WOD 5.15.19
4 Rounds for Quality:
5 Strict Toes-to-Bars (or Knees-to-Chest)
5e Dumbbell/Kettlebell Windmills
400m Sandbag Carry
Perform the carry with a partner and trade off as needed.
Post work to comments.
3 x 3
4 sets of 3 reps. Sets across. Add a few pounds to last week. Okay to move to a few heavy doubles or singles as needed.
3 x 1 @ 85-90%
3 singles at 85-90% of what you made last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
Photo by Robert C.
Weekend Events
We have not one but TWO awesome community events on tap for you this weekend. Here’s the deal:
- This Friday at 7:30pm, we’re hosting an evening of friendly cornhole competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple, and this video explains everything. All are invited!
- Join us the night of Sunday, May 19th from 8:30 to 10:30pm for a Game of Thrones final episode viewing party! Stick around after Open Gym to experience on of the biggest events in TV history with your fellow fitness fiends. The show starts at 9pm.
The Return of the Vegetable CSA: Discount available!
A few years ago, we offered a vegetable CSA in partnership with Brooklyn Boulders and Common Hands Farm in Hudson, NY. They were our most popular vegetable CSA vendor, so we were sad when they took a few summers off to move farms and re-organize. Happily, the program is back and stronger than ever!
The CSA offers two options: every week or every-other-week deliveries of a wide range of seasonal vegetables. Pickup will be Wednesdays, 4-8, at Brooklyn Boulders.
The full share (every week) is available at a special price for CFSBK members who sign up by Wednesday, May 22nd: $655.
The half share (every other week) is $365 if you sign up by May 22nd.
If you are interested but unable to commit to the whole summer, consider splitting a share with someone (post on the blog to find a buddy!) Folks who pay for a half share (every other week) do get to swap some weeks for others to accommodate for vacations, etc.
If you want help finding a buddy, have questions that the farm’s website doesn’t answer, or want to talk to someone about strategies and recipes for seasonal produce, contact CFSBK’s CSA coordinator, Michele Knaub, at mignyc [at] gmail [dot] com.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Bike, Row, Run
Watch Julius Maddox Bench 600 Pounds for 8 Reps BarBend
I Now Suspect the Vagus Nerve Is the Key to Well-Being NY Mag
8am with Tori and Ro
NFT was fun, strict T2B are a goal someday
Press 140-145-150-160F
I guess I probably can’t hit the same weights I did at the end of strength cycle 1.5y ago when I was 15lbs heavier. Oh well.
Is AG happening today? If so, what time? Have not been since the schedule updated.
It was on! FYI at 6pm
7 AM with RoHarpz
I tested my press since I have no business doing the Total on Sunday. I hit 95, which is a PR match. Failed 97.5, but I’m pretty pleased at matching my PR from last summer despite weighing nearly 20# less (not to mention that number was the culmination of an intermediate Strength Cycle). Morgan pressed 121, BEASTWOMAN!
NFT work: I was really limited in my ROM on the bad side on the windmills, so Katie showed me how to do a variation with the PVC. It was aces and I’m going to do it twice a day until my hip decides to be less cranky. Thanks Katie!
Weee! You’re welcome!
@sustained effort:
270m run
8 DB high pulls – side
30 sec ring FLR
x 3 rounds
butterfly or kipping pull up practice/strength – 1.3
@sustained pace:
20 pull ups
30 burpees
50 cal row
30 burpees
20 pull ups
5-10 min EZ Aer
5 min all four belly breathing
Literally sore from these butterfly’s !
6:30pm Group Class with Coaches Lynsey and Keith
3 Rounds
Sandbag with Super Karl
Not that bad, we should have started with 140!
TTB: x5
Windmills 16kg/20kg/24kg
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×1)
135 F
Afterwards played around with some theraband accessory work
Fun class!