Heavy 2, 90% x 2 x 2
Including warm ups, work up to a heavy set of 2 dead-start reps (not touch-and-go) within 4-6 sets. Then perform 2 more doubles at 90% of that top set.
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Week 5 of 6
30 Minutes for Quality:
270m Jog
16 Alternating Jackknifes from a Hollow Hold
130m Farmer Carry, medium-heavy and unbroken
4 Wall Walks
1:00 Sandbag Bear Hold, medium-heavy and unbroken
Rotate through the movements at a low intensity/aerobic pace. If you wear a heart rate monitoring device, then aim to say below about 150 bpm. Otherwise, you should be able to breathe through your nose the entire time and/or hold a conversational pace. Modify the Wall Walks to 16 Alternating Down Dog Toe Touches as needed.
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Our staff trying to figure out how to set up the projector
Come out to the gym TONIGHT at 7:45pm for a heaping dose of nostalgic summertime fun. We asked for your vote during group class, and you wisely chose a classic. We’ll be showing The Goonies on our big, big (it’s really big) screen in 597! We’ll start the movie just as Open Gym winds down. Movie Night will be bring-your-own beverages, snacks, and—in keeping with the theme of the film—friends! All are welcome.
And hey, don’t forget that we offer 4:30, 5:30, and 6:30pm classes on Friday nights. Come for the fitness, stay for the adventure!
70 Years of Lifting: Canadian Man, 85, Could Cinch Weightlifting Championship Coast Mountain News
10 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness Morning Chalk Up
7 AM with Harpz and Snickers, who kindly helped me work around my issues.
Deadlift: 145x8x3, with a slow (2-second) down on every rep. I have no business trying for a heavy 2 right now.
NFT work: subbed DB overhead holds with 20# DBs for the wall walks. OMG, those farmer carries got really hard really fast.