4 x 4
Sets across. Begin light enough to add weight next week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 6
For Time:
30 Toes-to-Bars
40 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Calories Rowed
60 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
Post time and Rx to comments.
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Starting next week, we’ll be adding a 4:30pm CrossFit group class on Fridays, which also means Open Gym hours will now start at 4:30pm instead of 5:30pm. Get pumped!
The East Coast Gambit: Last Day of Registration!
The first-annual East Coast Gambit is a premier, single day, functional fitness competition in the northeast! Hosted right here at CrossFit South Brooklyn, the event is open to all individuals and will feature both RX and SCALED divisions. All athletes will perform 3 workouts, plus a 4th floater workout. Expect the workouts to challenge you both physically and mentally, compelling you to do your very best on competition day. You don’t want to miss this!
Cash and prizes totaling over $3500 will be awarded to the top three athletes in each division! Sponsors include: RYU Apparel, Cafe Grumpy, Thirteen Fit Apparel, WOD N Done, RPM Jump Ropes, Born Primitive, Bear Complex, Wags and Weights, Chestee, and more!
The big day is scheduled for June 15th, 2019 from 8am to 4pm.
Head over to the East Coast Gambit site to see the awesome workouts and sign up!
News and Notes
- All classes are cancelled next Saturday for the Gambit.
- We’re still looking for volunteers to help out at the Gambit! Go HERE to volunteer.
- A friendly reminder: We are no longer offering Saturday and Wednesday Anti-Gravity classes. You will, however, still be able to sign up for cycles of Coach Ro‘s Anti-Gravity Strength. Stay tuned to the blog to learn about upcoming cycles.
- Sunday’s 12pm Pilates class is cancelled.
The Ergon Training System Wants You to Love the Erg Morning Chalk Up
Hierarchy for Learning the Snatch and Clean & Jerk Catalyst Athletics
8am with Brett and Whit
DL @295, need to focus on a better starting position.
Metcon 10:42 Rx grippy
7 AM’in
Deadlifts at 205. Finally, this feels OK on my hip again!
WOD in 10:22 with HLR and renegade rows instead of KB swings. My hip feeling OK is a new enough thing that I didn’t want to snap the KB up 60 times. I’m thinking that was the right call, given that it’s a bit sore now (probably from the box jumps, which have also only recently started to feel OK).
One more week of WOD-ing and then it’s vacation time! I CANNOT WAIT.
12pm Class with Coaches Tori and Brett
10:37 as Rx’d
Kettlebell Swings got pretty tough!
Extra Credit
5×12 Cable Flys
5×12 Triceps Push Downs