WOD 1.14.19
Every Minute on the Minute x 20 (5 sets):
1) 4-8 Strict Pull-Ups
2) 12-16 Alternating Single-Arm Bench Press (6-8e arm, alternating at top)
3) 20s Hollow Flutter Kicks
4) 30s Alternating Foot Step Jump Rope
Use assistance as needed for the pull ups. All work sets on the DB Bench should be challenging. If you can perform 8 Strict Pull Ups, scale up to Lean-Away Pull-Ups.
Post work to comments.
Week 6 of 8
3-5 Rounds for Quality:
30 Second Single-Arm Dumbbell/Kettlebell Overhead Hold, as heavy as possible
Post work to comments.
Save the Date! CFSBK Community Potluck on February 9th
Mark your calendars: this year’s Community Potluck goes down on February 9th! We’re excited to get everyone in house to break bacon and socialize together outside of classes. This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together. The fun starts at 7pm and will continue until around 10. This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to come. Bring your friends and family!
Your dish doesn’t have to be paleo, but please try and keep the ingredients of your dish to within the guidelines of the Challenge: animal and vegetable proteins, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, starches, legumes, and whole grains are all good to go. We’ll vote on the top 3 dishes, so bring your best recipe! You may, of course, opt to bring a healthy dessert that limits the use of sugars and refined grains.
- The gym will provide some alcohol, but feel free to bring whatever else you’d like. If you’re not drinking booze and want to bring a drink, seltzer is great, too!
- If your food needs to be kept warm, you’ll need to provide your own crockpot or other method for keeping it at serving temperature. We’ve got surge protectors and extension cords.
- We’ll provide notecards so you can label your dish and list its ingredients.
- When you leave please take everything you brought with you. Do not leave any pots, pans, Tupperware, utensils, etc. They will be discarded that night.
- There will be a raffle for one free personal training session with Coach David!
- We’ll be doing karaoke again this year! In case you want to practice beforehand, these are the YouTube channels we’ll be using: Sing King Karaoke and Karafun.
- If you’d like to help out (and haven’t already been contacted) we’ll need some hands on deck putting everything away afterwards. If you stay until the end, we’d greatly appreciate some help cleaning up!
- We also need some volunteers to help set up before and clean up afterwards. To help set up, arrive by 6:30 PM! E-mail Coach Brett at Brett [at] Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to let him know you’re available.
- Let us know what you’re bringing by posting in the comments section of the event page.
Get your heavy-duty plates ready. We can’t wait to see you there!
Monday CrossFit Kids Starts Today
We’re launching an additional CrossFit Kids class (ages 5 to 7) starting today. Here’s what you need to know:
Day: Mondays
Time: 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Start Date: Monday, January 14th
Location: 608 Degraw (kids go to the front desk as usual to check in)
As with our Sunday Kids classes, we have a strict cap of 10 kids per class, and we ask parents to RSVP beforehand. Head over to the CrossFit Kids & Teens program page to find out how to RSVP and learn more about these offerings!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Power Clean | Kettlebell Swings, Push Presses, Row
Powerlifting Slows the Aging Process. Here’s Why BarBend
What’s Up Greg Glassman’s Sleeve? Morning Chalk Up
8am with Lauren and Lyndsey
The EMOM was so much fun – just enough to stay at 60-70%, light sweat but felt like we could have done it for 40min. 4-5 pull-ups per round, and 50lb bench presses – wish we had the 60lbs.
SA OH DB Hold 50, 80, 100lbs. Hardest parts were getting it up (two hands needed) and the last 5s. Fun to play with 100lbs.
8 pull-ups (2 rounds unbroken)
DB Bench: 25×16, 30×16, 30x14x3
Flutters & Jump Rope = Fun!
SA DB Hold: 12kg, 16kgx 2 (Called it quits to get to work)
This was exactly the kind of workout I needed this morning 😛 Don’t know if I could have made 8 pullups/round with a 40 min EMOM, Daniel… !!
EMOM was super chill and fun.
4 pull-ups per round; I think I should have gone for 5. Now that I weigh less, I can do more!
DB bench (all 16s): 25, 30×2, 35×2.
Flutters: I am not so good at these.
Jump rope: Apparently I was cheating by turning the rope too slowly. I KNEW I wasn’t doing these right but I didn’t know what to do differently, and also figured I was at least getting an aerobic stimulus. Lynsey figured it out at the end. Something to work on for later.
DB/KB holds: 30, 16kg, 40, 45, 50. Could not bring myself to get the 24kg bell over my head. SCARY!
Came back for some NLWC action. With clean it was two steps forward, one step back. I’m hoping that means the next time I do this I’ll be starting from the net one step forward baseline that that is, right? In any case I managed 4 reps at 55kg, which is 121# and only 4# off my PR.
I graduated to hang SQUAT snatches today!
This picture (and the potuck in general) provide me with such joy.
This morning:
5 pull-ups per round, tried to start with a strict C2B each set.
DB Bench (12s): 30, 35×2, 40×2
Flutters and jump rope happened.
DB holds: 45#, 50#x3. The 75# DB seems liked to much of a leap and nothing between.
Did the AG WOD from yesterday after class. Hit 28 pull-ups at the time cap.
Power Cleans: Started at 103, ended with a few at 153 (ties my best). Ro helped fix my feet set-up = game changer. Bar stays much closer.
WOD: 2:57 Rx. All unbroken, Lynsey pushing me through the row (1400-1500 pace). Fran cough after and did not feel recovered for a few hours. That hurt.
We should fly Katie Egan in for an encore performance!
Hahaha I agree!!
7 am with Arturo, Lauren and Lynsey too!
