4 x 3
4 sets of 3 reps. Sets across. Add a few pounds to last week.
Heavy 3
One work set, heavier than last week, not 100% max effort.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
130m Sandbag Carry
200m Row or 1/2 Mile Bike
3-6 Strict Chin-Ups
Choose a load for the carry that is challenging but unbroken, then recover on the row/bike. Use assistance or add weight on the Chins as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Tomorrow: Free Active Life Strength Assessment and Info Session
Interested in Active Life Strength but not sure what it’s all about? Coach Keith is offering a free 1 hour session on Thursday at 11am to discuss the details of the program. He will also provide free mobility and strength assessments as a sample of what you can expect to see in the class.
The new cycle will start next Tuesday, May 7th at 10:00am. Go HERE for more info!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Kettlebell Swings, Burpees, Sled Push
Knee Wraps and Knee Sleeves Starting Strength
Havana’s Heavy Hitters Outside
Today’s workout was so fun!
Worked to 90×3 on the press. This was a pleasant surprise, as 95 is my 1RM from last summer’s Strength Cycle. Although my strength-to-bodyweight ratio has gone WAY up since I started Precision Nutrition, I haven’t tested heavy lifts in quite some time and I figured it wasn’t possible to have lost this much weight without having also lost some absolute strength. Today’s result suggests that maybe I’ve lost very little, if at all, at least on this lift. Yay!
Took it hard on the sandbag carries (rounds 2 and 3 at 100#, OOF, I was hating my life choices at the end of each of those), and chill on everything else in the WOD. 5 strict chins per round are NBD these days! 😀
@sustained effort:
150m row
20 sec DB prone row hold
20 alt plank hip taps
4 alt t push ups
x 3 rounds
butterfly or kipping pull up practice/strength – 1.1
@sustained pace:
3 pull ups
5 push ups
10 jumping lunges
20 cal AB
rest 1:1
x 3-4 rounds
5-10 min EZ Aer
5 min all four belly breathing
Hey Ro. Are we on for 5.30 or 6.00?