Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on our normal schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
January 21st – February 27th: CFSBK Coach Development Camp
Join seasoned CFSBK coaches Whitney Hubbard and David Osorio for a 6-week coaching development camp. This program is of interest to novice coaches, experienced coaches, and affiliate owners alike. Click those links to see short videos explaining what each group will gain from this one-of-a-kind program, and read on to learn more!
Goals of the Program
- Ensure that coaches have a sound foundation of the six pillars of effective training: teaching, seeing, correcting, presence and attitude, group management, and demonstration
- Bridge the gap between obtaining a CF Level 1 and developing your coaching practice
- Encourage participants to observe and learn from the methods and standards of CFSBK, while establishing their own style and voice
- Provide guidance, mentorship, and experience
- Allow participants to make mistakes and have fun as they improve their skills
- CF Level 1 Training Course
- CF Anatomy Course (online)
- CF Spot the Flaw Course (recommended, not required)
- Participant must review CF Level 1 training manual prior to first session, should be very familiar with the movement models included, and be prepared to teach and correct in that style
Program Details
Date and Time
- Monday, January 21st to Wednesday, February 27th (6 weeks)
- Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:30-3:30PM (2 days per week)
- Participants can expect to spend an additional 1-4 hours outside of class each week (practical homework, reading, class observations, etc.)
What’s included?
- 12 sessions / 24 hours total in class time
- Small group setting: camp size limited to 12 participants for a 6:1 ratio
- Program handbook, digital resource list, practical homework, class observations
- Coaches will have access to leader’s email address for questions, consultation, and mentorship for the duration of the program
- $550 total, paid in two installments of $225 (average cost of $23/hour in class time)
- First payment will be charged at the beginning of program; the second at the halfway point.
- Handbook, additional resources, and class observation times included in total cost.
Refund/No-Show Policy
- No refunds will be provided for the program.
- If a participant misses a class for any reason, there will not be make-up sessions. However, the participant will still be able to review the handbook and resource list for that day.
Curriculum Outline
In this course we will…
- Review foundational movement models/archetypes and their points of performance
- Focus on how to teach, see, and correct movement with one athlete at a time; eventually we will move to coaching multiple athletes
- Develop our skills to teach more complex movements and progressions
- Expand into group management and running an effective (and fun!) class
- Discuss what it means to be a coach and how our presence and attitude has an impact
Course Methods
- Theory: Course leaders will spend time sharing their years of individual experience as well as the established practices and methods of CrossFit South Brooklyn. We’ll look at various aspects of what makes an effective coach and how to create great training sessions and group classes.
- Practical: We will utilize a series of practicals, where course leaders will provide demonstration and examples of the given topic/movement. This includes: movement models, positions and transitions, common faults, effective cues and correction, etc.
- Break Out: In these sections, participants will test out their skills and actively coach their peers. Course leaders will watch, advice, and coach the coaches.
How to Sign Up
Head over to the event page for more info about the instructors!
Tomorrow: Canned Food and Coat Drive
On Saturday, January 5th, CFSBK will host a winter canned food and coat drive. Bring a winter coat or 5 cans of food to the gym and get one free class on us!
There is a limit of one free class per member during the drive, but you may donate as many items as you wish!
Coats will be donated to New York Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. Canned food will go to Hanson Place SDA Church.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Burpees, Muscle Snatches, Overhead Squats, Pull-Ups
How to Change Without Willpower NY Mag
Raise Your Ceiling Breaking Muscle
Saturday’s Programming
Partner Workout
3 Rounds for Time:
60 Hand Release Push-Ups
60 Squats
60 Push Presses 45/33
60 Sit-Ups
60 Overhead Kettlebell Swings 24/16
60 Double-Unders
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time: partners work together, breaking the reps as needed up so that each partner ends up doing 30 reps each round. Scale to 2 x Singles for the Dubs as needed.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
6am with JB doing Thursday’s work
Snatch Complex w/Stephen
1:20 | 1:19 | 1:16 | 1:15 | 1:02
@95# barbell
Cash out for the win
Blazing Fast times!
