WOD 2.27.19
6 Bench Press
12 Plank Salutes
18 Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings
Warm up and work up to a challenging few sets on the Bench and the Swings. The Swings are 18 each arm. The Salutes are 6 each arm. Focus on stability and control on this Plank variation.
Post work to comments.
Week 4 of 7
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
4 Power Clean and Push Jerks 165/105
4 Bar Muscle-Ups
The barbell should be medium-heavy, something you can either cycle a few reps on or move though quick singles. If you have a few Bar Muscle-Ups but 20+ would be a lot for you consider scaling some volume. Aim for consistent times on each round.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
6 Power Cleans and Push Jerks 115/80
6 Burpees
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The barbell should be medium-heavy, something you can either cycle a few reps on or move though quick singles. Scale the Pull-Ups to Chin-over-Bar, self-assisted Chest-to-Bar, or Jumping Chest-to-Bar. Make them challenging! Aim for consistent times on each round.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Better Know a Member: Victoria Matos
Blog readers can look forward to new installments of our Better Know a Member series in early 2019. For the past 3 years, we’ve been bringing you these profiles from across our community of kind, cool, wonderful members. In our previous edition, we got to know mentalist Matt Cooper. Today, let’s learn more about Victoria M.!
Name (and any nicknames):
Victoria, Vicky, Vic, Bicky (my family somehow pronounces the V as a B). I’m known to most of my students as Ms. Matos
Where were you born and where did you grow up?
Born and raised here in Park Slope, Brooklyn!
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK?
I’m on my second year CrossFitting. I started in August 2017. I did it in 2014 but only for a few weeks and stopped. I had a friend in college and we worked out together, mainly bodybuilding-style workouts. We both needed something more challenging, different, and exciting. She had a CrossFit gym opening up around where she lived, but for me it was too far, so I looked up gyms around my area and found CFSBK because it was closest to my kids’ school.
Program your nightmare workout:
I’m not sure if I can top, “Tommy Mac”! That takes 1st place for a nightmare workout. It just feels like it’s never going to end… and all those Burpees? Uncalled for. First time I did that workout, I remember asking Coach Whit who programs these workouts and all she did was smile. But if I had to program my nightmare workout, anything involving more than a 400m run and tons of Wall Balls.
What are you recommending right now (pick anything! books, music, TV, movies, restaurants, etc.)
A trip to the Dominican Tree House Village in Samana, Dominican Republic. I went last April and absolutely loved it. I lived in a treehouse for 4 days. It was an all-inclusive trip. We were out in the jungle, no cell service, no TV, out just enjoying the beaches and the beauty of this small town. There is ziplining, riding horses to the beach, ATV riding out to the waterfalls, and just good food. Breakfast is ready for you, lunch is included, and dinner is ready when you get back from being out all day! All home-cooked food! It was amazing! Look it up and let me know if you go!
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street?
Most of my day is spent coaching and teaching. If not, I’m running around taking my kiddos to their practices or rehearsals, spending time with them. If I do get some free time, I’m Netflixing and chilling.
You have friends or family coming to visit from out of town. What do you take them to do in NYC?
Ah man, you know what’s funny? When my friends come and visit they usually have an itinerary of what we are going to do because every time they asked me of what we should do I never know. So if you have any suggestions for when they do come, let me know. I’m that NYer that doesn’t know much about the city. LOL!
Any advice for new CFSBKers?
If you think you can’t do a workout, it’s too hard, or the workout seems like it’s impossible to complete… you can and it’s possible. When I first started CrossFitting and they would go over the workouts, I would just wonder how am I going to get through this, and sometimes I still ask myself that question. But for every workout, you can scale according to where you are currently in your fitness journey, and you can scale your movements.
And track your workouts! Write down how much you lifted, your time and results during your metcon and also notes on how you felt during that particular workout. It helps you when planning for your next workout and also with tracking your growth. It’s amazing to look back and see improvements throughout your journey!
Next Level Weightlifting Club Cancelled This Week
All Next Level Weightlifting Club classes are cancelled Wednesday and Friday of this week. Coach Frank is competing at the Arnold Sports Festival this weekend. Good luck, Frank!
