WOD 2.18.19
4 Box Squats (2 count on box)
8e Dumbbell Upright Row to External Rotation
Warm up and work up to a few challenging but confident sets on each exercise. No failing, no bailing.
Post work to comments.
Week 3 of 7
7 Rounds for Time:
7 Front Squats 135/95
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
The barbell comes off the floor and should be medium-heavy for you. 16 minute cap.
7 Rounds for Time:
7 Front Squats
7/5 Ring Dips or (10/7 Push-Ups)
The barbell comes off the floor. Use a challenging load that you can probably do unbroken for all 7 sets. You should be able to do unbroken sets of 10+ Dips to do the prescribed amount. If you cannot, then scale some volume or to Push-Ups instead. 16 minute cap.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congrats to all of our CRASH-Beasts on a successful weekend in Boston. And a special congrats to Toni S. on taking home the bronze in the Women’s Open division and Coach Jess Fox on taking 3rd place in her division. That’s amazing!
The Open is Here!
So far we have around 130 CFSBKers registered for the 2019 CrossFit Open. If you’ve registered, congrats on making this decision! It’s going to be an awesome 5 weeks in which you’ll get to benchmark your overall fitness and engage in some fun competition with yourself, the CFSBK community, and the rest of the world. Last year, about half a million people competed in the Open, making it the world’s largest participatory sporting event. If you haven’t registered for the Open yet, there’s still time to support your community and get in on the fun! Go here to sign up.
Open Workout 19.1 will be announced this Thursday night at 8pm New York time. See the CrossFit Games site for more info.
Intramural Teams
As you may have read right here on the blog, we’re going to do in-house intramural teams again for the 4th year in a row to make the Open even more exciting and inclusive. When you sign up for the league, you’ll be placed on a team in which your performance will contribute to your team’s overall score. Each team will be assigned a captain who will communicate with their team over the 5 weeks and submit their scores to management.
This is a great way to meet some new people, have a bit more fun with the Open, and motivate yourself to work a little harder. We encourage everyone to sign up and give it their all! Remember: your team won’t be penalized if you can’t do a workout for some reason.
Friday Night Lights
We’ll also be doing a series of “Friday Night Lights” events again this year. Every Friday night from 5:30 to 8:00pm for the next 5 weeks, you’ll have a chance to take on that week’s Open Workout with your fellow CFSBKers in a high-energy environment. These are open to EVERYONE who’s doing the Open, not just Intramural teams. Check the blog this week for more info!
Programming & Submissions
As usual, the Open workout will be programmed for Saturday’s group class, which means you’ll have the following opportunities to perform the workout:
- Friday morning/afternoon group classes
- Friday Night Lights, 5:30-8pm
- Saturday Group Classes, 8-2pm
- Saturday Open Gym, 2-4pm
- Sunday Open Gym, 6-8pm
For extenuating circumstances, we can try to work with you if you CAN’T make any of those times. With the exception of the Friday and Saturday group classes and Friday Night Lights, you’ll have to find someone to judge you in order to post a valid score. There are often folks hanging around to do the workouts, so just ask the coach to assist you if you can’t find someone to help out yourself.
In order for your score to be counted, you must submit your score and judge’s name to the CrossFit Games site by 8pm on Monday night. If you don’t submit a score, you’ll get a zero for the workout, but you’ll still be allowed to participate in the subsequent workouts. There’s nothing worse than crushing a workout and then posting a zero for the year! You’ll have to submit your judge’s name when you submit so remember to cut off the bottom of your scorecard and take it home with you. In a worst-case scenario, you can submit “David Osorio” as your judge.
Yesterday’s Results Board
The Rise of “Zero Waste” Grocery Stores Smithsonian
Welcome to the 2019 CrossFit Games Season CrossFit Games
HUGE congratulations to Toni and Coach Jess!!!
Toni and Jess- Wow. great work from the whole crew- fun to watch on IG yesterday!
AMAZING job to all the crash beasts!! So much respect for all the work you all put in.
Today’s work was fun! I’ve never done Box Squats before. So happy to partner with Gene and Stephen (Steven?) for this one.
