossFit. They still make a lot of weird faces, it turns out. But hey, we also give prizes to the team with the most spirit!
4. SCALING OPTIONS: Here’s CrossFit founder Greg Glassman explaining FGB in detail in a delightfully vintage video. Worried about those 75 lb. Push Presses? Don’t! It’s a challenging workout, but we’ll have scaling options available.
5. FRIENDLY COMPETITION: It’s just fun, and you’ll have the support of your team and the crowd that always turns out to cheer! Check out Coach Fox’s blog classic “Why Compete?” for a persuasive read on the joys of competition, even if you’re not a competitive person.
5 Common Rowing Mistakes Breaking Muscle
The Ancient Roots of Apple Cider JSTOR Daily
LOL. Poor Kurt is never, ever living that photo down. I remember his wife telling me he’s totally not into Halloween costumes, and that FGB was basically the first time she’d seen him willingly put one on. And now it’s documented until the end of time.
Also, 7 AM with Brauren:
30# on RFESS. Came in intending to do 35 but this was p-l-e-n-t-y.
138 FSQ at 3-2-1-1 tempo. Tempo continues to be good for cranky hip.
12.5# on the tricep extensions, and I know the last 2 reps of my last set looked like caca. I was shaking like a leaf and it was almost a bench press but I don’t know what else I could have done at that point (maybe I should have just called the set at 11).
Hoping I can make it to Frankie’s class on Wednesday, finally!
Back in NYC after two weeks traveling – I missed our gym a lot, but missed my bed even more.
8am with Lauren
RFESS with 35# – left leg is so much weaker 🙁
FS up to 225# which felt heavy but still had another rep
Then did a bunch of ring thing muscle-ups, doubles up to 80lb and then a 90lb single.