WOD 3.7.18
EMOM x 30 (6 sets):
1) 3 Deadlifts
2) 8 Dumbell Bench Press
3) 8 Supinated Grip Ring Rows
4) :30 Sandbag Bear-Hug March (in place)
5) Rest
Warm up and perform sets across on the Deadlift at a weight you could lift perfectly for sets of 5-6 reps. Build up to challenging loads on the Sandbag March and Dumbbell Bench Press, and choose a challenging body angle for the Ring Rows.
Post work to comments.
Week 5 of 7
Friday Night Lights 19.3: Sign Up Now!
Our 3rd Friday Night Lights event of 2019 goes down this Friday, March 8th starting at 5:30pm. This is a great way to take on 19.3 in a friendly, high-energy environment.
Go to the FNL Sign Up Sheet to reserve a space in the heat of your choice. Everyone is welcomed to participate; you don’t have to be on an Intramural team. But if you are on an Intramural team, get ready to throw down! The high fives will be plentiful.
We invite everyone to come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers. BYOB, if you’re into that.
The CrossFit Games website can be pretty hard to navigate, so we’re grateful to Coach Brett for creating these custom CFSBK leaderboards. Click a link below to how you stack up:
- Overall Leaderboard
- Men’s Leaderboard
- Women’s Leaderboard
- Men 35-39
- Women 35-39
- Men 40-44
- Women 40-44
- Men 45-49
- Women 45-49
- Men 50-54
- Women 50-54
- Men 55-59
- Women 55-59
- Men 60+
- Women 60+
You can catch the announcement of 19.3 tonight at 8pm!
News and Notes
- A new cycle of Coach Ro’s Anti-Gravity Strength class starts Saturday the 9th, and there are just 5 spots left. Go HERE to learn more and claim one!
- We’ve made some tweaks to our class schedule to better serve our community. Here’s what’s happening: Tuesday’s 5:30pm Strong Fit class will be dropped. Anti-Gravity classes will switch to days and times. AG will now meet Wednesdays at 5:30pm and Saturdays at 1pm.
- We have a new cycle of our Level 2 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu starting this Sunday, March 10th. Go HERE to learn more and register.
- Pilates is cancelled on Sunday, March 10th.
- We’re always trying to get better at what we do. If you have a minute, head over to the Feedback page and tell us about your experience at the gym!
Yesterday’s Results Board
How (and Why) to Do Pallof Presses Girls Gone Strong
Exercise Is Mood Sorcery NY Mag
In response to “exercise is mood sorcery”…
I felt so tired and lethargic today, but Hungry, Hungry Hippos woke me up and made me so cheerful. Had a great workout during the EMOM, and I really thought I wouldn’t.
Yay! That was fun 🙂
Kudos to Pierre for finishing 20th in the world for Masters Men (50-54) on 19.2. Incredible!
That’s AMAZING, congrats Pierre!!
8am with Tori and Chris Fox
Deads 315 bench 65 sandbag 140 ring rows to box. Fun!
At NLWC last night I was back to cleaning from the hang, not the floor, to drill my footwork. Back to kindergarten I go! One of the great koans of my life: Why is it so hard to get under the bar?
On a happy note, I PRed my strict pullups last night! Got 8 unbroken in the first set, which is at least a 2-rep PR (and I think it might be 3).
Glad I did my pullup work last night — I was thinking about cutting out and leaving it for this morning since I was working my cleans so long last night, but then this morning I did NOT have my ish together, so I barely had enough time to complete the rest of my strength work.
HBBSQ 188×3. Can probably go to 198 next week.
FSQ 168x2x5. WHOA HARD, but 173 should be workable next time.
Clean lift-off 133x3x5. Same weight as in February, but now 3s instead of 2s. These are still light enough that I really have to think about why I’m doing them and not get sloppy.
Clean deadlift 223×2. I went heavier than this last time but I ran out of time (see above re: not having ish together).
My hope for 19.3 is deadlifts and box jumps. Really I just want, whenever deadlifts show up, for them to show up with something else I can do. I’ll be so bummed if it’s ascending-weight deadlifts paired with BMUs or HSPUs!
Except at this rate you’ll get your first BMU or HSPUs! Keep up the good work!
7am with Katie and Jess
First WOD was wall ball math. That’s new!
DLs 155, Bench 35s, 80lb rib smashers, RR elevated to step stools.
Belated congrats to Clem!
Congrats to Pierre! …IN THE WORLD!!!…so impressive!
Awesome Pierre!!
12pm Group Class with Coach Harpz
Fun Medball warm-up
DB Bench @ 65lbers
Inverted Bar BW Rows
140lb Sandbag
275lb DL all dead stop pulls
Fun workout!
Congrats Pierre! Awesome!