Did 95#, 125#, 135#, 145# and 155#.
Switched between 10’s and 12.5’s for the Dumbbell Upright Row to External Rotation.
Metcon went well, stayed unbroken for the front squats (83#) and first 4 rounds of push-ups. Then when 4-3 for the last 3 rounds.
Congrats to all Crash Beasts!
9am Short Circuit was super fun today – large crowd, good circuit, high energy. Awesome!
10am group class with Brett and Lynsey
Box Squats up to 245lbs, haven’t squatted heavy in a while, so wasn’t sure where this would end up. Upright rows up to 15lbs.
Metcon 9:04min with a 95lb barbell and 5 ring dips per round. The barbell was nice and light, all unbroken. The dips were the problem: rounds 6 and 7 were broken up a lot, I think round 7 was 5x singles.
Can’t believe the Open starts in 72h. Ugh.
4:30PM group class w/ Coach Keith — working out in the afternoon is weird!
Box Squat
Used the metal stool box, which I believe is 12″. Think this is a fair approximation of the bottom of my true squat. Stayed on tension, weight midfoot, just kissing the box for the :02 pause.
(45×5, 95×4, 135×3)
155, 165, 175 — last set was tough but in good form
Performance WOD:
10:36 RX’d
Oh man. This should’ve been done at the 9-9:30 mark, but I really imploded at the end, haha! Paced it decently through the beginning. FSQ unbroken and chill. Muscle ups unbroken through round 4 (which is a success for me!), then I failed my third in round 5 so did a single there to finish. Intentional 2-1 break on round 6. Round 7, failed my 2 second rep at the top — like got through 2/3 of the dip and then just lost all strength. Ugh. I blame yesterday’s push presses; my triceps were le tired! Then I missed getting my false grip not once but TWICE in jumping back up to the rings (m*therf*cker!) … rings had to settle. wasted a ton of time waiting for that and laughing at myself. Eventually finished with my two singles. Sigh. (Done with the rings in 597. Would love a re-do on this one when I feel 100% in 608 where there’s not quite so much swinging.) Fun one!
Then: 3 sets of 20′ handstand walk, practicing pivoting and turning around at the end. was ALMOST able to start walking back the other way! #2019goals
Did a little booty/bicep blast to finish. 3 rounds:
20 reps, internal/external rotation in Banded Clamshell (Red band)
20 reps, db bicep curl – 10# supinated grip
Had two people mention to me afterward how it’s cool and appreciated that some of our coaching staff takes group class. That was really nice to hear, and also I obviously agree. I think sweating alongside our athletes is really FUN and important, not to mention remembering what it’s like to be on the other side of a whiteboard review and actually feeling the effects of the programming! yeah!
20 sec KB FR duck walk – 12-16kg/hand
3 floor levers
6 high lateral box SU
1 min row
x 3 rounds
used 16kgs for duck walk today, hard, but good for my stiffer left ankle
my lateral quad on the left is pissing me off. box step ups hurt but get better with a solid warmup @ 30″
B)Back Squat
TOUGH 4 in 15 min
185×4, 205×4, 215×4
that was it today. i wouldve failed heavier for sure
C1)Sand Bag Kneel to Stand
8 reps/side x 4; rest 1 min
60# bag. just endurance with holding the bag i think? idk its just difficult but i love this exercise!!
C2)Single Leg Soreson Hold
15 sec/side x 4; rest 1 min
D)@sustained effort:
2 min AB
40′ trap bar carry – HEAVY
2 min row
15 ghd sit ups
x 4 rounds
trap bar: 210#
row pace: 2:05 avg throughout!
this rocked me for some reason!! my only problem was GHD speed and surprise surprise knowing myself on the bike for mixed modal stuff. i keep thinking i can do 60-62, but i dropped to 58-60, then 56-58 by last two rounds. REMEMBER THIS STOP FORGETTING! i think its mostly because i underestimate how long im doing this workout. It’s hard to realize its going to take over 20 minutes when you first look at it. definitely a 20 min workout is more like 56-58RPM, need to project the timing of it better.