DB Bench: 25; 30; tried 35 but couldn’t lift them up, struggled like an upside down water bug, put them down, grabbed 30 again; next round tried 35 again – wobbly but I knew I could do it if I could just get started; then back to 30 so I could control. Did 5 pull ups per round because they hurt my shoulder a bit but felt like the strength was there. Flutter kicks were cool. Skipping rope = trippin rope about 2x per round except for one “unbroken” round.
Same problems with static OH holds – just getting started but managed to put 50# in the air and hang out 30 seconds per arm. The putting it back down part got super dodgey – just had to drop it and help control the bounce.
Loved this AGS style programming!!!
For future reference, when we do very heavy OH DB or KB work in Strong Fit, we usually bring out the soft plyo boxes and bail forward onto them. Wish I’d thought of that this morning!
It doesn’t bounce?
Speaking of bounce – why is there a bouncy house just for kids at the pot luck. Can we have one too?
10 AM with Lynsey and Brett
DB Bench 25/30/35/35/45
Pull-ups: green band, all unbroken sets of 8.
Single leg jump ropes are humbling.
flutter kicks happened.
DB OH: 30/35/40/45/50.
12pm Class with Fox and Lyns
:30 Flutter Kicks
8 Strict Pull-Ups on the Fat Bar
Alternating 2 Step JP AFAP
DB Bench @ 50lb DBs, was doing 10-12 each by mistake
Played around with the OH holds at 80lb DBs and then Bottoms up KB holds
them bottoms up KB holds are HARD!
Also fun insider fact in relation to the Greg Glassman article.
Greg is currently doing all the CrossFit.com daily programming. Which is why it looks very different…
Comp prep! Worked through two today one as is the second one modified to feel the pace. It’s a tough one.
1) “Circus Act” @sustained effort:
40′ HS walk – 20/20 break for all rest 15 sec
5 snatches – 115#
rest 15 sec
40′ HS walk
rest 15 sec
3 snatches – 125#
rest 15 sec
40′ HS walk
rest 15 sec
1 snatch – 135#
I think I beat my time by like 3-5 seconds. 3:58ish. I got confused and did an extra 20ft handstand walk after the snatch so I didn’t glance at the clock when I finished the snatch. But I had to have been just under 4 given I started loading my barbell for 135# at 3:15, this time all power and all 5 snatches @ 115# TnG and unbroken
2) WZA WOD 5: modified version
@ every 5 min complete:
10 HPC – 95#
10 FSQ
10 TTB
10 S2O
EASY AB with remaining time
x 3 rounds
2:27 in RD 1, right around 3:27ish for last split but all unbroken. Not sure if that’s completely accurate but david has video.
Ok so this went way better than last time!!! Felt great until the very end so much grip. Still wondering how to break this up with all 30 reps straight through. It’s a 30/30/30/30/30 chipper. hmmmm. Regardless. Not feeling as stressed about this one given I didn’t feel like ass until the last half of the last round
Blogging from the salon chair. Fingers crossed hair turns out purple
“Blogging from the salon chair. Fingers crossed hair turns out purple”
I literally snorted out loud.
I thought something looked different when I saw you for 5s today and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. 🙂
yesterday, 9am w/ fox fam:
power clean EMOM x 15: worked up to 160, then 165, which I hit as a full clean… as lady fox pointed out, at least I stood it up! my 1RM is 165, so i’m happy to have hit 160 in EMOM fashion. plus then I came down to 155 and did 5 more singles there. hollerrrrrr.
wod in 3:42 RX’d. my jerks felt like a hot mess, so I broke 12-8. I was planning to go unbroken, but maybe I was rushing and just couldn’t organize my midline for the life of me. wasn’t using my legs well either, just weird. BUT, the row went well for me — goal was to just get consistent in the first 20 calories and leave some in the tank to sprint the last 10 without falling apart. done!
3x get warm:
1:00 ski (easy, med, hard)
various movements… groiners, bootstraps, twisting, hanging, handstand hand shifts, etc.
4x booty burn:
10ea single leg RDL @ 12kg
:30 ea star plank on hand
10 ea single leg glute bridge shoulders on bench @ 30×2
12pm group class — love a good EMOM!
pull-ups: did 5 reps with false grip on rings each round (5-5-5, then 3-2, 3-2)
bench: 30, 35, 40×3 x 16 reps each set
jump rope: top score was 92 reps in the :30 ! I finally hit the “gold standard”
flutter kicks: these are fun. added an 8# WB over my head for rounds 3-5
OH holds: 45, 50, 53 (24kg) … tried the 32kg KB but that was just NOT happening on my left wrist apparently! only had it up there for about 10 seconds. I’ve carried a 70# DB overhead before, so I think if we had the 60’s or 70’s that would’ve been fine. 75# DB seemed like too big of a jump, but in hindsight maybe not.
Well, shoulder impingement is definitely back, but we are moving forward – back to some rehab stuffs tonight:
3 rounds
Crossover symmetry
:90 Sorensen hold
SA farmers carries down & back in 608 @ 24kg
Then NLWC squats
10RM @ 163# !
-10% 2×10 @ 148#
This is a win. This is a 30# improvement from my 10RM about a month ago. Squat often and you can squat more, I guess!
Then Kharpz remedial deadlift program continued:
3x12e suitcase deadlifts @ 75#
This was harder than usual after squats.
Heading out of town for the rest of the week & hoping to get in a little more rehab + squats and let this flare up settle down. I’m going to be so bummed if I miss the Open fun again…
Easing back after a week off due to a nasty cold.
6-8 pull-ups with the green band
DB bench: 16 total reps at 30#
:30 OH hold: 30#, 35, 40, 45, 50
Wish there was a 55# dumbbell to try.