Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on our normal schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
Toni’s CRASH-Bs training came in handy for Open Workout 19.1. Dan’s screaming probably helped, too
CFSBK at CRASH-Bs: A Recap
Sixteen CFSBK members (and three members of other gyms) competed at the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championship in Boston on Sunday, February 17th, racing 2000m on the erg. They had trained for 14 weeks under Coach Nick‘s guidance to prepare for the event, doing everything from 250m repeats to 40- and even 60-minute workouts. Several people set new PRs, including Toni Smith, who went from 7:28 to 7:05.9, which earned her the bronze medal in the Women’s Open division. Coach Jess Fox also took 3rd place in her division. Amazing! The participants learned the ins and outs of pacing and technique and things like confronting their inner demons. This was the 10th year that Coach Nick has taken members to Boston for the CRASH-Bs. Check out the full results here.
News and Notes
- Put yourself in the expert hands of a certified Wim Hof Method Instructor to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breathing Technique, Cold Exposure, and Commitment. On March 31st, we are hosting a Wim Hof Fundamentals Workshop. Check out the event page for more info!
- Intramural League captains: please submit your athletes’ scores to the spreadsheet by 8pm tonight.
- All Next Level Weightlifting Club classes are cancelled Wednesday and Friday of this week. Coach Frank is competing at the Arnold Sports Festival this weekend. Good luck, Frank!
Yesterday’s Results Board
2 Exercises to Keep Your Feet Active When You Lift BarBend
Intramural Competitions in the Open CrossFit Games
Wednesday’s Programming
6 Bench Press
12 Plank Salutes
18 Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings
Warm up and work up to a challenging few sets on the Bench and the Swings. The Swings are18 each arm. The Salutes are 6 each arm. Focus on stability and control on this Plank variation.
Post work to comments.
Week 4 of 7
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
4 Power Clean and Push Jerks 165/105
4 Bar Muscle-Ups
The barbell should be medium-heavy, something you can either cycle a few reps on or move though quick singles. If you have a few Bar Muscle-Ups but 20+ would be a lot for you consider scaling some volume. Aim for consistent times on each round.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
6 Power Cleans and Push Jerks 115/80
6 Burpees
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The barbell should be medium-heavy, something you can either cycle a few reps on or move though quick singles. Scale the Pull-Ups to Chin-over-Bar, self-assisted Chest-to-Bar, or Jumping Chest-to-Bar. Make them challenging! Aim for consistent times on each round.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Thanks for sharing this information.It’s really good.
Congrats from Minneapolis, crash beasts!
Continue to be so impressed by the CRASH-Bs! Congrats all 💪
6am today doing Monday
DLs to 145; I think I need to start putting these on risers b/c my start position has become a struggle. No pain, just awkwardness – limited the weight accordingly.
I like the chops! All at 15#.
WOD in 8:15 at 42#
Modified to hang power snatches because bar path; OHS felt really great. Took plenty of breaks to keep the HR down.
Tomorrow looks fun!
1 min cyclical
5 windmills – side
10 alt prisoner step ups – 24/30″
x 4 rounds
Kipping toes to bar Practice
1 min cyclical
5-10 TTB
1 min cyclical
6 burpees
1 min cyclical
10 box jumps
x 20 min
First: come one, come all – party at my house on Saturday night from 7pm on, as a belated kick off to the open and a final stretch LBFBPB Challenge gathering. I’ll have healthy options and non-booze drinks but there will also be temptations – you are forewarned. If I haven’t given you the information via a facebook group or text, find me on facebook, or email me at shawnalysec at gmail for address/any questions! Hope to see you Saturday night.
Today – 7 am with Tori
Deadlifted 115×10, 145×5, 175×3, 175×5 then tried to rush the last set at 145 and started rounding my back, etc. Stopped at 6. Chops and 7.5 then 12.5 then 15.
Subbed cleans and front squats for the 21-15-9 wod. 63# 9:39. I couldn’t believe how fast the clocked moved on this, as opposed to how slowly it moved for 19.1. Weird.
Speaking of 19.1; I know it’s been a while and many of you have put it behind and are filled with a sense of anticipation for 19.2 but I’m still reveling in a sense of accomplishment. Like many open workouts, I approached this with a sense of mystery. Even though the movements are relatively pedestrian, I have nightmares (by nightmares I mean real life experience that seem like nightmares) of doing wall balls after a row (fight gone bad) and getting as few as 6 reps in a minute. Friday night lights was fun and exciting but also instructive as I saw a number of my friends and fellow athletes struggle with this so I just didn’t want to fail any wall balls. I also have been nursing a shoulder for a long time and have not been working with the 14# ball. So, I took these in really, really small sets. Thanks Coach Keith for guiding me to not just do singles, but if I did 5 consecutive shots, that was a big set! I let the ball fall every time if felt like I was approaching failure and voila! only one no-rep! I set my pace on the row and stayed right there until the final 90 seconds and because Paola, my judged, yelled, “You can do this Shawn! I believe in you!” I picked up the pace and did what I often fail to do – I emptied the tank and got the last calorie of my 4th round with 2 seconds to go! I was on the verge of feeling like a weirdo for being so so so happy about 4 rounds but, hey I’m really happy with this one. I’m also stoked that my team – Jacked In Black – did so well! From great spots on the leader board to great first Open workouts, we’re off to an awesome start!
This is so cool, Shawn! The moments like the one you describe are very unique to the Open, and it’s why I enjoy it. That last push where you go extra hard, that you probably wouldn’t for any other group class workout. Congrats!
No doubt! Thanks!!
Insightful snatch work this morning – lots of work on speed under the bar, then lots of mental work visualizing positions and not trying to think of *all the things* but instead just on visualizing where I want to end up and getting there as fast as possible. Super cool. Also realized that 75% is exactly the right work weight to drill all this stuff with. Then…
10am with Lauren doing Wednesday
Bench (summer is coming up!!) up to 185, felt good, could have done 195 maybe
KB up to 24kg and lots of salutes
Metcon 4+5 doing 165lb PC+PJ and 4 C2B pull-ups every round (note: no burpees). My goal was technically sound clean+jerk reps (all singles), and then exercising my C2B endurance which isn’t great. Got 4 unbroken C2B on first round, then 3/1 x 3. The C+J felt so good this morning!
Spent a leisurely hour and 45 getting my strength work done today (hooray for taking the day off after a concert!). Thanks Elly for the bench press spot!
And now I’m having the best baklava I think I’ve ever had thanks to Sasha S’s reco from Short Circuit yesterday (QOD was “recommend a restaurant”). Tanoreen, you guys. OMG. 😍
At Reebok South Beach in Miami
16:00 AMRAP:
8 Power Cleans, 105 lbs
12 Ring Dips
16 Box Jump Overs
4rnds + 20
Subbed box dips for ring dips. Low grade head/respiratory cold thing with the heat made this extra something.