7 AM doing tomorrow’s WOD, in which QOTD inadvertently revealed that my pet peeve is something JB does. Sorry JB, I still love you even if you say ex-specially! Maybe I should have said my OTHER current pet peeve, which is group texts. (My in-laws love that sh!t and it drives me insane!)
31:27 Rx with Ellen as my partner. Took everything nice and steady, and got the second round of DUs unbroken, woo!
Amazing, Stella! 🙌🏼
Being able to opt-out of group texts is the iPhone feature I appreciate the most.
Did yesterday’s work today because I felt like absolute poop yesterday.
12 slam ball – 30#
10 plyo lunges – 20″
6 push ups
x 3 rounds
Jeez- had to use 20# slam ball on last round cause that nearly killed me.
Box Squat
Work up to a heavy single in 20 mins
185F thank you Fox for saving me!
170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 195
Yeah so I was doing these kinda wrong. First time doing them and was too fast on the descent and sat for too long so lost tension. Next week, I’ll do better.
20 mins heavy single
Got to 305
Not great but about 250# more than I could have pulled yesterday 😂😂 And all things considered I’m OK with this.
DB Box Step-up
@3010 8 reps/side x 3; rest 30 sec
GHD Hip Extension
@1113; 10 reps x 3; rest 90 sec
Sustained Effort
rest 15 sec
12 WB – 14#
rest 15 sec
45 DU
rest 2:30
x 3 rounds
Managed all unbroken
15 mins easy assault bike
8am with Brett doing Saturday with Robert and Mich (Mish? sorry :P)
35:03min, with Robert as partner A and me + Mich as partner B. 24kg bell + 45lb barbell. This was nice and fun, at no point I was gassed or red-lining, worked up a sweat without feeling crushed. Finished the third round feeling like we could have done a 4th or 5th round. Feeling good, jumped into the strength portion of Short Circuit (weighted bear crawls!), but decided to skip the conditioning.
Hi everyone! I’m still pretty new”ish” to the gym and I’m looking to pick the brains of any runners out there (also not sure I’m posting this in the correct spot on the blog 😬). I’m running the NYC Half in March (my 5th half marathon) and I’m thinking of switching up my usual training approach. In December I stepped up from 2 to 3 times per week at CFSBK so I’m considering a plan of 2 runs, 3 CF sessions per week (with a swim or a bike sprinkled in). The majority of my running/triathlon friends think I’m nuts for even doing CrossFit so I’m hoping there’s someone out there with thoughts on how to productively merge the two. Thanks!!!
I feel like Lady Fox will have some answers to this!
I did marathons the first 2 years I did CrossFit. At the time I was more committed to keeping my total weekly mileage in the 35-50 range (especially leading up to a month before the race), so I did CF only twice a week. But Jess did NYC in 2011 or 2013 and I remember her talking about running less and CrossFitting more than I was and getting good results.
(Haha, I’m quite a different person now: Throw an 800m run in the WOD and I’m like waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!)
Yep, Stella’s correct! I did the 2010 marathon where I averaged about 3 runs a week: one short and fast, one 3-5 mile tempo and a long distance on the weekends. I never ran more that 18 miles before the marathon. And I did CF 4-5 days a week. I always prioritized the squat and deadlift days because I much preferred developing the strength in my legs that way, over logging more miles. And if the workout had running in it, I’d either count that as one of my running days or sub rowing/bike if I still needed to run.
I think your plan sounds good to prep for the Half but would be happy to talk further if you’d like! You can always email me at and we can continue the conversation there!
Surprise one-on-one class this morning – everyone else was doing Saturday! Hang muscle snatches in a WOD were new & fun. Pull-ups completely falling apart was new & frustrating. Thanks for coaching me through it all, Katie. Also, next time you’re at trivia, Marty & Doc travel to 2015(!) in Back to the Future, apparently.
Jumped in to the noon class!
Metcon Rx’d with Jeyoncé and Gabe in 29:04.
Good times 🙂