WOD 1.28.19
1) 12 Dumbbell Bench Presses
2) 150′ Single-Arm Farmer Carry, each arm
3) 7/5 Calorie Bike, as fast as possible
Spend about 30 minutes today rotating through the exercises. Build to challenging sets on the Dumbbell Bench and the Farmer Carries. For the bike sprints, take the first one at what feels like 90%, then go all out on each one after, resting as needed before returning to the bench press. Aim for between 5 and 8 sets total.
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Week 8 of 8
Cash Out
4 Rounds:
10-30s L-Sit
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Allie B. and Coach Whit embrace after Allie’s first-ever Muscle-Up in Open Workout 18.3 | Photo by Thomas H.
The Countdown to the 2019 Crossfit Open Begins
We’re now less than a month away from the start of the 2019 CrossFit Open! 2018 was a big year for the gym, and we want to keep the good vibes rolling in 2019. That’s why we’re aiming to have 200 CFSBKers register for the Open this year! Rory McKernan explains what the Open is in this video from last year, but here are 5 really good reasons why you should participate:
1. As in years past, there will be both Rx’d and Scaled versions of each workout. So don’t fret if you don’t have those Pull-Ups or Muscle-Ups or What-Have-Yous yet.
2. We’ll be running the CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition again this year, and you’ll have to be officially registered for Open to take part. This competition aims to promote a healthy community rivalry and provide motivation for all Open competitors to perform their best each week. Perhaps most importantly, there will be t-shirts!
3. FRIDAY. NIGHT. LIGHTS. Each Open Intramural team will send a male and a female competitor to this super-fun throw down that we’ll host all 5 weeks of the Open. Check out some of our photos from last year here and here!
4. Competition is fun and good for you, even if you’re not the competitive type! Read Coach Fox’s blog classic “Why Compete?” That about sums it up.
5. The Open best expresses the fundamentally democratic spirit of CrossFit. It’s easy to forget about that when you watch incredible athletes doing incredible things in the Games. But in the Open, everyone has a chance to prove something to themselves, and at CFSBK, we’re lucky to be able to do that in an environment in which your fellow athletes will cheer you on, whether you’re a veteran, a rookie, or somewhere in between. If you’re thinking about doing it, do it!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Power Cleans, Handstand Push-Ups
The State of Our Union’s Children Breaking Muscle
Canada’s Food Guide Government of Canada
Stella says
7 AM with LynSnickRo. I am officially over farmer’s carries for a while. Usually I love them, but when I picked up the first weight today I could tell I was still a bit fried from the heavy carries in Strong Fit on Saturday. I started with the jerry can but backed off for all subsequent rounds since my lower back was like, “TOO SOON!”
L-sits were fun. Toni makes amazing faces while holding a perfect straight-legged one.
Stella says
Came back for NLWC. Note to self: I should already know this from 8 years of CrossFit, but Oly lifting is NOT like Strength Cycle. You can’t always move successively a little more weight each time. I kept letting myself get frustrated tonight doing ugly reps in the 52kg range, when I should have realized earlier that tonight it wasn’t happening. Once I pulled back more to like 47 or even 45, things got better. Sigh. I guess I’m a bit fatigued from all the farmer carries lately.
Snatching was considerably better once I figured out the above re: not advancing past the point of doing things 90% correctly.
I’m a glutton for punishment so I’ll be back Wednesday.
Shawn Campbell says
The Allie muscle up photos are some of the best in the CFSBK archives!
7 am with Arturo, Lauren and Lynsey
What I learned today: what I can farmer carry weight-wise depends so much on shape and handle. The handles with plates were only a lil challenging at 75#, so I tried the 80# rough grip DB and couldn’t get halfway to the stairs! However, going back to the handle with plates with 85# on was still only moderately challenging but, I couldn’t make it with only 5 lbs more on the Jheri can. I just couldn’t hold the can off my legs to actually walk like a human. So, I just did a 50′ with each hand but I’ll take it! I’ve never even picked up the Jheri can before so that’s cool.
DB bench presses with 30#. Twelve is many; especially 9, 10, 11 and 12. Bike: I didn’t set the screen for my first ride so I did a 30 sec. sprint. Watched the numbers thereafter but didn’t time those.
Cash out: L sitting after yesterday’s cash out was coreibble! I managed 10 seconds in an L on the boxes and then played around with single legging from tucks. Tried the parallettes and could only manage about 5 seconds and only when leaning backward. ooof.
K HarpZ says
Anyone else always thought it was spelled “Jerrycan”?
Maybe a “jheri can” has a curly wig glued to the side for extra fitness flare.
This is not to be confused with the term “jheri curl”. Which I believe is just an exercise where you bicep curl jerrycans.
Anyone? Anyone? Just spitballing ideas here
Stella says
TIL that “Jerry” was WWII slang for a German.
Allie b says
Yeah, Shawn. Those photos are great! Technically not my first one— but still to this day the only muscle ups I’ve ever done in a workout!
Haven’t been posting too much: fun workout with Luther on Saturday, got through the 8 rounds of 95# power cleans and handstand push-ups. Technically my last HSPU was after the buzzer.
Today’s workout was perfect, as my butt and quads feel like solid rocks after all those pistols on Saturday!!
Also, co-sign that core-ible cashout, Shawn!
Stella says
OHHHHH…”core-ibble.” I was reading it in my mind as “co-RAY-ble? huh?!”
hahahaha nice, Shawn.
Whit says
yesterday 9am with the fox fam
worked up to 145# on a power clean quickly
WOD: 77 reps, performance RX
(through the round of 8 + 5 power cleans)
happy with this! kipping HSPU are a rarity for me, so i’m always happy when I can do them in a workout, with control, in good form, without triggering pain. hooray! my strength/control felt really good on that. progress!
bsq 5 x 4 @ 78% (175#)
rest 3:00 between sets
3 x 10ea single leg RDL @ 75# bb
floor press: 25×15, 30×12, 35×12, 40×10
3 x 15 kb good morning @ 16kg
sort of super-setted that stuff. also did a few sets of hanging from the rings.
Sarah C. says
I love that photo. Can’t wait to see what the open brings this year!
KLove says
Great moment captured in last year’s Open!
Didn’t post last week and then went away for the weekend….don’t feel like back-posting at this point.
Carries: 53#-70-75-85×3 or 4
Left side is definitely weaker
Bench: 30# then 35#x5 or 6? Got spicy the last two rounds.