WOD 7.13.19
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
8 Box Jump Overs 24/20
12 (6e) Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerk 50/35
Rest 4 minutes, then…
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
8 Pull-Ups
24 Reverse Lunges
Rest 4 minutes, then…
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
24 Double-Unders
12 Slam Balls
Move at an uncomfortable but sustainable pace though each AMRAP. Modify Pull-Ups to bands or Ring Rows and Doubles to Alternating Foot Steps or 2x Singles as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their 8-week cycle TOMMORROW starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Frank Howell is our July Athlete of the Month. Congrats, Frank! Be sure to read his funny, enlightening interview.
2. A new cycle of Coach Ro’s Anti-Gravity Strength class starts July 23rd, and there are 3 spots left. Go HERE to learn more and claim one!
3. “Do you remember how sad all of the appliances were when they got left behind in the Brave Little Toaster? That’s how your water bottles feel when you don’t take them home.” Our long-running Behind the Desk series returned this week, and we got to know more about Liz M.!
4. Our Adaptive Athlete class kicked off this week! On Thursday, Coach KHarpz told us about the genesis of this very cool program.
5. PupStarz Rescue invites everyone to get into a different kind of “beast mode” on Saturday, July 27th, right here at CrossFit South Brooklyn. They will be bringing adorable and adoptable pups for meet and greets.
6. This morning’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled.
I Can’t Stop Thinking About This 1991 Book About Pain NY Mag
9 Ways to Absorb Nutrients Better BarBend
Don’t abandon the water bottles and make them feel sad :’ (
Friday was a really good training day. Also had been really clean/sleeping a lot for one full week. I reckon that is related.
Giving myself one performance care movement per day in addition to my PT correctives to try and seal the deal on this never ending hip thing.
Today was Bottom of Squat holds: did 2:00 unbroken active squat w/ 33# barbell. i had serious shakes. But i cannot believe how incredible the result was. My squat has felt 10% better ever since!!!
A) mixed repeats
7 min AMRAP @sustained pace
3 MU
4 OHS – 65#
6 BJSD – 20″
rest walk 7 min
x 2
6 rds + 1 MU
6 rds + 3 MU
Stoked about 40 MU with more in the tank. OHS were so unbalanced I definitely need to work on these
B) mixed repeats
7 min AMRAP @sustained pace
5 WB – 20#
1 RC
8 cal AB
rest walk 7 min
x 2
5 rds
1 rep shy of 5 rds! Ugh I had a bike malfunction that took me 20 sec to fix to count cals so I think I would have been even or one rep better
Pumped about how this one went because I really didn’t want to do it and I pushed anyway 56-58 RPM across
Movement of day: Goblet tempo squats 5 sec down/10sec hold at bottom/5 sec up. did about 10 reps. had a little less focus/energy today
A) mixed repeats:
7 min AMRAP @sustained pace
2 squat cleans – 145#
4 ring dips
rest walk 7 min
x 2 rounds
7 + 2 cleans
7 + 2 cleans + 1 dip
Tempo squat warmup made me feel amazing my hip legit cracked and got more open this is insane how helpful bottom of squat holds and this have been the past couple of days. Able to feel a fast drop under again. So close to feeling myself again. Really really happy about this today. I’m terrible at dips lol but I did do 40 MU yday! Tried my butterfly ring dip kip and it crapped out early
B) Mixed repeats:
7 min AMRAP @sustained pace
5 WB – 2-#
6 C2B
8 burpees
rest walk 7 min
x 2 rounds
4 rds
8 burpees shy of 4 (did strict chest to bar cause sore hands)
Think my body capped out after the first WOD. I was completely over it and just sort of going for a certificate of completion. Wasnt that healthy last night. So much BBQ and a bit of booze. BUT WORTH IT, cause it was really fun. So my body said nope (crumsho and co can account for my terrible burpee attempts on block 2, my effort became comical)