Every Minute on the Minute x 20:
1 Clean
These are intended to be full (Squat) Cleans. You can (but don’t have to) increase weight on the 6th, 11th, and 16th reps.
Post loads to comments.
Week 8 of 8
For Time:
40 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
40/30 Calorie Row
Fast burner, and a repeat if you’ve done Foundations with us in the past year or so! Set a fast pace and GO.
Post time and Rx to comments.
The coloring station was quite popular at yesterday’s Kids’ Night Out
CrossFit Youth Programs at CFSBK
Our CrossFit youth programs emphasize physical development through games and age-appropriate “workouts.” Most importantly, we’re all about having FUN! Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up!
Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our programs. Our Preschool and Kids classes are comprised of games, obstacle courses, relay races, basic gymnastics, and other engaging physical activities. The Preteens program is focused on building strength, stamina, endurance, and grit. Teens class begin to look more like CrossFit with basic weight training, calisthenics, and conditioning workouts.
Days & Times
CF Preschool (3-4 years old): Sundays, 9am – 10am
CF Kids (5-7 years old): Mondays, 3:30pm to 4:30pm and Sundays, 10am – 11am
CF Preteens (8-11 years old): Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
CF Teens (12-17 years old): Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
We also offer CrossFit Kids birthday parties!
To learn more, head over to the Kids & Teens program page!
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
Does Intermittent Fasting Work? Scientific American
The First Rep Starting Strength
3 wall walks – hold last rep for 15 sec
20 sec superman hold
50′ straight leg bear crawl
60 sec row or bike
X 3 rounds
Handstand Walk Practice
@high effort:
in 3 min complete:
15 BJO – 20/24″
25 aKBS – 20/24kg
-with remaining time max rep burpees
rest 3 min
x 3-4 rounds
D. 5-10 min cool down
1pm group class
Clean weights
Last rep at 205
Was too conservative today
Wallball/KB/Ski Erg
7:10 as rxd
That was rough. Ski erg is no fun, neither are wall balls
Saturday: 2+90 Rx’d
Double unders were the limiter. Had large sets here and there with many many trips in between. C&J were easy on the right side and had to pause before the jerk on the left.
Went up in small increments because I was working on so many things (fast elbows, not hyper-extending, staying tight and pushing hips through at the bottom, etc.)
WOD: 5:49 Rx’d
WBs: 15-15-10 Didn’t have to no rep myself which is a huge accomplishment
KBS: Unbroken
Row: probably could have pushed more and gone to a darker place here
Did the workout next to DO who despises wall balls as much as me. Working out next to him helped me stick to my plan and was also fun to commiserate. Also could have saved time by moving faster during transitions.