The Untold History of the First Weightlifting Competition BarBend
Meditating in the Middle of Chaos zen habits
Yeah Victoria! You’re so badass 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼
how do we find the crossfit south brooklyn leaderboard? I cant figure it out
Lady leaders: https://games.crossfit.com/custom-leaderboards/9983ee5825e0b7deafb4
Dude leaders: https://games.crossfit.com/custom-leaderboards/b429775e3be88db3cc43
We’ll be posting these tomorrow, but for now:
Women’s: https://games.crossfit.com/custom-leaderboards/9983ee5825e0b7deafb4
Men’s: https://games.crossfit.com/custom-leaderboards/b429775e3be88db3cc43
7 AM with RoHarpz
Worked to 113 on bench. This is light for me but I did 6s yesterday for NLWC strength day and I was tiiiiiired.
WOD: 4 rounds + 3 C&J at 83# with chin over bar pull-ups. I took the C&Js very slowly to try and dial in the cues Frankie’s been drilling into me over the past couple of months. I think I was more successful with the cleans than the jerks. The weight’s light, so I can get it over my head easily, but the question is, was I doing it with a straight torso? I’m not sure. :/
Perhaps you felt tired but those lifts were textbook!
Victoria is awesome! Fun to read more about her 🙂
Bench up to 93#, was okay. Been awhile!
WOD: 4 rounds + 8 reps, fit RX
Broke C2Bs up in 3s. Eh.
Victoria! Nice to read more about you. I’ve always been impressed with your cool as a cucumber approach to workouts so I would have never known you had a nightmare wod in mind!
7am with Arturo and Katie
Worked up to 88lbs on the bench press and hit the J hook on the 4th rep on one set so did it again. I had to struggle for that 6th rep but feel like I might have 5 more pounds in me for a set of 6 if I took the pace right. No matta – 88 is a 5 rep PR for me (not to mention that 6th rep). Plank salutes were no big deal. I thought of moving from the 12kg to the 16 kg KB for the swings but didn’t want to further aggravate a back that’s a bit sore from deadlifts. I allowed some poor form in yesterday and am feeling it.
WOD – I worked with 63# which is the same weight that I did 21-15-9 for yesterday so it felt light but I wanted to keep the clean and jerks connected and I did. Ro coached me to move my feet further apart and when I finally got them in the right spot, wow! what a difference getting overhead! Remember people: listen to your coaches! 4 rounds plus 2. Time did a funny thing again today – the last 4 minutes were lots faster than the first 4 minutes.
Great learning more about you Victoria!
1 min row
10 alt wall facing mb scoop tosses
3 wall walks
5 ring push ups
x 3 rounds
B) Bench Press
2 reps 85# + chains
C1) Rope Pull-up
2-4 reps x 4; rest 1 min
4 x 4
First time doing these.
C2) Strict Dip
6-8 reps x 4; rest 1 min
8 @ +5lb
8@ +10lb
7@ +15lb
5.5 (lol) @+20lb
Oops hadn’t done these in a long time and overestimated myself!
D) RTW Easy Movement
2 min ski
20 hollow rocks
2 min ski
10 ghd hip extensions
2 min ski
x 3 rounds
Had to sub in 10 x push-ups for the hspu because neck/ shoulder really bothering me and HSPUs did not seem like the best idea.
Went to see Leah last night for a massage and it was incredible. Still sore today (big difference because yesterday it was pain, not soreness) but I feel like one more sleep and I’ll be right as rain. 🤞🤞🤞
Powerful photo of a Powerful Female, Powerlifting. Love me some Victoria, a true TFBA for sure.
Nice snap, J-Schneids
5:30 with KVW & Snicks!
Bench to 85×6 and then 95×5, with a half-hearted attempt on the last rep but eh. Bench is the one movement other than snatches where I feel pain in my shoulder. Would like to build strength there though! Maybe DB benching??
WOD: 1 rep shy of 3 rounds doing the perf weight + fitness gymnastics. CTB was more of a struggle than usual, looking back I should have scaled to 3 pull-ups and kept a better pace through the movements, especially because the C&J (quick singles) felt great! Nice to notice what was once “medium-heavy” shift into more of a “medium” feel as I get stronger.
7:30pm Group Class
Bench Press
PC+J & BMU Metcon
4 Rounds + 4 Clean and Jerks As Rx’d
All BMU Unbroken, Clean and Jerks as steady singles