Dumbbell / Kettlebell Complex
Build to a challenging load on each:
8 Tempo Kettlebell/Dumbbell Front Rack Squats(4021) or 12 Alternating KB/DB Front Rack Cossack Squats
8 Tempo Kettlebell/Dumbbell Single-Arm Rows (4021)
8 Tempo Ring/Matador Dips, Ring Push-Ups, Push Ups, or Elevated Push Ups (4021)
For the Squats, choose Cossacks only if you can move through a full range of motion with some weight. If not then perform the Front Rack Squats, which will allow you to get more of a strength stimulus. Same for the Dips / Push-Ups: choose the movement that allows you to perform full range of motion at a controlled tempo.
Post loads to comments.
Week 5 of 8
2 x 3 Rounds:
1 Minute Max Meters Rowed
2 Minutes Rest
Rest 5 minutes (after the 3rd round)
85-90% effort. Aim to be consistent to within a few meters on each.
Post work to comments.
Register for Active Life Strength!
Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, and improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! This is a predominantly strength-based class specifically programmed to strengthen movements and improve positions based on your individual needs.
The Active Life methods help athletes of all levels identify the root causes of their pain, injuries, and plateaus, and provide solutions for alleviating and eliminating those limitations through strength training, hands on treatment, corrective movements, and program modification. As the Head Coach at Active Life Athletics, Coach Keith worked closely with the Active Life doctors as they developed the system and led the charge to incorporate it into a gym model. Using those principles, this program will help you identify your individual weaknesses and limitations, guide you through the necessary strength and mobility exercises, and get you moving and lifting more efficiently, with less pain. A pain-free athlete is a confident athlete, and a confident athlete is a dangerous athlete. If your goal is to look better, feel better, and go hard into your 80s, this program will help you set and maintain the foundation.
For more information on The Active Life, check out:
- @activeliferx on Instagram
- www.performancecarerx.com
- The Active Life on YouTube
PM Cycle
January 21st, 2019 – March 14th, 2019
Monday and Thursday evenings from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
2x per week for 8 weeks
Register Here!
AM Cycle
February 19th, 2019 – April 11th, 2019
Tuesdays at 10am
Thursdays at 9am
2x per week for 8 weeks
Register Here!
The cost is $160 per month ($320 total plus NY state sales tax). The first charge will occur at the time of registration and the second payment of $160 will occur automatically 1 month later. This cycle is open to all CFSBK members as well as CrossFitters from other affiliates.
(Please note that you are committing to specific days and times and there be no refunds for any missed classes or late cancellations.)
What happens in class?
We will start with testing your single leg strength relative to your Back Squat, your Deadlift stamina relative to your absolute strength, your 1-arm carry ability, and your upper body pressing and pulling. You will then receive progressive strength work during each class to address your weaknesses based on of your test results.
In addition, we will identify your general movement limitations through mobility and flexibility assessments. Each athlete will receive an individualized “Not for Time” piece to complete as a warm up/cool down for CrossFit group class or during standardized warm-ups to address these limitations through corrective movements, stretches, and holds.
“It was nice to delve into mobility and strength issues and focus on only a few movements (Squat, Deadlift, Farmer’s Carry, High Pull, and Overhead Press) that will improve them. I also was grateful to have a workout tailored for my needs, which will help me improve and which will be valuable indefinitely because I can add weight to many of the moves (i.e. Overhead Carry). Pain/soreness was less the impetus for my decision to take Active Life Strength than the hope that I can improve mobility and upper-body strength. ALS was a great addition to regular classes. I’m 56, so there are limits to what I can achieve, but the class gave me hope that with effort and focus I can reach a higher level”—Paul B.
