Back Squat
3 x 5
Sets across. Add 5-15 lbs to last week.
2 sets of 5 across and a 3rd set for “max” reps (capped at around 15). Heavier than last week. Move perfect and leave a few in the tank.
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Exposure 3 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerk 50/35
10 Alternating Leg Dumbbell Box Step Ups 50/35, 24/20″
10 Toes-to-Bars
The SA DB C&J are 5 on one arm then 5 the other. For the step ups you can hold the dumbbell anyhow a la 19.3 and you must alternate legs. Modify the TTBs to HKRs as needed.
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Kathy before (left) and after (right)
We’re so proud of everyone who recently completed the 2019 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, our collective kick-start toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the New Year. Among the dedicated CFSBKers who rethought their diets, counted macros, and put in quality time meditating, 3 women and 3 men stood out to us as winners, and we’ve been announcing them this week. We’ve also asked them to tell us a bit about their experience and the “secrets” to their success. Today we’re pleased to announce the 1st place winners: Cathy Kolcun and Dan Halioua.
Cathy K.
It sounds so stupid to say (management strongly disagrees), but one of the greatest realizations I had was how connected each part of the Challenge was. The less I drank, the better I slept, the harder I worked out, the more I needed to get my proteins and carbs and veggies. I added vegetables in places where they hadn’t existed before (hello omelets with whatever vegetable I have the fridge for breakfast) and stopped being terrified of carbs (goodbye turkey lettuce wraps, hello quinoa and farro for lunch). I started drinking alcohol again during the Challenge, and had approached this with the thought that I’d go dry for at least these 12 weeks and that I didn’t feels like a bit of a failure to me. That part of my life is still a work in progress, and though I didn’t succeed like I’d set my goals for, I do know it was “better.”
Over the course of this Challenge, I stopped thinking about how I look in terms of weight I’ve lost and started thinking about it in terms of how my face looks (sleeping and hydrating does wonders for the skin). I stopped think of how I feel in terms of how skinny I think I might be and more in terms of how my attitude and approach to the day is (so present and in the moment with my family, at work, with friends) and my performance. I’ve been skinny before. I’ve been scary skinny before. But I’ve never in my life been strong, and I am getting there. When I first started coming to the gym I did a Short Circuit with Fox, and we did Weighted Bear Crawls. It hurt so bad. I used 5 pound weights and made it 7 “steps.” I literally cried. As it happens, we did this again in Brett’s class last week and I did 10 pound weights and made it the whole 25 feet… and I didn’t cry! And even “better” than that is the idea that I could have done more, and that I want to do more.
Here’s one of the things I’m most proud of. We got home from a trip to New Orleans today. It was in many ways a much less egregious trip than it has been in the past, and in many ways such an egregious change from the past 12 weeks. I wouldn’t have chosen to end the Challenge with an indulgent four days in the Quarter, but that is how my life turned and so that is what happened. But, we landed at 3:15 today and by 7:15 I’d grocery shopped and meal prepped and made myself a farro salad for lunch tomorrow, because vacation is over and regular life is back and I am really proud that I know the difference.
I wanted these 12 weeks to be a reset button for me and they have been, just in ways I didn’t even imagine. I’m slowly (SLOWLY) shifting from a frame of reference of wanting to be skinny to wanting to be strong. That feels like a simple statement, I know, but trust me YEARS of therapy hadn’t gotten me there. Yet here I am. This has literally been a life changing event for me, and I’m so grateful and appreciative of the support. Thank you so much, Fox! I am so excited for the rest of this year and already thinking of the different ways the Challenge can impact me next year.
Dan H.
Dan before (left) and after (right)
This experience was super positive for me, and personally, I think there were a few major adaptations. Meal prep was a major one, and snacking throughout the day was vastly decreased due to eating a decent sized breakfast. I also came across new carbs that I loved like muesli, and was able to use that instead of jams and preservatives with my yogurt in the mornings. My overall weight dropped from a starting point of 210 to 192. My performance in the gym from a recovery standpoint is noticeably different. I don’t feel achy as often, and my metrics on all exercise related items went up. My “Jackie” time went back down to 7:34. Another big adaptation was that instead of snacking while making my kids food at night, I’d eat a small meal when I got home with them and then eat again after going to the gym. This routine was satisfying and feels sustainable, as does the meal prep. I found my alcohol intake was greatly diminished as I did not drink much during the Challenge. There were few weddings where I had some wine and a drink, but rarely if at all did I have more than one. I also really enjoyed the next decision mantra. I felt no guilt about eating any “bad foods,” and I ate so many vegetables, which is now baseline for me. I’m incorporating them into almost every meal, even breakfast a majority of the days. Overall I feel good! I plan on continuing much the same, but having a slice of pepperoni pizza with Hazel this weekend. Meal prep Sundays will continue to be important and if I can do that on 75% of my Sundays both my wife and life will be happier!
