Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on our normal schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
Upcoming Programming Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 2/4/19 – Su 3/24/19
Goals: To stay fresh through the CrossFit Open, which runs from February 21st through March 24th. We’ll program regular metcons and strength/skill work with a bias toward the movements and formats that are typically seen in the Open. This mesocycle (the 7 weeks) will run on a 3 day microcycle, a departure from the 5 day microcycle we’ve run for some time now. The shorter microcycle will allow for more frequent exposure to movements as a focus of the day, and give folks who come on set days to fewer than 5 CrossFit classes in a week more variance in their training. It will still “feel” pretty similar to recent cycles, the main difference being that Wednesdays won’t always be Squats, and Thursday and Sunday won’t always be Olympic lifts. Saturday will still be Wild-And-Crazy-WOD day, especially when the Open starts!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Register for the Open!
By the time this post goes up, we’ll be just 16 days away from the announcement of Open Workout 19.1. Go here to register! And please take a minute to fill out this short survey, so we know if you’re interested in participating in our Intramural Team Competition!
There are so many good reasons to register, and we tried to convey some of those reasons on the blog last week. But today we thought we’d throw it over to you guys to help us recruit more competitors. So…
Have you participated in the Open in the past, or do you plan to this year? Tell everyone about your experience! Why did you do it, and what did you learn? Why did you sign up this year?
Yesterday’s Results Board: RDL, Z Press, Skin-the-Cat | Sit-Ups, Squats, Box Jumps
I Wish I Could Do That Breaking Muscle
So You’re Saying My Seltzer Is Not Made of Crushed Up Bliss NY Mag
Wednesday’s Programming
3-5 Sets:
6e Alternating Lateral Lunges
6 Strict Chin Ups
6e SA KB/DB High Pulls
Work up to a challenging set on each exercise. Add weight to the lunges (goblet-style) and using assistance as needed on the chins.
Post work to comments.
Week 1 of 7
For Time:
550m Run
Hang Power Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips
550m Run
The barbell should be medium-heavy for you. If you have some dips but not 45, scale to 15-9-6 or 9-6-3. You should be able to do sets of 7+ dips to attempt the Rx volume. Begin and end the workout with a 550m run.
For Time:
550m Run
Hang Power Cleans 95/65
Box Dips or Push-Ups
550m Run
The barbell should be medium-heavy for you. If you have some box dips but not 45, scale to 15-9-6 or 9-6-3, or to push ups with similar strategy for push ups. Begin and end the workout with a 550m run.
Post time and Rx to comments.
5 yoga push ups
20 supine leg raises
30 DU
1 min row – EASY
X 3 rounds
Bar muscle up practice
@high effort:
In 3 min complete:
8 SB cleans – 120/80
-with remaining time max cal row or bike
rest 3 min
x 3 rounds
5-10 EASY cool down
NLWC last night. I was pleasantly surprised that Frankie said I could clean from the floor! Then when I actually tried cleaning from the floor, he was like “whoawhoawhoa, let’s back up.” Haha. So now I’m doing a slow pull to above the knee, going straight into the clean without the pause I used to have to take at the knee. This is definitely going to take some getting used to, since I started falling into old habits of jumping while the bar was at or just below the knee rather than waiting a little longer to generate force at the right time.
Power jerks: Frankie made me dip slowly with my back to the wall, touching the wall with my shoulders and heels but NOT my hips. HOLY MOSES this was hard, which I guess just shows how ingrained my non-vertical pattern of dipping has become. But after I did it enough times, I was able to jerk a lot better.
7 AM doing yesterday’s work w/Snickers:
RDLs up to 115#, these are hard on the forearms!
Z-press at 20# and 25#. I can press more than that from a standing position but it’s not so easy to keep stable on the floor. Counterintuitive, wot?
Skin the cats were about getting over my gibbering terror of flipping over. By the end I was able to touch my feet to the ground on the other side.
WOD: 4 rounds + 25 situps. Basically felt like I was going to spend my entire life doing situps OMG.
PS, okay, seriously, should I do the Open? Here’s my thought process:
Pros: Camaraderie, will probably force myself to work harder than I normally do during metcons.
