WOD 2.4.19
4-6 Rounds:
6e Barbell Split Stance Romanian Deadlift
6e Alternating Dumbbell Z-Press
2-4 Skin the Cats
Spend about 20 minutes rotating through the three exercises, resting about 30-60 seconds between movements. Scale the Skin the Cats to low rings as needed, and use a jump on both ends to come through. Use as much control as possible on the descent, fighting not to drop. Build to a challenging set on each of the movements.
Post work to comments.
Week 1 of 8
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
30 Sit-Ups
20 Squats
10 Box Jumps 24/20
Post Rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
One of our biggest and best community events is less than a week away!
Saturday: CFSBK Community Potluck
This year’s Community Potluck goes down this Saturday, February 9th! We’re excited to get everyone in house to break bacon and socialize together outside of classes. This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together. The fun starts at 7pm and will continue until around 10. This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to come. Bring your friends and family!
Your dish doesn’t have to be paleo, but please try and keep the ingredients of your dish to within the guidelines of the Challenge: animal and vegetable proteins, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, starches, legumes, and whole grains are all good to go. We’ll vote on the top 3 dishes, so bring your best recipe! You may, of course, opt to bring a healthy dessert that limits the use of sugars and refined grains.
- The gym will provide some alcohol, but feel free to bring whatever else you’d like. If you’re not drinking booze and want to bring a drink, seltzer is great, too!
- If your food needs to be kept warm, you’ll need to provide your own crockpot or other method for keeping it at serving temperature. We’ve got surge protectors and extension cords.
- We’ll provide notecards so you can label your dish and list its ingredients.
- When you leave please take everything you brought with you. Do not leave any pots, pans, Tupperware, utensils, etc. They will be discarded that night.
- There will be a raffle for one free personal training session with Coach David!
- We’ll be doing karaoke again this year! In case you want to practice beforehand, these are the YouTube channels we’ll be using: Sing King Karaoke and Karafun.
- If you’d like to help out (and haven’t already been contacted) we’ll need some hands on deck putting everything away afterwards. If you stay until the end, we’d greatly appreciate some help cleaning up!
- We also need some volunteers to help set up before and clean up afterwards. To help set up, arrive by 6:30 PM! E-mail Coach Brett at Brett [at] Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to let him know you’re available.
- Let us know what you’re bringing by posting in the comments section of the event page.
Get your heavy-duty plates ready. We can’t wait to see you there!
News and Notes
- Our new 8-week training cycle starts today! We’ll have the full template up on the blog tomorrow.
- Are you participating in the 2019 Open? Please take a minute to fill out this short survey, so we know if you’re interested in participating in our Intramural Team Competition!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | Wall Balls, Kettlebell Swings, Row
Why Should I Even Still Do The Open? Morning Chalk Up
Can Low-Impact Sports Like Cycling Be Putting Your Bones At Risk? NY Times
Weekend update!
AMRAP: 2 rounds + 106, scaled to jump rope steps + 35# DB
My definition of a bad time. DUs are currently hibernating, but the steps were actually really good for working on foot speed – I have a slow left stepper, that’s for sure. Had a lot of anxiety about my shoulder(s) throughout this, but felt OK next day besides some bicep pump.
Cleans: 113×5, 123×7, 133×3, 138×2, 143×2, 148F
Didn’t follow the jumps exactly, but overall felt good and appreciated the cues from Ro on patience in the pull + aggressive drive up out of catch.
WOD: 5:02, RX’d with 30c on assault bike, all unbroken
My definition of a better time, though scaling down to 20c on the bike might’ve been more humane as the last 10c took forever. Bambi legs for like 5min after, felt much better after pedaling out a bit more.
NLWC update!
Gains! Frank’s programming right now is very challenging, with rep maxes on squats (back/front/overhead), presses, push presses, bench, power snatch, block snatch, cleans, and jerks – every week. Linear progression is still happening, but jumps are getting smaller. The PRs are fun, but I think what’s been more significant is more patience & confidence under the bar, especially squatting. Working through a 10RM or 6RM weekly is tough but I think I’ve broken through a lot of mental barriers, at least compared to a couple of months ago, when anything 80%+ heavy made me skittish. A few recent highlights:
-Clean PR @ 68kg, a 5kg increase
-Jerk PR @ 65kg, a 3kg increase
-HBBS 6RM @ 90%; 10RM @ 82%
-Front squat 3RM @ 95%
-Successfully drove up out of the hole from a dead-stop (NO bounce) on a heavy clean, which has never happened ever. Usually if I lose tension, it’s over. Legz are growing!!
-Almost, kinda learned to use straps.
Really have enjoyed seeing new faces come through class, too. Come by!!!
Great little write up on The Open there.
EMOM cleans: 125×5, 135×5, 145×5, 155×5
wanted to be a bit conservative because i was afraid my squattin’ legs wouldn’t be able to back up my pulls. i think i need to put that story to rest. this felt completely fine and I was coming up fast out of the bottom of everything. i was ready to go at every minute and each rep felt pretty darn similar to the last. happy to have a really solid day of consistent technique and get up to 86% for those last 5, and feels good to leave with more in the tank.
WOD in 4:20 RX’d.
I don’t consider any of these movements my strong suit, but i’m happy with how this went. unbroken. a few breaths before starting swings. calm walk to the back of the gym for the row. above 1000 cal/hr until about 10 cal in and then pushed for and held 1150+ (i think — i closed my eyes at some point and would just glance up to check!)
assault bike
:30 on / :30 off x 15 min
started at 62, then up to 64 for most of it, finished the last 3 at 68-70, which was uncomfortable for sure. walked around the gym for a full minute and then did continuous bear crawl fwd and backward for 200′ and then same thing with lunges just to keep moving.
4:30pm for the strength portion
SS RDL x 6 ea @ 85, 105, 115×2
alt Z press x 6 ea / 12 total @ 25, 30, 35 (tough)
skin the cat x 3 reps x 4 sets straight legs throughout — practiced SLOW eccentric on the last rep of every set, and then played with a teeny tiny lever on the way out of a couple!