WOD 5.29.19
A1) Deadlift:
3 x 20 @ 25-35% of 1RM
A2) Alternating Partner Rotational Toss (First variation):
3 x 16
A3) Hollow Hold:
3 x 30 seconds
Rest 1:00 between movements.
Rest 2:00 between sets.
Post work to comments.
Week 2 of 2
4 x 1:00 Work/4:00 Rest:
10/8 Calorie Bike
Max Reps Alternating Dumbbell Snatch in remaining time (50/35 lb)
Scale the bike calories to something you can maintain in under :30 for all 4 rounds Move fast! Score highest and lowest reps.
Post highest reps, lowest reps, and Rx to comments.
Kayleigh and Cam at the 2017 Pull for Pride
Sponsor Team CFSBK at The Pull for Pride!
Cam C., Kayleigh R., Chainsaw Charlie, Anise F., and Amy M. will be competing in the Pull for Pride on Saturday, June 22nd at Murder of Crows. The Pull for Pride is a Deadlift-only event benefiting the Ali Forney Center, whose mission is to protect LGBTQ youths from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to live independently.
Go here to sponsor our lifters!
Heart of a Dog Substack
A Novel Idea in the Majors: Using Batting Practice to Get Better NY Times
Cam says
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far!!!! You are all amazing!! Please feel free to donate up until June 22nd day of. It really means a lot to us with all your support!
And pleeaseee if you are in the neighborhood or have free time, stop by that day, it’s really really a great time with lots of cool energy!
Daniel R says
Had to really force myself out of bed this morning. Murph DOMS are much more real today.
8am with Ro and Tori
DLs at 135, metcon with 15 reps in all rounds (bike between 15-20s).
Stella says
“Murph DOMS are much more real today.”
You’re not kidding. I really did mean to come to NLWC today but oh my god my lats. Nooooo. See you Monday, Frankie!
Keith Walter says
I don’t know if anyone will see this but I am going to Seattle In June and wanted to know if anyone has experience with any of the crossfit gyms in the city there.
I see several around where I am staying so any recommendations are welcome.
Thank god right now Mon and Wed are rest days is all I can say.
Arturo R says
@sustained effort:
10 alt plank walk ups
10 side plank clamshells
50′ cross body carry
2 min aer
x 3 rounds
Handstand walk practice
@sustained pace:
20′ HS walk
rest 10 sec
5 strict toes to bar
rest 10 sec
10 box jump overs
rest 10 sec
10 cal AB
x 15 min
5-10 min EZ Aer
5 min all four belly breathing