WOD 2.20.19
8 Sumo Stance Dumbbell Good Mornings
80′ Single Arm Farmer Carry (each)
20s Palloff Iso Hold
Keep the Good Mornings light and perfect. Work up to a challenging set on each side for the carries.
Post work to comments.
Week 3 of 7
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
Deadlifts 225/155 (185/125)
Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
The Deadlift weight should be medium-heavy for you, something you could do a set of 10+ reps when fresh. The Burpee Box Jump Rx is “Games Standard,” meaning jump out-jump in, then jump to the box before reaching full extension atop the box with control. Otherwise you can step in and out. Choose the method that allows you to move the most efficiently.
Check out more awesome Friday Night Lights photos from last year here, here, and here! | Photo by Thomas H.
Friday Night Lights 19.1: Sign Up Now!
Our first Friday Night Lights event of 2019 goes down this Friday, February 22nd starting at 5:30pm. This is a great way to take on 19.1 in a super-fun, high-energy environment!
Go to the FNL Sign Up Sheet to reserve a space in the heat of your choice. Everyone is welcomed to participate; you don’t have to be on an Intramural team. But if you are on an Intramural team, get ready to throw down! The high fives will be plentiful.
We invite everyone to come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers! BYOB, if you’re into that.
If you haven’t registered for the Open yet, there’s still time to support your community and get in on the fun! Go here to sign up.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How to Make Things Quieter NY Mag
How Much: Time, Quality, and Quantity Breaking Muscle
Obsessed with today’s photo.
DO, can you talk a little about what you like about the Wim Hof method? I’m very interested primarily as a meditator but I am hesitant because it sounds – well, cold.
You should do it!
I’ve done it before! I enjoyed it a lot. They don’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do and you get to learn neat stuff! The cold part is only at the very end (I had to wade in Lake Washington in Seattle in mid January! Yikes!!!)
Well, I’ve been doing cold therapy for just over 680 days. It seems like research supports that there are positive effects on your endocrine system and other elements of your physiology, however I can’t really confirm or deny that with evidence. I will say that in this many days of doing it I have never once done it and not felt amazing afterwards. Even on days when Im sick or the rare case Im hungover it seems to straighten me out right away, or at least bring me 5 steps closer to normal. I’m doing it as a daily ritual of self imposed hardship, but I really enjoy it and over the past month or so have raised my time minimum to 4:00 in the cold shower to get more out of this cold weather.
The breathing is something I’m a but newer too. It really clears your head, makes you blissed out, makes the cold feel way less cold and opens up your lungs. My best retention to date is a 3:18 breath hold with no air in my lungs.
Im excited to learn more about the method and the biology at this seminar.
I really love cold showers and can’t recommend them enough. you feel like a superhuman after
Thank you both!
I like feeling like a superhero….
Love this Photo! You three in the back are too funny!
6:30 PM class with Coaches KVW and LR
Farmers Carrys: Varied, heaviest was 115, hardest was 45lb plate pinch on left hand
Palloff: :30e
DB GM: 75lb DB
Deadlift /BBJ Metcon
14 Deadlifts + 6 Burpee Box Jumps as Rx’d
All Deadlifts Unbroken. Overpaced this, should have gone out of the gate a little faster.
Jumped into the strength/warm up flow with 10am:
Carries @ 75, 85, 95, 105#
good mornings @ 25, 35, 40, 40
Then three aerobic amraps alone…
a. 10 min
250m assault runner
10 CTB pull-up (6-4)
250m run
25′ handstand walk
rest 3 min
b. 10 min
8 cal bike
40 DU
8 cal bike
12 DB DL @ 45# ea hand
rest 3 min (actually 5 b/c I messed up)
c. 10 min
200m ski
10 bar facing burpees
200m ski
8 push press @ 85#
A. 2 rounds
B. 3 rounds + 4 cal
C. 2 rounds + ski/BFB/ski
lungs/chest still not 100% unfortunately! there was a bit of coughing involved in this. felt good to move through a variety of stuff though and just grit it out a bit on the bike because my legs were more sore than expected from those squats on monday! pacing overall felt good. to be honest, fell apart just a tiny bit in the last one b/c my coordination was a bit off in my first round of BFB and i think things were accumulating. should’ve had 3 rounds on that one.