Nutrition Coaching with Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness
By Chris Fox
Now that the 2019 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is all wrapped up, I want to let you know about an upcoming opportunity for ongoing nutrition coaching that might interest you. As many of you are aware, I’ve been working with clients to improve their nutrition for as long as I’ve been in the fitness business. I always viewed this practice as secondary to having a solid exercise training program and thus never really put it out there as it’s own service. Boy, was I wrong. So I learned more and got better. The principles I’ve learned over the years (and used with great success, both personally and with clients) have been making their way into the CFSBK LFPB Challenge for some time now.
I’ve come to realize that good nutrition and wellness practices are the bedrock of well-rounded fitness. It’s true, that “you can’t out train a bad diet.” You need to learn how to eat quality proteins, veggies, fats, and carbs in quantities that are appropriate for your goals. Yet it’s not so simple, right? What you put into your body is only part of the equation. HOW and WHY you eat is just as important… possibly even more so. Sleep, recovery, stress reduction, facing food “issues,” and making mindful food choices will affect your health more than (or at least as much as) some “perfect” number of calories or grams of protein, fat, or carbs. When we focus only on nutrients, we’re missing half the picture. We have to take care of our whole self. If you’ve tried to follow any traditional “diet” my guess is you have an idea what I’m talking about.
I’m super excited to announce that after a few years of refining our skills, in 2018 we (my amazing wife Coach Jess and I) launched Alchemy Nutrition + Wellness. ANW is our platform to work individually with clients to finally get off the diet train. And we just opened up a limited number of coaching spots set to start in just a few weeks in late April 2019. Are you ready to commit to your nutrition and wellness from the inside out, rather than trying another restrictive diet? Would you like your own personal nutrition coach to work alongside through the inevitable ups and downs of a habit change program? Maybe the past 3 months feel like the start of something bigger, or maybe the pressure of changing in only 12 weeks caused an early exit. Either way, Alchemy Nutrition + Wellness could be a great fit.
- Click to read more about Jess and to sign up!
- Click to read more about Chris and to sign up!
- Contact Alchemy for more info here!
- Alchemy at CFSBK!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press / Carry | Row, Run, Burpees
“Hyperscans” Show How Brains Sync as People Interact Scientific American
You Have to Eat to Grow Muscles Breaking Muscle
DH3 for the win!!
Congrats Dan and Cathy!
Amazing work, all!
NLWC tonight. I still have a cold so I wasn’t going to touch the group class WOD with a ten-foot pole. Technique day, with its lighter weights, was just right.
I tacked on the press 5-5-rep out at the end because far be it from me to miss a press exposure. Got 10 reps at 70#, although the 10th rep was probably a mistake. I had the strength to move the weight, but by then I had a sinus headache coming on and I was dizzy by the time I racked the bar. :/
Hoping to make it in for squats tomorrow but everything depends on how well I sleep!
AMAZING work, Cathy/Dan/Carter/Cadria! I’m so impressed by your dedication and commitment. Cathy was a really awesome voice on the facebook group during the channel–I had a feeling she’d be the winner this year 🙂 Great job!
Had a really terrible night–was awake for two hours!–but I’m so glad I still made it to work out today 🙂 Didn’t put pressure on my self and did 3×5 at 125, and the workout in ~10:15 with 25# dumbbells. It was fun!
Does this me DH3 gave up tacos??
@james it means i ate more tacos less choco tacos
CHOCO TACOS!!!! Hahaha
Way to go Cathy and Dan! Impressive.
10AM class with Jess and Tori.
3×5 squats @165#.
Metcon in 8:02, 35# and 5 ttb.
3x5x95# press prior to class.
Congrats, guys! Such great progress in a few short months. Can’t wait to see what happens after a few more. Cathy and Carter’s (from yesterday) write ups made my day when I read them…may bookmark them for future uplifting reference!
Press 125x5x3
FC 72 (x2) x200’ x 3
Metcon Rxd in 10:23
Congrats DH3 and Cathy! Very inspiring!
Great job Cathy, Dan and all who hung in there for the challenge. Thanks for Fox for guidance throughout. I think we all won better habits overall!
LBBS has become tough on my shoulders. 125×5, 125×5 then max reps for 8. I didn’t have much time between that 2nd and 3rd set so 8 felt like there was only one left in the tank; not 2 or 3. I’ll continue to work on shoulder mobility and play with my grip but maybe it’s time to start dating HBBS. WOD in 9:41 with V ups in lieu of TTB and 22.5 DBs. I intended to grab 25s and should have but those 22.5 just looked so friendly!
congrats to all the LFPB’ers out there, including the top 6! I love how this challenge can teach so much about habits and our power to shift them. my wish for you all is that you continue on with the great work you’ve started! woot woot!
10AM group class with the usual hooligans…
95×5, 125×4, 145×3
165×5/5/10 on the rep out
first exposure of any real squatting for strength since the open so… went moderate. felt surprisingly good!
WOD in 7:43 RX’d
held about 1:30 pace per round til a little drop off in 4 and 5
TTB 6-4 for first four rounds, last round 5-3-2 b/c i was losing my grip
this was fun and juuuust long/short enough to push through
3 x 10 RFESS, L side only @ 20×1 @ 20# goblet hold
Congrats DH! Looking Good!