Cons: There are lots of people who experience amazing breakthroughs during Open workouts–they finally get that BMU they’ve been trying for, they hit a PR on the snatch, etc. This has never happened for me and I sometimes go to an emotional bad place when it doesn’t (because I feel like dammit, I’m so strong, why couldn’t I do the thing that is at least as much about being highly skilled as about strength? haha). I do a LOT better with slow, methodical progress focused on just one thing at a time. I got kipping pullups by coming to AG on the regular, not by miraculously finding them in the Open. Right now I’m making slow progress toward better Oly lifts in Frankie’s class, and I don’t think I’m going to have any sudden revelations in an Open workout (in fact, what I DON’T want to do is re-ingrain the wrong patterns, which is why I’ve been avoiding Oly lifting in group class since I started NLWC).
So right now I’m leaning towards no, but change my mind?
For me? I think of you as integral to the Open. Both as my judge and cheering from the sidelines, you have pushed me through to gains that I didn’t know were achievable for me. (“Don’t you DARE put that bar down
Shawn.”) Yes, you could still cheer from the sidelines but why don’t you manage your expectations about breakthrough skills, accept that being pushed to work even harder than you work in group class (as if you’re a slacker in group class – not!) is a feat in and of itself and sign up!
Aww Shawn, that means a lot. I never thought about how much the Open is at least as much about judging and encouraging as it is about doing. <3
We’re all in this madness together!
I’m a big fan of the Open. I have pushed harder, lifted heavier and had the most fun working as hard as I possibly can attempting Open work outs. Last year was the first time I got at least one rep at Rx in every workout. That felt great! The intramural team is an extra supply of support in an already super supportive environment and an additional fun element. I also like to see where I stack up in the region, the country and worldwide with other women in my 50-54 age group since we don’t have a big cohort at the gym. In fact, I obsess over it, checking and checking back and again until after the scores deadline. It’s also so fun to see how well the stronger, more skilled athletes from our gym do and pretty darn emotional when people do get their first….or most…or best whatever.
Today 8 am with Lauren
I’m at the brink of overdoing it and came it sore and tired. Didn’t go crazy pushing weights and felt so much better after class than I did going in. Did the lunges with 12 kg; high pulls with 15, 17.5 then 20 lbs. and did chin ups with 5 lbs. working to keep my feet in front at the bottom (after Lauren’s cue), keeping my toes glued together and holding slightly at the top in lieu of going up in weight. The WOD was not as bad as I feared. 63# on the bar; dips from the bench and not indulging misery on the runs. 14:14, so not speedy but I stayed on task throughout.
Yesterday – I’ll just say that skin the cat work was so fun! More please!!
Sunday – This was a good power cleans day for me, but did anyone finish their kettlebell swings and think, “Oh goody! Now I get to go row!!”? because that WOD crushed me! Oooff.
You should always do the open if you are not injured.
It helps establish a great baseline from year to year. You will be surprised sometimes when you shave a second here or there, maybe get a few more reps at something. Those DUs you have practiced all year and have now might be a new thing to use at the open. True, there are some people that get amped by the “crowd” and the moment and blast through a plateau or PR but that should be the exception not the norm.
Don’t change how you do your work but do your work and do it honestly. I am not saying you don’t but when your pushed to your limits you might not get as deep or get to that full extension. Here is where you will be forced to. Use it as a way to galvanize your workouts for the rest of the year aiming for virtuosity.
Competition aside, the ONLY person you are up against is yourself. Keep that in the back of your mind and you will be just fine. Don’t give up, don’t stop until time is called and give all you can.
Since we are talking about giving it all….there is nothing wrong with scaling. There is no reason to do something RX if you look at it and there are immediate doubts of even picking up the weight, doing all the reps at RX or thinking it can’t all get done in time. Again this is you against you so leave your ego out on Degraw and bring your I can do “this volume/weight/rep” to the workout.
This will be my 8th time doing the Open. I have done the open injured, I have done the open scaled and I have done the open RXed. All of them have been lessons. Listen to your body, take refuge in your “cave”, have fun and aim for your goals. That is why we are doing all this after all.
Forgot to add>
Did Monday’s Class this morning with Jess at 6AM.
Saw a lot of people doing great Skin the Cats! Some braving up to the big rings!
Eyeing what we have on tap tomorrow looks rough.
As for the WOD, this was a total wheelhouse for me.
5 rounds plus 21 @RX I think if I had not pushed so hard in the strength part I might have made it to 6 rounds.
This post is a no rep
oh yeah?
Do the open! The workouts will be programmed anyway! It’s basically $20 for the use of the online platform and it’s worth it!
It’s fun to be on an intramural team! Friday Night Lights is a blast! It brings together people from across the gym of all ages, classes, etc.
