Dumbbell Press / Pull-Up Superset
A1) Seated Dumbbell Press:
3 x 8-10
A2) Strict Pull-Ups:
3 x 8-10
Use a “faster up-slower down” tempo. Add load and/or reps to last week. Use band assist, partner assist, or add weight to the Pull-Ups as needed.
Post work to comments.
Week 2 of 6
3 Rounds for Time:
35 Sit-Ups
45 Squats
550m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Eat, Pray, Gainz: Yellow Vegetable Curry with Steamed Cod
By Chris Fox
Originally posted on 8.21.17
This recipe started coming together when Coach Whitney’s curried lentil recipe awakened my long dormant love of all things curry. I’d eaten many curries when I was a vegetarian, and then when I started eating meat again they, like many other vegetarian staples, fell off my plate and were replaced by mostly “meat and _____” dishes. Lately I’ve been working my way back around to my love of vegetables and realize that a “plant based” diet doesn’t have to exclude eggs, fish, and meat. This recipe is similar to one I used to prepare from scratch and serve over rice with a side of lentils and naan. Here I make use of yellow curry paste, a rainbow of fresh vegetables, and serve it with a steamed cod fillet as a great source of lean protein. Without a side of starchy veg or grain, it’s a great meal to enjoy away from exercise. I offer a few hacks and suggestions below to beef up the carbs and lower the fat to make it a great post exercise meal, and also some to keep it 100% vegetarian. Hope you enjoy!
Makes 4 servings, each coming in at about: 350 calories (roughly 35 grams protein, 20 grams fat, and 12 grams of carbs).
- 3 cloves garlic, fine chopped
- 1 TBSP ginger, fine chopped
- 4 TBSP (I used Maesri brand) yellow curry paste
- 2 medium zucchinis, sliced into ½” half moons
- 1 medium carrot, sliced into ¼” half moons
- 1 large red pepper, sliced into bite sized pieces
- 4 cups green cabbage, rough chopped
- ½ cup coconut milk powder, mixed with 2 cups water*
- 2 TBSP oil (coconut, canola, light olive, or ghee)
- 1 TBSP sugar
- 4 cod fillets (about 5-7 oz each)
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Optional – chopped fresh herbs (cilantro, basil, mint) and lime wedges for garnish
*A shaker cup with a wire whisk ball works great for this!
- Prep the veggies, keeping the garlic and ginger separate.
- In a large pot, heat half of the coconut oil over medium high, and sauté the garlic and ginger for a about a minute, until fragrant.
- Add the curry paste and sauté for a minute.
- Add the rest of the vegetables and stir to coat in the curry paste.
- Add the coconut milk mixture, sugar, salt and pepper and stir thoroughly.
- Cover, reducing heat to medium-low and simmer until vegetables are cooked through (8-10 minutes to maintain a bit of crunch, 12-14 if you like them softer).
- While the curry is simmering, heat the remaining coconut oil over medium-high in a large non-stick pan.
- Pat the fish dry and salt and pepper them to taste.
- Place the fillets in the pan, cover, and cook through, about 5-6 minutes (the fish will steam in it’s own liquid and should be opaque throughout when done).
- Ladle the curry into bowls then place the fish alongside or atop, and garnish as desired.
The curry paste makes this so easy to make, and honestly, you could skip the garlic and ginger and go right to sautéing the paste before adding the vegetables if you wanted. The bulk of the time is spent prepping the veggies. Double or half the recipe for more/fewer servings. If you’re planning to have leftovers to reheat, I recommend cooking the veg al dente so they aren’t mushy the next day.
- Boost the carbs: Serve over cooked rice, add 3-4 cubed potatoes with the rest of the veg, or serve with some naan to make a great post workout meal.
- Lower the fat: Use ¼ cup of the coconut milk powder or use a canned light coconut milk.
- All veggie option: Add 2 cups of cooked chickpeas a minute or two before the veg are done cooking to ditch the flesh but keep the protein up.
- Garnish with ¼ cup of low-fat greek style yogurt for a vegetarian protein boost or just to cut through the heat.
- Add the chickpeas and keep the fish for a higher calorie and protein meal.
- Use any veggies you like or have around. Chopped greens, snow peas, green beans, the options are plenty. Be sure to keep cooking time for different veggies and thickness of cuts in mind.
- Use more or less of the curry paste to taste. For a spicier kick, add a few sliced fresh green chiles when you sauté the garlic and ginger.
News and Notes
- There are a bunch more easy, healthy recipes over on the Articles & Media page!
- Check the blog tomorrow for our August Athlete of the Month. Who’s it gonna be??
Saturday Cuts Rip Through Games Veterans Morning Chalk Up
Kettlebell Lifting, Handstand Walking, and a Whole Lot of Misery NY Times
Woke up feeling annoyed by all the sympathy for Annie Thorisdottir, etc and I just had to comment…
In regards to the cutting situation at the games:
I do think it’s fair they eliminated down to 10 after the sprint workout!! SORRY! If you can’t run a long distance with heavy stuff quickly— then you’re not a fit human. If you can’t sprint extremely fast, then you’re also not the world’s FITTEST human.
