Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat
Work up to a challenging but not max effort load. Be sure your area is clear to bail the bar.
Snatch Balance
Work up to a challenging but not max effort load. Be sure your area is clear to bail he bar.
Post loads to comments.
Week 2 of 6
For Time:
20/15 Calorie Bike
25 Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35
30/25 Calorie Row
Short one today, so the goal is high intensity.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Here’s CFSBKer David Genat putting his training to good use on the new season of Australian Survivor. Now that’s functional fitness! Follow David on Instagram for updates
Book a Massage with Leah D. Today!
The dog days of summer are upon us, so you know what that means. Time to do something nice for yourself! In our never-ending quest to be your one-stop fitness shop, we’re very happy to offer massage therapy with Leah DeCesare, LMT.
Leah is a licensed massage therapist in the state of New York, where she was born and raised. A graduate of the Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences in 2009, she brings a decade of professional experience to her table. Shortly after obtaining her license, she earned additional certifications in sports and medical massage. She has worked in personal training studios, chiropractic offices, private studios, various gyms, community health centers, and at a variety of races and athletic events.
Leah maintains that truly skilled massage therapy has been the most effective modality for any physical ailments she’s personally dealt with, and has made it her mission to frame it in the larger discussion of physical rehabilitation. Her sessions are resolution-oriented, incorporating myofascial release, deep tissue work, trigger point therapy, ART, and rhythmic proprioception rebalancing.
In tandem with her massage therapy study, Leah is informed by her own experiences as a competitive powerlifter since 2012. She competes within USA Powerlifting and is a former New York state record holder in her weight class’s Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, and overall total in the raw open division. She has worked extensively with strength athletes since making lifting such an integral part of her life, so she understands common myoskeletal issues they often develop.
Monday: 9am to 2:30pm
Tuesday: 3pm to 8pm
Wednesday: 9am to 2:30pm
Thursday: 3pm to 8pm
Saturday: 3:15pm to 7:30pm
E-mail Leah at leah.decesare [at] to set up an appointment.
30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $150
Cancellation Policy
Appointments cancelled within 24 hours are subjected to the full cost of the session.
2019 CrossFit Games World Feed CrossFit
Bequi Livingston: Wildland Firefighting Pioneer Filson Life
NLWC: cleaned for the first time in 3 weeks! It felt shockingly good and crisp. 😀
Then all the pressing. aaaaaaaaallllll the pressing!
Hi Everyone!
First time posting to the blog, but I’ve been around for about 1.5 yrs.
I had a question and was told that posting to the blog was a great way to benefit from the awesome community at CSB.
I’m heading to LA for work for a while and was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a Box in the Downtown or Los Feliz / Silver Lake area.
I’ve only been to Brick in the LA area and it was a well run gym. CrossFit Kinnick and Deuce are two other good gyms I hear.
Back Squat
Every 3:00 x 5 sets
175×7 ^10 reps
12pm Group Class w/ coach Katie
3 Rounds NFT
8 tall muscle snatch 22/33/45
16 alt leg lifts
5 cal bike
Snatch Balance
45×3, 95×2, 115×2
175 F
For Time
20 cals Assault bike
25 DB thrusters 50lb DBs
30 cal Row
Very hard. Thrusters 6-6-4-3-3-3
Rowing about 1100 cals/h
I hate sprinty workouts. It’s just a gear I don’t have 😭
8am with Tori and Chris Fox
Snatch Balance up to 145lb, failed 155 but was pretty happy with what I got
Metcon 5:37min Rx. Legs were burning. Thrusters 5×5, wish I could have done bigger sets.
loving this survivor series!!! im on episode 4
A) Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press
EMOM 1 rep – start at 75# and add 5# until you miss
75/80/85/90/95/100/105/110/115/120/125/130/135/140/145/150/155/160/165/technical miss at 170 DAMN!
i was really feeling this and thought i could get somewhere in the 180s. but now that i write this down honestly this was exciting i got this far. that was a 20 min EMOM! lol thats a lot of work!
B) Strict Press
90% 5 reps x 4; rest as needed
-use 95 to cal %
across at 85# felt stronger by the 4th set? no clue.
C) Banded Deadlift
50% + light bands 2 reps x 10; rest 60s
this was EZ and fun. watched this with the games streamed on the TV!
D) @sustained pace
50 cal ski
260m yoke walk – 295#
50 cal AB
10 RC
50 cal row
10 wall walks
35:25, made a goal to finish sub 30 but didnt pull it off likely due to yoke mistakes. maybe should have pushed monostructural a bit, idk what do you think? I was trying to be sustainable. i worry sometimes im not rowing hard enough but then again it was the tail end of this piece.
800-850 ski
yoke took 13 min lol shame shame, dumb choice to do indoors
AB 50-54 RPM
RC was chill dont think it took crazy long maybe around 2:00
800-850 row
wall walks were quick. just wanted to get it done
this was not EZ, but SO FUN. mostly because i made dumb decisions with the yoke. if i wouldve carried this outside it wouldve been fine. the turnaround and stopping crushed my momentum and chewed up the skin on my upper back. so much chafe. that was 24, 50′ lengths, so 12 times back and forth in the gym, grunting was inevitable. i really enjoyed this chipper tho.
lol sorry that “what do you think?” question was just meant for ro. I copy and paste my truecoach notes 🙂 but you all can also tell me what you think
i was so into the idea that you were just asking all of us everywhere