You might do better than you expect on workouts which is awesome, or you might do “bad” (as bad as one can do for being brave, taking a positive risk, giving something really challenging a shot…)
Everyone new to Crossfit typically starts scaled ( I did!) and it’s really cool to eventually be able to RX in a few years! ( or less!)
Do it! You’ll feel sad if you do the workout and you don’t get to be a part of the team!
The data nerd in me loves the Open for many reasons. But separate from that, the Open has provided me with many memories throughout the years – frustrations and joys alike. I think the best part is that all of these memories are distinctly, positively associated with whomever I was paired with and that human aspect of cheering for each other/sharing in the paincave is pretty awesome.
Saturday WOD: 4 + 30 DUs. That DB with never seemed to end.
Sunday: Cleans at 123×5, 143×5, 153×5, 163×5.
Pleased to stay consistent at such a high percentage with minimal rest.
WOD: 3:37 with 20 cal on the Echo Bike.
Today doing Monday:
SLRDL: 45, 75, 95, 125
Z-Press: 15, 20, 25, 30
Skin the Cat on low and high rings – fun to play.
WOD: 5 rds +51 reps. So many sit ups.
DO THE OPEN!!!! just do it. This is the only INTERNATIONAL competition where you get to pay only 20 bucks, stay in the comfort of your own gym and see where you stack up against the entire world!
I have a lot of reasons why I’m doing it, mostly because it’s really amazing to see everybody get together and help push each other through some tough, but manageable workouts. I’m really looking forward to coaching saturdays, but especially friday night lights, and hope l’ll be able to participate in all 5!!!! DOOOO IIIIIITTTTTT PEOPLE
Back on two a days, the result of my Mid Atlantic Affiliate Challenge qualifier came in last night. We needed to be top 10 of 107 teams to be guaranteed a slot. we were 11TH!!!!!!! OMG! lol. heartbreaker. apparently that is my favorite number these days. sucks to be just below the line, but i think the odds are VERY high that we’ll snag a slot anyway. There will be 30 invites sent out, and a team may not confirm that they want to go! It would be cruel and unusual not to invite the 11th place slot amiright??? ugh. fingers crossed. Really pumped up about how well we did regardless. 11/107 is pretty great and we beat out some super impressive teams. woo!
AM Sesh:
4 wall walks
30 sec ring body saw
1 peg board ascent
1 min AB
x 3 rounds
B)Close Grip Bench Press
TOUGH set of 8 in 15 min
115#x8, felt hard today , crazy given i hit 125×10 last week!
C1)Rope Climb
4 ascents x 3; rest 1 min
C2)Strict Dip
8-10 reps x 3; rest 90 sec
3×10 w/ 7.5# weight
D)@sustained effort:
15 DB front squats – 35#/hand
rest 15 sec
15 DB facing burpees
rest 15 sec
15 cal row
rest 2 min
x 4 rounds
2:42/2:35/2:35/2:36 (dumb rower wouldn’t turn on so I didn’t get to do a negative split, but happy with consistency)
Helluva! Felt good super tough
PM Sesh:
10 inverted shoulder taps
6 alt hanging hip touches
20 hollow rocks
10 slam ball
x 3 rounds
B)Handstand Walk
MAX distance x 5; rest as needed
Played around with a very bent knee sort of scorpion style walk. It was easier! Not sure if I’ll stick with it but was definitely nice to try
20-30 sec x 4; rest as needed
4x20sec, alternating single leg holds
D)Assault Bike
20 sec – max cal
rest 3 min
x 4
-STAY strong – SHITTY but looking for close to same score each round!
-cut if you fall off more that 3-4 cal per round
7 cal, 80-82RPM, RPE 5
9 cal, 83-85RPM, RPE 7
10 cal, 83-87RPM, RPE 8
11 cal, 83-93RPM, RPE 9.5
Think ill stick with the RPE so i can learn a true 90%, over the summer i was going somewhere in 90-95RPM and making myself cry. Clearly not sustaimable. Definitely have a hint of a stomach ache after last one, good to know that’s my limit, how often should I be feeling borderline stomachache? So hard to know if I’m pushing myself too hard or not. I don’t want to sandbag ever but I definitely don’t think I should feel this way every time!
disregard that question in last piece , that was meant for coach Ro lol! forgot to erase that. copy n paste problems
fingers crossed for you that 11th place buys you a spot!
Thanks Stella!!! Me too ugh!