Back Squat
3 x 5
Sets across. Add 5-15 lbs to last week.
2 sets of 5 across and a 3rd set for “max” reps (capped at around 15). Heavier than last week. Move perfectly and leave a few in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
AMRAP 14 Minutes:
7 Handstand Push-Ups
14 Box Jumps 24/20
21 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16
Kipping is allowed on the Handstand Push-Ups, and scaling to 1 AbMat is okay. Otherwise modify them to Box Pike or Dumbbell Z Presses as needed. Choose a box you feel comfortable moving on, and a bell you can swing for unbroken sets.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Coach David just chillin’ at the Wim Hof seminar we hosted on Sunday. More photos are up on Flickr!
Nutrition Coaching with Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness
By Chris Fox
Now that the 2019 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is all wrapped up, I want to let you know about an upcoming opportunity for ongoing nutrition coaching that might interest you. As many of you are aware, I’ve been working with clients to improve their nutrition for as long as I’ve been in the fitness business. I always viewed this practice as secondary to having a solid exercise training program and thus never really put it out there as it’s own service. Boy, was I wrong. So I learned more and got better. The principles I’ve learned over the years (and used with great success, both personally and with clients) have been making their way into the CFSBK LFPB Challenge for some time now.
I’ve come to realize that good nutrition and wellness practices are the bedrock of well-rounded fitness. It’s true, that “you can’t out train a bad diet.” You need to learn how to eat quality proteins, veggies, fats, and carbs in quantities that are appropriate for your goals. Yet it’s not so simple, right? What you put into your body is only part of the equation. HOW and WHY you eat is just as important… possibly even more so. Sleep, recovery, stress reduction, facing food “issues,” and making mindful food choices will affect your health more than (or at least as much as) some “perfect” number of calories or grams of protein, fat, or carbs. When we focus only on nutrients, we’re missing half the picture. We have to take care of our whole self. If you’ve tried to follow any traditional “diet” my guess is you have an idea what I’m talking about.
I’m super excited to announce that after a few years of refining our skills, in 2018 we (my amazing wife Coach Jess and I) launched Alchemy Nutrition + Wellness. ANW is our platform to work individually with clients to finally get off the diet train. And we just opened up a limited number of coaching spots set to start in just a few weeks in late April 2019. Are you ready to commit to your nutrition and wellness from the inside out, rather than trying another restrictive diet? Would you like your own personal nutrition coach to work alongside through the inevitable ups and downs of a habit change program? Maybe the past 3 months feel like the start of something bigger, or maybe the pressure of changing in only 12 weeks caused an early exit. Either way, Alchemy Nutrition + Wellness could be a great fit.
- Click to read more about Jess and to sign up!
- Click to read more about Chris and to sign up!
- Contact Alchemy for more info here!
- Alchemy at CFSBK!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press | Carry, Run, Medicine Ball Toss
Self-Reliance vs. Team Mentality in Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
Here’s What Rich Froning Is Eating as He Trains for the Games BarBend
Plug for Alchemy: I’m six months in now and have dropped about 17 pounds. I lost most of the weight in the first 3 months and have been keeping it off. Basically, once I saw the success that Amy M. and Coach Jess have had with the program, I wanted in and I am doing better than I dreamed of doing.
I have done LFPB a few times and never actually made body comp changes with it (although the sleep and the AR always help!). I think it’s because, when there’s a lot of counting and points to be won, the puzzle lover in me tries to game the system by trying to eat in ways that technically fit the challenge but aren’t really getting me to my goals. PN has no macros to count, which I find incredibly freeing — instead, I listen to my body’s signals and it’s usually pretty good about telling me when to stop, as I’ve found out. The single biggest difference is that I’m eating about 2/3 of what I used to eat, because I’ve slowed down my eating so much.
Anyway, I cannot argue with having dropped a dress size and a half, while staying pretty damn strong.
Congrats Stella!! I think a lot of people can relate to “gaming the system” with macro counting/clean eating. 🙂
Plug for Alchemy: I’m 9 months into the one year program and I am down 20 pounds and 4″ off my waist and still hitting PRs on all my major lifts. I have been working out/training/doing Crossfit regularly for the past 4 years, so it’s NOT just that I finally got off the couch or something like that. It’s definitely THIS program.
I have also lost weight and gained it back many times in my life, but it’s always short-lived. This time it has been very steady and sustained. Every month I continue to lose a little weight.
The best part of the program for me is that is really all about habit building so after about 6 months, I just stopped thinking about food so much and it starts to become natural behavior. No calorie counting, and no weird strict rules. It’s all about building good habits over a sustained period of time.
Coach Fox (Chris) is very attentive and has been a perfect companion on this journey. He gives a lot of feedback online and also checks in with me face-to-face at the gym occasionally.
I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to make a big body composition change. It’s totally worth it.
“I just stopped thinking about food so much and it starts to become natural behavior.”
What he said.
And now for the non-Alchemy-plugging post of the day…
NLWC last night: very light weights, lots o’reps, and lots of skill practice. Frankie let me split jerk for the first time in months! That’s something, right? Of course, now I have to drop lower in the split. The story of my life can be told in three words: DROP DAT ASS.
7 AM today. It was a pleasure to squat in a trio of badass women with Elly and Caroline. High bar, 175×9 on rep out.
WOD: 6 rounds + 4 press with 25# DB floor press. Boy did those floor presses get hard fast. Also, that first box jump after a squat rep out was nearly as bad as the first box jump after you get off an erg sprint. Woof.
Congrats Foxes! This program looks sweet.
We’re so proud and honored to be working with clients such as Stella and Ben (thanks for the plugs, guys!). Working alongside someone as they finally “get” how to eat (and take care of themselves) is truly inspiring and rewarding 🙂
6am class, who dis?
Metcon Rx’d
6 + 21
Yup–seconding Ben and Stella re: Alchemy–I’m about 3 months into the program. Building good eating habits and making better choices every day for long-term cumulative change is of course a dreamy goal but let’s just say it, uh, does not come naturally to me. Coach Fox is right there helping me change those old patterns. It’s an incredibly useful and non-judgemental program and it’s definitely (and I think permanently) changed my perspective on food. Excited to keep going!
165 x 5
8 + 33 rx’d