Farmer Carry
30 Seconds x 1-2 Sets
After a few warm ups, perform a heavy carry for 30 seconds without putting down, heavier than last week if possible. The goal is to progress toward body weight in each arm for 30 seconds.
Post loads to comments.
Week 2 of 6
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
15 Burpee Box Jumps 20/20
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
The Iron Maidens Raw Open: Call for Volunteers!
We’re just 6 weeks away from the 2019 Iron Maidens Raw Open, our annual women-only powerlifting meet. Competitors will test their 1-rep maxes in an all-women environment of badassery. Mark your calendars! It’s one of our biggest and best events of the year.
We’d love your help on this very fun day! There are a variety of ways to get involved. Fill out this volunteer form to learn more and share your availability. Check out photos from last year’s event to get a sense of what it’s all about.
News and Notes
- 10am Yoga for Athletes is cancelled this Saturday, August 3rd.
- Hey, do you subscribe to our newsletter? Please do to get monthly updates on general gym happenings, blog highlights, and programming info! The August edition will be in your inbox next week. Sign up HERE or via the link on the sidebar to the right.
We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment Vice
My Cues Are Not the Same as Your Cues Starting Strength
do you think maybe we could each days workouts posted in the mornings? 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
it really helps with planning gym visits.
The workouts are posted at 9pm the night before
oh you know, i read that as the workout for tuesday
i understand now
we got you! This was a popular request so we switched to posting the night before a few months ago however the time stamp ends up staying as the day before the post which can be a little confusing.
7 AM with RoHarpz
Alllllllmost made it to 0:30 with 125/hand. At 0:26 my grip gave out. That’s 90% of bodyweight so…goals!
WOD 3+16 Rx. I think it’s been a couple of weeks since I did cardio in any real sense and I felt that. Morgan kindly let me be Partner A so that I wouldn’t stress out seeing her number before I started.
Washing my hair was SUCH a problem afterward. T-rex arms.
also: whaaaaaat I missed the blog coming alive yesterday! Gotta hand it to OGJB.
Beaming all the kissy faces at you Stella! xoxo
5 Rounds
100′ Farmer’s Carry 110lbs each
12 DB lateral Raises 12.5 DBs
Group MetCon
AMRAP 10:00
15 Burpee Box Jumps 24″
20 KB Swings 32kg
3 Rounds + 7 BBJ
Tabata mashup x8
A: 5 pullups
B: :20 hollow rocks
Tuesday got me good:
AM sesh:
A) Snatch
70% 2 reps x 1; rest as needed
72.5% 1 reps x 2; rest as needed
75% 1 reps x 4; rest as needed
This went so well it’s exciting. Practicing my pauses at the bottom so I make sure I’m not shifting in my positions away from my left leg
B)Power Jerk
70% 2 reps x 1; rest as needed
72.5% 1 reps x 2; rest as needed
75% 1 reps x 4; rest as needed
150/155/160# respectively. Great. No problems! Got better at getting under it towards the end
C) Assault Bike
2 min @ 50-54 rpm
HS walk obstacle – your choice
50′ sled push – 100% bsq on sled (~240)
x 4 rounds
This was so fun!!! Did 5 rds on accident. Did the pyramid with the plates this time. Only one sloppy round otherwise i did pretty well! need to practice a better finish and pretend like i have to walk over a line. I’m going to try and see if i can pull off a pyramid and paralettes next time
****THEN SOMEWHERE ALONG THE LINES I got overheated and underfed myself. gave it my all for PM but i was definitely pukey and not as powerful as I wanted to be despite my wattage output in part A. very interesting. 2:30 pieces are hard for me for sure its going to take a minute to adjust. need to utilize ice bath on two a days***
A)Assault Bike
10s – max watts
rest walk 1:50
x 5 rounds
-rest walk 10 min then move to B
1043/1043/1076/1043/1043 watts
B) @hard effort:
complete 2 rounds in 2.5 min of:
3 TnG PC – 105#
5 lateral burpees over the bar
15 cal AB
rest walk 9-10 min
x 2 rounds
High hang HIP BOP technique @ 105# to avoid fast pulling from floor.
Capped @ 10 cals in 2nd rd for 1st block
Capped @ 10.5 cals in 2nd rd for 2nd block
66-68 RPM for first block. Thought maybe I could go harder and finish it second go around. I couldn’t. Was pretty accurate on my pace from first rd cause I only got .5 more cals lol! Tried to hang on to 68-70RPM for second block and I died by the second round and could only hold 66. So good attempt. Almost puked. Think I drank too much water and didn’t eat enough. Tried to play it right with liquid/fruit squeezes something that digests quickly as a replacement for lunch (ate breakfast at 10:30) but it was 3:40pm when I did this and it was way too long without solid food. Ugh eating is so hard in two a days for me