“I liked how the program was tailored for each person’s situation. I thought the personalized quality work assigned to each person was spot-on and really helped address my weaknesses. I would totally take this class again. I definitely felt improvements in the areas I was experiencing pain. My strength has improved as well. I feel more stable in my upper body. I still have a way to go to balance out a strength discrepancy in my legs, but now I know what to pay attention to and have been given the strategy to continue to work on that. As a bonus, I have gained a bit more flexibility and mobility in areas I didn’t know needed it.”—Maria M.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Deadlifts, Hang Cleans, Push Presses, Muscle-Ups
Try to Keep Up With Australia’s Fastest 92-Year-Old Woman NY Times
Do I Need More Vitamin B12? NY Mag
6am w/Ro & Snickers
Cossack Squats with the blue kettlebells
Single Arm Row 40#-50#-50#
Ring dips 8-8-8 tempo was tough on these
Rowing for fun/distance:
297 – 304 – 306 – 311 – 308 – 317
Didn’t know what to expect so came out on the conservative side
8am with Lauren
Double KB FR Squats 12/16/20kg
SA Row 40/50/71lbs (32kg)
Dips – Matador, ring pushups X2 (focus on turning rings out at top – HARD)
344 – 310 – 300
310 – 296 – 309
This was painful, by the end I just didn’t want to do it anymore. Happy with the 344, not happy with the 10%+ delta between fresh and tired.
7 AM with Ro and Lauren
Tempo is rough! Squats with 12kg KB x2, 30# DBs x1. Probably could have managed the 16kg but I’m planning to come back in tonight for some NLWC action so I wanted not to fatigue my legs too much.
Rows with 35, 35, 40#. Should have stuck w/35 for the tempo since Lynsey caught me dropping my shoulder at the bottom on the 40.
Regular pushups. Definitely cannot manage 8 dips at this tempo.
Rows: 273, 273, 273 (Jen said I should play those numbers in the lottery today!), then my second set was far less consistent: 258, 268, 267. In my defense, I tried moving the foot rests from position 4 to position 2 for the second set, and it was WEIRD. Feet didn’t feel secure at all, so I split the difference at 3 for 2 rounds and got my numbers back up a bit.
Super late NLWC commentary…
I had such an epiphany tonight! I’ve been getting cues from Frankie on the clean to relax my arms, but I just could not figure out how to do that and still have tension in my lats. Turns out I wasn’t supposed to have THAT much tension in my lats. So I got up to 52kg x 5 (I am leaving out a MILLION ZILLION reps before that at lower weights), and I got some “good” and “excellent” along the way, and I WILL TAKE IT! (My 1RM is only 125#, which is 56.8kg, which clearly cannot be my 1RM much longer…)
Then a MILLION ZILLION reps of the complex of 1 jump + 1 hang power snatch. Got to 73# x 5 sets of this to finish.
Then Frankie finally let me/made me squat, and WHOA. I have not squatted heavy in way too long, and I haven’t high bar squatted in at least a couple of years. Worked to 175×10, and was blitzed afterward.
A very good day overall!
8 AM class with Lauren.
Squats at 25,40, 50 and 64.
all rows (4 sets) at 30#.
matador dips, 2 sets forward, 2 sets reversed.
Rows: 309/301/300/301/291/289. got a little euphoric in the 3rd flight, decidedly less so in the 6th.
Cossaks: 8kg across
Rows: 20, 25, 30, 35x 2
Matador Dips: 8×3
Ring Push Ups: 8×3
Knew I wouldn’t be able to do 8 ring dips with the tempo, so I decided to do the Matador + Ring Pushups as a sub. Ring pushups were way easier than the matador dips!
230, 231, 230| 230, 220, 231
Didn’t take the full 5:00 rest, because I had to rush to work. Really fell off in the fifth round, but got it together with the encouragement of Elly & Coach Lynsey!
7 am with Ro and Lauren
2 sets of cossacks with 12 kg; 1 set of fr squats with 12 kg
DB row: 35, 40, 40, 40
Dips – just did sets of 4 facing out on the matador keeping the tempo and staying hollow on the way up (except for one).
241, 243, 241 then 240, 239 (uh oh, so): 249. I was lucky to be partnered with Lauren who was a HS rower and is always so supportive. Good tips on watching the split. She really kept me on task for that last 30 seconds of the last row, which felt like a prank (as if someone figured out how to make monitor seconds last much longer than a second. Can I get a witness?)
Weekend highlights: Saturday’s work was really a fun one! Subbed single unders to keep it going but kept the rest as written. I will credit following up this class directly after with Yoga with Whitney for ensuring that I wasn’t sore anywhere! (I had planned on being oooff in the abs and ouch in the pecks but no!) Sunday’s WOD was more than humbling. It was the cleans; specifically the squat part. I started with 73; went to 63 after the first round. Still did not do the cleans unbroken. The good news was the supinated grip chest to bars were easy peasy! 4 rounds plus 12 deadlifts. Followed by pilates with Karina because one can never be too humble.