What does it mean for a human to be FIT if you can’t run? That’s like a basic, inherent human athletic necessity (against animals chasing us, to move locations, to play MANY sports etc).
Obviously, yes, to be the fittest one also needs to be able to pick up heavy stuff… but without the basic foundation of cardiovascular fitness without any fancy equipment then you’re simply the STRONGEST on earth. There’s another competition for that. Also, is everyone forgetting the extremely challenging workout with a very heavy snatch?? The technicality and strength needed to do that workout well knocked out half the competition and showed the sheer strength and repeated hours of training, strength work, etc it takes to master olympic weightlifting— an important part of CrossFit and being the “fittest”.
Sorry, Annie, but if you score 41st in any workout, I don’t think you deserve to be in the top 10 for the *fittest* in the world. I think it’s super rude and so ungracious she posted her statement about how the cuts are unfair. Rude to ALL of the athletes and just really put a bad taste in my mouth.
It appears that I’m the only one who feels that way. Maybe athletes like Kharpz who actually train know better than I… and maybe it really is unfair.
I also just think so many people have been completely deluded on what FITNESS and being the FITTEST should really look like.
It definitely DOESN’T look like *walking* during a 3.78 mile run. (Cough, Annie Thorisdottir)
Is there anyone out there who agrees with me!?! I read some comments on Annie Thorisdottirs post and *everyone* was expressing their discontentment towards the games and consoling her for how she deserved to be in the top 10. I would never get so emotionally involved in some silly drama with celebrities, but I just couldn’t believe she would negate the efforts of the women who were chosen by saying there “weren’t enough tests”. Poor sportsmanship and a poor example to young athletes who look up to her. Sorry lady, you got 41st on a very simple workout = not the top 10 fittest!
Now I can go back to sleep! Bye!
I agree with you but I also think the programing structure and when events are programmed make all the difference. Here is my case.
Kari Pearce, Helgadottir, Kristin and Bethany Shadburne all very good athletes in long aerobic event and gymnastic event benefited from the early programming of these type of event. Most early event where long aerobic with nothing heavy.
Now they made it in into the top 10 and then we have the clean event. 3 out of these 4 women did not even get the opening weight of 215!!
Now you could argue they then do not belong in the top 10. If that clean event happened before cut of 20 or 30 for example they most likely would have been cut because they would have finished in the bottom of that specific event while Brooke Wells for example would have done really well. Now They were already in the top 10 it did not matter at all that they bomb the event.
Because of the new point system favoring later event you can also have something unique which happened last night.
Noah Olsen overall average placing was not as good as the average placing of Matt Fraser but he was 1st anyway. This opens the door to an athlete winning the games with a worse overall average placing than the second place, meaning the games can no longer claim they are crowning the fittest on earth.
So I totally agree with your point but I also believe there is a legitimate claim that the current system flawed and needs to be reviewed. Hopefully they learn from their mistake and rethink it for next year
Food for thought, love to hear what you guys think.
Fascinating! I agree about putting the clean event before cutting again… because true, that was crazy to see some women not make that first clean.
I also didn’t realize about the Fraser/ Olsen thing!
Thanks for sharing 🙂
I agree with Pierre generally, I think there could have been a little more foresight into what events were included prior to the major cuts. While the 185/130 snatches were heavy, they IMO were not considered pure strength test like the barbell clean.
Heres my 2 cents:
I think all the national champions should have a minimum worldwide ranking in the open or work minimum in the most challenging open workout to get to the games. So if you’re a national champion of say, Ecuador, but your not top 200 worldwide in the open or didn’t get to X round/weight in one of the Open workouts you’re still a national champion but dont get to compete at the games. Then they wouldn’t have had to been so aggressive with the cuts and we could do more tests before slashing the field down.
At the end of the day, this is Tia and Matts world and we’re just living in it sooo
WOW. More content like that recipe please; loved the tips/hacks by the end. And, it looks pretty easy.
I have been putting in my 10,000 hours in the instant pot on this recipe, very fun and definitely easy:
(sorry, maybe some smarty who knows the interwebs better can repost that as a hot link?)
In my best Oliver Twist voice, “More, please.” I will resort to the Articles & Media page in the meantime.
And Allie, I don’t follow the games and running makes me tired (s/o to Coach Melo), but whatever you say, goes. I trust you.
two things:
1. To Charles (Eagles fan): regarding our conversation this morning, my daughter takes classes at the Brooklyn Museum, and she loves loves loves the teacher James. https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/education/art_classes/teen
I think the class this fall is Sunday 130 to 330 if you’re interested.
