WOD 3.14.19
Every Minute on the Minute x 30 Minutes (6 Rounds):
1) 6e Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Presses
2) :30 Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold
3) 6e SA Band Reverse Flyes
4) 3-6 Strict Toes to Bars or Toes-to-Rings
5) Rest
Work up to or at a challenging load on the Dumbbell Push Presses, being mindful if you plan to do 19.4 this weekend.
Post work to comments.
Week 6 of 7
Pat C. was upside down last Friday and is currently in 3rd place on the men’s leaderboard
CFSBK Open Leaderboards
The CrossFit Games website can be pretty hard to navigate, so we’re grateful to Coach Brett for creating these custom CFSBK leaderboards. Click a link below to how you stack up:
- Overall Leaderboard
- Men’s Leaderboard
- Women’s Leaderboard
- Men 35-39
- Women 35-39
- Men 40-44
- Women 40-44
- Men 45-49
- Women 45-49
- Men 50-54
- Women 50-54
- Men 55-59
- Women 55-59
- Men 60+
- Women 60+
You can catch the announcement of 19.4 tonight at 8pm! And join us tomorrow night starting at 5:30pm for Friday Night Lights. Sign up for a heat HERE!
May 11th: Kids’ Night Out
Do want a night off for yourself and your kids? Of course you do! So sign up for our CFSBK Kids’ Night Out on May 11th! Your kid will engage in fun movement activities and games, eat pizza, and watch a movie.
What: We’ve organized a night of CrossFit Kids physical activities, creative stuff, and games. We’ll all share a pizza dinner and then watch a movie on our big screen.
When: Saturday, May 11th from 4pm to 8pm
Who: Kids ages 4-12
Cost: $60 per child with a 50% discount for additional siblings. Dinner will be provided.
RSVP Required. Email Coach Lynsey at cfsbkkids [at] gmail.com. Space is limited so RSVP soon!
Yesterday’s Results Board
Crepitus: Expectations vs. Reality Barbell Medicine
A Plea to Make Fiber Cool NY Mag
OG strength day!
HBBSQ: 193×3, can go up 5# next week.
FSQ: 173x2x5, tough and I might add only 2# next week.
Clean 1st pull: 133x3x5
Clean deadlift from 6″ box: 228×3. My thumbs are really the limiter here.
You know what would be cool? If 19.4 is AMRAP ascending-weight thrusters and bar muscle ups, so I have to do only one round of thrusters, and I can spend the rest of the time trying to get a BMU.
I’m with you. and guessing you may be right
Whoa good call Stella
1 min row
1 min erg bike
x 3 rounds
10 ghd hip extensions
30 sec side plank
5 seated box jumps
x 3 rounds
B) Deadlift
20 mins to build to a heavy single.
305, 325, 330
this was hard.
C) Back Squat
20 mins to build to a heavy single.
265, 285M, 275
I just didn’t want to try that hard in the moment 🤷🏼♀️ I guess I gave up instead of trying what felt like it might have been max effort for today. Deadlift took it out of me. Now I know.
D1) Sumo Good Morning
3010; 8-10 reps x 4; rest 1 min
125 x 10
135 x 10
145 x 10
155 x 8
D2) Trap Bar Deadlift
@3010; 8-10 reps x 4; rest 1 min
190 x 10
200 x 10
210 x 10
220 x 10
E) @Sustained pace
8 D-ball over shoulder – 80#
10 BJSD – 20″
row 400m
rest 1:1
x 4 sets
-SAME times per round!
Had an earring-AirPod mishap on the first round with the D-ball so that slowed me down a bit 😂 Could probably have moved faster on another day, but I really didn’t want to today.
Today was intense!!
LOL @ “earring-AirPod mishap”
Dropping into NC Fit, Mountain View CA
Thursday programming, dropped the 1min rest.
– Push Press 55lbs
– Double FR hold 24kg – this was the hardest part
– Banded pulls with red band
– 4 C2B instead of T2B, tried to do 4 unbroken, but I could only get 3 max.
This wasn’t enough sweat and this is a stressful week, so…
10 C2 bike erg calories
10 hollow rocks
10 push-ups
10 DUs (must be unbroken)