Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on our normal schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Our first Friday Night Lights event of 2019 goes down this tonight starting at 5:30pm. This is a great way to take on 19.1 in a super-fun, high-energy environment! Go to the FNL Sign Up Sheet to reserve a space in the heat of your choice. Everyone is welcomed to participate; you don’t have to be on an Intramural team. But if you are on an Intramural team, get ready to throw down! The high fives will be plentiful.
2. If you haven’t registered for the Open yet, there’s still time to support your community and get in on the fun! Go here to sign up.
3. Congrats to all of our CRASH-Beasts on a successful weekend in Boston. And a special congrats to Toni S. on taking home the bronze in the Women’s Open division and Coach Jess Fox on taking 3rd place in her division. Incredible!
4. Put yourself in the expert hands of a certified Wim Hof Method Instructor to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breathing Technique, Cold Exposure, and Commitment. On March 31st, we are hosting a Wim Hof Fundamentals Workshop. Check out the event page for more info!
5. Paul A. is headed out of town for 3 months from April to July and is looking to sublet his awesome Prospect Heights apartment. Go HERE to check out the listing and feel free to send it to anyone who might be interested!
6. “Epictetus was once asked which words would help a person live a life of peace and goodness. The two words, he said, were ἀνέχου (bear) and ἀπέχου (forbear). (Another translation puts it at: Persist and Resist).” Yesterday on the blog, Coach Ro had some words of wisdom for Open season.
Yesterday’s Results Board
Hot, Small, or Couch: Why Potatoes Make Great Idioms Atlas Obscura
Ankle Mobility: Training Inside Out Breaking Muscle
Saturday’s Programming
Open Workout 19.1
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
19 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
19 Calorie Row
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
7 AM doing 19.1 with coach/teammate KVW. 225 reps (3 shy of 6 rounds).
I called my approach to this WOD “aggressively chill.” It paid off pretty well. I was able to maintain a super consistent pace throughout — granted, my pace was just slightly above conversational until the last 2 minutes.
It’s just exercise, y’all!
Great job with the mental game, Stella! “It’s just exercise” is a good mantra for the next 5 weeks 🙂
10 AM with Whit.
19.1 6 Rounds plus 19 wall balls = 247 reps.
My goal was 6 rounds, so I’m satisfied with this;
It only fell apart in the last round of wallballs; prior to that
first round unbroken, then 12/7.
rows around 1150 cals; but I need to get my stroke rate down and maintain that pace in the future.
1 down, 4 to go.
Nice, Charles! #buckscounty4eva
8 a.m. doing 19.1 under the judicious supervision of Coach Brett.
267 reps (7 rds + 1). Wall balls unbroken but pace on the erg could’ve been a little faster, particularly in those middle doldrums where I let it slip a bit. Kind of an irritating score — I know I could do better, but not that much better. Persist or resist? Help me Epictetus (and belated shout-out to Coach Ro for that nice write-up yesterday)!
So sad I’m not signed up for the open this year 🙁 with the move and everything it’s going to be too stressful to make every workout.
But! Today I did 19.1, aka a short person’s nightmare workout. I got 196 reps Rx and not mad about it! Just kept it steady, cheered people on along the way and had a great experience.
Good luck to everyone hitting 19.1 tonight!!
Back to regular classes last week after a few months of CRASH Bs followed by a month of traveling (eating).
I’ll be away a few Friday’s so I didn’t register for the Open and am treating the workouts as…workouts.
I went as dark as I could and managed to hit 5 rounds scaled. Rowing felt steady, wall balls fell apart pretty quickly and started to feel like one wall ball per one minute of rest. They were not pretty. I’d be curious to try this one again 1. Rx’d and 2. In a few months with more of an intentional rhythm.
I don’t know what’s in yall’s water but I’m absolutely worshipping anyone who hit over 5 rounds. This was an evil one. But, like, fun evil.
Good luck to everyone tonight!
!!!19.1 en Oaxaca, Mexico!!!
Jess and I dropped in to BlackWOD down here and they were super gracious. The workout, was not.
232 reps Rx’d (6 rounds + wall ball)
Such a perfect couplet workout to kick off the 2019 Open. Looking forward to doing a FNL or two “when” we return.
Mis piernas son en fuego!
1 min ski
10 MB chest passes
10 rotational ball slams
1 min row
x 3 rounds
Bench Press
20 min to build to a HEAVY single
Strict Pull-up
3-5 reps x 4; rest as needed
5@ BW
4@ +5
3@ +10
3@ +15…. barely!
Arms/ biceps are killing me today! Maybe from D-Ball yesterday? It’s the only thing I can think of. Not sure!
Seated Arnold Press
@20X2 8 reps x 3; rest 30 sec
Standing reverse cable fly
@20X1 10 reps x 3; rest 90 sec
@high effort
TnG DL – 155#
cal AB
Everything unbroken. Solid proof this shit works because I had no idea I could do that! Hadn’t pushed myself that hard in a while.
19.1 at Friday Night Lights !!!
7 rounds (266 reps) Rx
Long and painful. Wall balls unbroken through 6 rounds then 10/9 on 7th round. Row started around 1200 car/hr, then went down to around 1100 cal/hr, or around 1:05min per round. Everything was ok until the 6th round, when I slowed down a bit. 7th round was balls-to-the-wall on the rower – the whole round was 1:30min and the rowing was like 40s. No desire to do this again at all, I think I could get 3-5 reps more at most, and it’s not worth it.
Friday Night Lights was great, much higher production value than CrossFit’s official stuff 😉 Amazing to see people crush this, and push extra hard during the Open.