Bar Muscle-Up
Every Minute on the Minute x 10:
5 Burpees + 2-5 Bar Muscle-Ups
The goal is no misses on the Muscle-Ups. Choose a number that allows you to practice perfecting the movement as best as possible. Stay smooth and steady on the Burpees.
Spend some time working skills and drills at an appropriate level to develop or refine the Bar Muscle-Up:
A) 3-5 Band Resisted Bar Transitions (develops strength and awareness of the lats in pulling the bar to the hips)
B) 3-5 Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups (develops speed in the turnover)
C) 3-5 Band Front Lever Pulls (develops lat strength, necessary for the pull… the most important part!)
Rest as needed between sets, aiming for 5-8 sets total.
Post work to comments.
Week 8 of 8
Front Squat
Work up to a heavy triple for the day. Goal is no misses.
Post loads to comments.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at CFSBK: Register Now!
Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) is a full-contact grappling style that prioritizes strategy over brute force. Literally translating to the “soft” or “pliable” (jiu) “style” (jitsu), it is often thought of as the chess of martial arts. BJJ is, at its core, a self-defense system that employs positional advantages, joint locks, and chokes to defend against an opponent or attacker in an assertive and elegant manner. You needn’t be stronger than your opponent to subdue them, which makes BJJ one of the most practical and effective martial arts for all ages and sizes. There is no striking in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This is a submission grappling art based on efficiency of movement, leverage, and timing.
In Level 2, we will build on concepts and vocabulary of movement from the various positions with a larger portion of class-time dedicated to progressive resistance drilling, positional sparring, and straight sparring. If you have grappling experience from the past, you are welcome to jump into the Level 2 course!
This is a 4 week course that meets once per week.
Days & Times
Level 2 (February 3rd – February 27th): Sundays, 3:00pm – 4:30pm
$100 (1 class per week)
About the Coach
Callie Brennan is a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Team Fabio Clemente. Callie has been training and competing for the past 7 years. She began teaching beginner and intermediate students under the guidance of Pan American champion Babs Olusanmokun and multiple time World and Pan American champion Dominyka Obelenyte. Callie has competed locally and internationally winning gold at American Nationals as a white belt, the Montreal IBJJF Open at blue belt, and New York IBJJF Open at purple belt in her weight. She also medaled in the Abu Dhabi Pro Trials at blue belt.
Callie recently founded Rag Doll Camps with her training partner and coach, Dominyka Obelenyte, with a mission to close the gender gap in the sport. She also teaches privately. Callie initially began CrossFit to supplement her jiu-jitsu practice, and she is looking forward to sharing it with the CFSBK community!
Feel free to contact Callie directly with any questions!
Do want a night off for yourself and your kids? Of course you do! So sign up for our CFSBK Kids’ Night Out on February 2nd! Your kid will engage in fun movement activities and games, eat pizza, and watch a movie.
What: We’ve organized a night of CrossFit kids physical activities and games. We’ll all share a pizza dinner and then watch a movie on our big screen.
When: Saturday, February 2nd from 4pm to 8pm
Who: Kids ages 4-12
Cost: $60 per child with a 50% discount for additional siblings. Dinner will be provided.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Making This Your Year to Compete Breaking Muscle
How Are Bodies Shaped?
Jumping bar muscle ups are fun. The 24” box is fine, but 20” box seems a world away. Settled on using the 20” with a plate (22′?).
Reached a heavy front squat triple at 135# with definite room to grow. SUPER helpful cues from Ro about bringing my hips forward to keep the weight closer and more aligned with my body. Makes so much sense. Thankful for super attentive coaches.
You have looootttts of room for sure on those front squats 💪!
short circuit. db hang clusters @ 25# spiked my heart rate like whoa.
10am group class
emom x 10: 5 burpees + 2 BMU
just absolutely sh*t today. not a good neurological day for me i think. going to chalk it up to some deep bodywork yesterday in my back/lats. honestly, i probably should’ve stopped and just done some technique drills. oh well.
135×3, 145×3, 155×3, 165×3 (belt)
this actually felt pretty solid. 165 is 92% of my 1RM. did some tempo lifts in the warm up and kept a decently slow eccentric on these, which helps. really focused on spreading the floor apart on the descent and it kept my L knee out a bit better.
7am with Ro, Lynsey, and KHarpz
BMU strength / skill work – played around with some bar transitions and strict pull-ups, levers and actual BMUs (jumping or otherwise) currently on vacation. Fun, different kind of class vibe!
Squats! Felt like it had been a LONG time since front squatting on the heavier side so today was an exploratory journey. Everything felt pretty good, worked up to 125 x 3 for two sets – both of which moved well.
6:30pm Group Class
Did 5 Burpees + 2 Muscle Ups for 9 Rounds
Last round did 5 Burpees + 10 Unbroken Muscle-Ups
Front Squats
20 sec ring support
30′ crab walk
20 band resisted supine leg raises
1 min ski
x 3 rouds
done! felt nice
A2)Bench Press
ONE TOUGH set of 10 in 15 min
I RISKED IT ALLLLL. Did not think i was going to pull this off but i did! this is for sure a 10RM PR. not that I have really kept track of that. Feel good about this number! Close to being able to RX regionals Linda! (maybe i could, but it would take FOREVER
B1)Hand Over Hand Rope Pull
50′ x 4; rest 1 min
had to sub for 4x8ea single arm ring rows due to kids class being big
B2)Half Kneeling Landmine Press
@20X1; 6-8 reps x 4; rest 90 sec
4x8ea w/ 45# + 12.5, then + 15×2 sets, then +17.5 for 4th
C)Hollow Rocks
3 min – accumulate
hollow armadillos! ha
strict ring pull up
-b/t each round 4 pHSPU negatives – 2-3 sec lower
fun!!! love the cue of squeezing butt and pointing toes. control is so much better
E)RTW – EASY movement:
1 min ski
1 min AB
1 min run
10 ab wheel roll outs
x 4-5 rounds
5 rds. so solid. i love running
Side note::::
Im getting really frustrated about what i keep hearing about the open. taking away all of our past stats from where we placed in the region over the past and taking out the filter all together is disappointing enough. now i hear theyre not going to film open announcements?? what the heck man. I love watching the open announcements that the most exciting part. way to suck the fun out of everything glassman. hope thats not true. Thank goodness 4 brett and Friday night lights. Guess we’ll make our own fun!
Katie “trying to be positive and not SUPER BITTER about this whole thing” HarpZ