2. To Allie: I don’t follow the games much, and didn’t know of the controversy and I agree with you, but for different reasons. it annoys me when professional athletes complain about things like this. Being able to make a living by competing in a sport (Baseball, hockey, biking – did you follow all the whining during the Tour de France about the drag created by the camera-motorcycles?) is an absolute luxury and a blessing. Especially considering that the number of “elites” who can actually make a living playing a game is so few. So, please, spare me the whining – count your blessings and get back to work.
Richard G.
10 AM w/Lauren and Lady Fox
Pullups with red band for 2 rounds and blue for 1 round. I have BW pullups, just not 8 at a time.
Worked to 27.5 on seated press.
WOD 17:54. I’m so dang slow!
Re: Allie’s question, I don’t really know enough about the standards and the events to say whether I think Annie is whining. I will say that there are some similarities between the Games and the seemingly totally different sphere in which I compete seriously (crossword puzzles) that make me not want to dismiss Annie immediately.
The “fittest person” is not as easily defined as the fastest person (pretty easy to measure that on a track) or the strongest person (have ’em pick up some weight, and even then you have to decide whether you’re going to factor in weight class or not, and how you’ll do that). How are you going to weight each component of fitness? And, given CrossFit’s way of choosing a different way of testing each of those components every time (a 400m dash is always a 400m dash, but the Games workouts are never the same from year to year), how do you know exactly how good your methods of measurement are?
Similarly, in crossword puzzles — seems like it’s easy to measure who’s the best, but is it? Is it just about who solves the fastest? Who is better, the person who solves a puzzle in 4 minutes with 3 errors or the person who takes 12 minutes but has no errors? And do men routinely beat women in tournament solving because men are better at solving crosswords, or because not enough crosswords are written by women and there’s a bias toward including more bro-leaning trivia and references than femme stuff? (It’s no secret which of those I believe is true.)
This is not to say that Annie might not just be full of sour grapes. Maybe she is, but I can also understand it if she’s reacting to a yardstick she feels is arbitrary or even incorrect in some way.
About an hour of bouldering at BKB
then 5 Rounds NFT
100′ Yoke carry +50kgs
12 Stall Bar Hanging leg raises
12 GHD Hip Extensions +25lbs
I like the idea of national champions having to be at a certain worldwide placement in order to go to the games, it only seems fair. That’s the part that gets under my skin. All of the bubble games athletes were probably shifting in their seats watching that first event knowing very well they could have outperformed a lot of people on that floor if only they had a different passport.
As for Annie, that’s pretty lame if she was complaining. I haven’t read any of her posts about it but I imagine it’s been a frustrating year with all of the changes, so she’s choosing to blame the system. The system has a lot more flaws than it used to. The workouts should have definitely been spread differently and Pierre explains the scoring system well, I agree with that. Ultimately I’m hoping she sees a hole in her game and turns it around in her training for the future. This isn’t the first time she’s bombed a longer running oriented event (Murph). I know she had heat exhaustion and the games was really hot that year, but there may be a theme there. Who knows.
I’m hoping they change the cut to allow 100/50/25/10 athletes to compete per day respectively or something along those lines. I was mostly bummed about it because i didn’t get to watch some people I look forward to watching every year. Hopefully it gets sorted.
As for me personally I’m just hoping there are no more plot twists. I just want to play to win without paranoia the rug is going to get pulled out from under me again. My goal of regionals was taken away from me so it’s been sort of an odd struggle to find out what will scratch that same itch. I can’t say that I’ll be a games athlete in my lifetime with the current system in place.
0-8:00, complete:
3 rounds of:
6 C2B
3 DB OHS/sdie – 50#
Then, 3 rounds of:
7 C2B
5 DB OHS/sdie – 50#.
8-12:00, complete 3 rounds of:
8 C2B
4 DB OHS/sdie – 50#
12-16:00, complete 3 rounds of:
9 C2B
3 DB OHS/sdie – 50#
16-20:00, complete 3 rounds of:
10 C2B
2 DB OHS/sdie – 50#
Finished in 18:43. The overhead squats were slow but that was on purpose. I was a little nervous this would be a trigger movement for my nerve/back but it went overall very well. Wore lifters. The 50# didn’t feel half as bad as I expected! Feeling very mobile these days!!!!
Was really hyped about my chest to bar. I almost went unbroken throughout the whole thing but my hands started to rip in the 10s. So broke up last 30. Was kind of annoyed that happened but then I realized I had accumulated 120 chest to bar and that’s insane. Sneaky Ro! Sneaky!
Made the blog dinner tonight!!!
It was delish!! Super easy— the veggie chopping was hardest part. Loved the steamed fish.
Used Savoy cabbage, because I prefer the texture… and added baby corn for fun! Also added a touch of white pepper, soy sauce, and sriracha.
I never add sugar to recipes if it calls for it… but I had coconut sugar and gave it a try! It was very good!
And we have leftovers for dinners this week! 🤤