Back Squat
4 x 3
4 sets of 3 reps. Sets across. Add 5-15 lbs to last week.
2 sets of 5 across and a 3rd set for “max” reps (capped at around 15). Heavier than last week. Move perfect and leave a few in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
For Time:
500m Row
3 Rounds
20 Alternating Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges 95/65
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Champ enjoys Peak Gate-Up Season just as much as you do! | Photo by Thaisa L.
Tomorrow: Roller Night at Prospect Park!
WHAT: A night of roller disco with your gym buds
WHEN: Friday, April 26th from 7:30 to 10:30pm
WHERE: Dreamland Roller Rink at the Lakeside rink in Prospect Park
WHY: Because it’s fun. Duh!
What else? Guests will be transported into an immersive, retro, roller disco “dreamland” cultivated by world renowned DJs, an MC, hula hoopers, and a red carpet where costumed guests can have their photo taken by a professional photographer.
Attendees will pay for their own admission (info here), and Dreamland has a bar where drinks can be purchased. Can’t wait to see you there!
NOTE: When we originally announced this event, we said it was happening at Industry City. Thank you to front desker Liz M. for pointing out that Dreamland moved back to the LeFrak Center at Lakeside in Prospect Park this past weekend. See you there!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press | Farmer Carry, Burpee Box Jumps, Run
Fix the Hips Shooting Up in the Clean and Snatch Catalyst Athletics
Am I Fit Enough to Be a Trainer? Girls Gone Strong
Speed squatting threw me off my game. Totally misloaded the bar by 10# and Elly & Caroline were great sports about it (and were also unaffected by the extra weight unlike me lol). Planned on doing the performance squats at 165# but since I can’t math, it went like:
175×4…um this feels really heavy & not good. Racked it before going for the 5th.
Anyways at least I squatted!
9:58 scaled to 10 front squats
I have an icky strained feeling inside & above my left knee which felt way worse on the reverse lunges than squats. Don’t think my old(er) legs are used to running yet. Jess also said my left knee was caving more on squats so I gotta stay diligent with that & ankle mobility stuff.
Ok off to England & Ireland for a few days!!!
Been there with bar math issues. Sympathy!
10am class
Kept the Fitness 5s rolling since they’re still feeling good.
Metcon Rx’d in 8:00
Row in about 1:50.
Lunges unbroken.
Pull ups 8/5/2, 6/5/4, 6/5/4.
Pull Up stamina and grip were the limiting factors.
Hi, any guy here size 12?
Daniel has a pair of Nobulls size 12 but he doesn’t like the fit, so they’re new (although old) and we’re passing them along. If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll bring them to the gym. Shoot me an email (thaisamsl at gmail dot com).
7 am with Jess and Katie
I’m up to 135# and it feels heavy but doable, which it should. However, my shoulder was cranky and it didn’t just feel heavy standing it up, it was just uncomfy and as hard as I’ve been working on depth, I reverted to some shallow reps today. I repped out at 6 but not even since at least 5 and 6 were no-reps. Will see what I do next week for fewer….maybe stay here and make sure it’s to the grass. Still, this is a 5 rep pr, assuming that at least one of my sets were all below hip crease. The WOD fell apart. Did the row in 2:17 and then kept the lunges light at 33 but went to the bar and couldn’t get it together. We didn’t stagger before we began and I was thrown off by space, then it hurt to hang with a pronated grip so I switched and went strict and that seemed not as met conny so I gave up after 7, went back to the lunges and ring rowed the next two rounds. 9:28 I think. Went across the street to stretch, do some accessory work and pout.
8am with Tori & Chris
Back Squat 4×3 (225, 225, 235, 255). Still getting used to squatting again. 15min isn’t a lot of time!
Metcon 11:30ish with 75#, row in 1:58, lunges all unbroken, but nice slow transitions throughout and pull-ups in 3 sets.