Always a pleasure, Shawn! The last 30 seconds were definitely longer than the first 30 seconds 🙂
It is a scientifically proven fact that the second half of any sprint interval is three times as long as the first half.
my legs are verrry sore from yesterday’s hang clean extravaganza! today: 12pm group class — love/hate this tempo stuff 🙂
Cossacks 6L/4R on the 4021 tempo — maybe I wasn’t suppose to do that and it was self-inflicted torture, but either way I’m happy I have that control on the L side now. Used 10# DB’s in front rack for 2 sets, then 15# DB’s for 2 sets.
@Allie and @Shawn — did you guys do those cossacks with 8kg / 12kg KB’s in each hand?? #impressed
DB rows @ 25# x 2, 30# x 2. should’ve gone up but just didn’t feel like going to get another DB.
matador dips 3×6 on the tempo, working on not going too low and maintaining scap retraction
*fell of my seat on that second set haha! after talking to Fox, I think i now understand why that’s an occasional problem of mine. fixed up where i was sitting on the seat and some mechanics back to the catch. always learning!
was on track to beat 277 in my last round and then in the last :15 my legs just like stopped working and i lost all semblance of form and just crashed and burned. good times.
cooldown 7 min easy assault bike
I used both KBs. I saw Allie C use the 12kgs too. So impressed! I don’t think I could have used 12kgs with that tempo!
Yup! Thanks! 2 sets of 10 tho. My “tempo” was just because I couldn’t go any faster. #struggles
Hi all,
Sorry to spam, but does anyone want a discounted subway card? Could be fixed value or 7/30-day unlimited. I over-contributed to my transit card and want to spend it all before I leave!
Get in touch if you’re interested: jmbrown224@gmail.com
7:30pm Group Class
3 Rounds + 12 Cossacks
6e Cossacks with two 16kg KBs. These were real hard
8 Tempo Matador Dips
8e Bent Over Rows with 32kg KB
Opted out of the Row because I teach at 8:30 and knowing me, it would have been a bad idea to try sprint intervals before teaching. I would die. Did some accessory arm work
Ready for tomorrows rest day
Front Squats: 12kg KBs, 30#DBsx2
Row: 30#, 35#, 40#x2
Tempo push-ups bc I can’t do 8 tempo dips
267, 267, 266, 264, 262, 263
Pretty consistent! Could have pushed a bit more on the first row but didn’t want to crash and burn!
@sustained pace:
30 sec hollow hold
10 side plank rotations – side
50ft SB carry – HEAVY
x 3 rounds
5 soccer tosses – 5 sets
-SPEED and wake that brain and CNS up!
Exercise History
Front Squat
TOUGH 5 in 15-20 min
Demo Video
Exercise History
185×5! wooo! pretty good stuff. I calculated 90% based off of an estimated 1RM of 210. 190×5 seemed a bit scary for me. So i settled with something that was slightly less scary. I DID IT!! this was very exciting and good for my headgame.
@high effort:
36 Pull-ups
100ft Sled Push – 260
18 Chest-to-Bar
100ft Sled Push – 260
9 Bar Muscle-ups
100ft Sled Push – 260
-SMART rep break up and pace Katie!!
Exercise History
pullups: 12/8/8/4/4 (a mess, kip was weird today)
chest to bar: i dont remember, i think 6/6/3/3
bar MU: 3/3/3
Finished the bar MU at 7:56 mark (previous was 2 bar MU in last year). Just looking at the way i broke up those pullups i can tell i was off today. Even with that virus 4 weeks ago i could hit this one with bigger sets. oh well.
Completed at 9:09.
Should have absolutely finished this around the 7:30ish mark. I felt sick and sort of gave up in the last sled push. Disappointed in that choice. But when i get nauseous i have trouble pushing through it. It would have been different if my legs felt tired, i wouldnt have minded toughing through that! I think the batch of food i made this week may be a little too low in calories. I had a banana PB sandwich and a coconut yogurt after work tonight to get in some extra fuel.
I dont knowww. im not happy with how this went. things felt a bit off here from the getgo. I couldnt really focus or keep my HR down. Ive had trouble focusing in general the past couple of days so im sure that plays a role. A bit of anxiety anticipating the competition coming up most likely. Going to practice controlling that a little bit more this year. is cbd oil helpful for any folks? never tried it before